
Your Skydiving Goals for 2006

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My goals for 2006 are pretty much the same as 2005:
1. stay sober
2. get enough sleep
3. get more fit (i.e. exercise at least 3 times per week)
4. only work 6 days per week
5. pack 200 reserves
6. make 350 tandem jumps
7. make a hundred or so PFF, fun, etc. jumps
8. write commercial pilot exam
9. get a wing suit (may have to sew that my self)
10. gain proficiency on a wing suit, ideally to BMI level
11. train another litter or two of young riggers.
12.organize my loft

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Stay alive
Stay safe
Have fun
Learn to land better and more consistently :S
Get better at RW
Stay excited about the sport
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Oh yeah, forgot one.

If I can crank out a hundred jumps between now and then, save up a bunch of cash, fly to the US, and go to WFFC just that once. And jump a balloon while I'm there.

And buy a non-dorky helmet!
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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My goals:

1. Finish my last two jumps to get my A
2. Learn as much as possible and become a better flyer
3. Practice packing, go through a canopy control class and water training course
4. Visit the tunnel ALOT
5. Make money to get a rig
6. Learn how to freefly
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Goals for '06. All the usualls that pertain to 1. injury free year, 2 no dying. On a lighter note jump for fun,get that digi still cam, jump a paraglider, form a CRW team, numerous downplanes, give back to the sport by assisting in the development of young riggers, vidiots, swoopers,belly fliers, freefliers, staff and students, jump into my old high school football stadium. Rather than train all year with a 4 way team like past years, i'd like to go to Nationals in Eloy with a young fun jumper team with a coach/player 4 way jumper. I like to see the acceleration in flying and the exhileration of accomplishing a hard move for the young 4way jumper.

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1. Finish AFF.
2. Get the "A" License.
3. Land on my feet for the first time.
4. Spend some time in the gym strengthening my legs & knees to minimize the chance of injury.
5. Get one hour of tunnel time.
6. Design & purchase my own RW jumpsuit.
7. Somehow maintain the self-control to avoid any other major purchases (of gear, toys, etc.)! ;)

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Well, other than to stay SAFE, healthy and to not break vital things (self, others, expensive equipment etc)...

1) Do AFF in Seville and *finally* get my A.
2) CH1/CH2
3) Get my B
4) Get me one of those parachute things.

I think that'll do for now ;)

"I have done that," says my memory. "I cannot have done that," says my pride, and remains adamant. At last, memory yields. - Nietzsche

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1.hmmmmm.....first goal is to actually have some money with which to go to russia in june with.
2.avoid working weekends as much as posible.
3.fine tune and hone the skills taught to me by Louis from Avalore Freefly in spain recently whilst on aforementioned weekends off work. ;).
4.definitely do that canopy control course at my DZ.

last but not least....this is perennial..be safe...dont go on jumps above my experience level and dont attempt any landings above my experience level.


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