
Just call me yellow...

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I didnt do my recurrancy jump yesterday. I was soooooooo close, but when it was my chance to go, there wasnt a rig available that had a cypres and even when I jumped all the time, I wouldnt jump without one, just my personal choice. The when one of the dz regulars got there he offered me his rig, however by then my S.O. was busy doing tandems and the winds had picked up a bit too much for me. So call me a big chicken. I wont have a chance to go again for awhile. Its nearly impossible to find childcare for a 6 & 4 yro for the weekend. [:/] I'll be the first to say .."I suck..."

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Bullshit, no you don't.

You would suck if you pushed your comfort level and god forbid had to chase your kids around on crutches for the next month.

You did the right thing not to push your limits, especially being uncurrent.
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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and the winds had picked up a bit too much for me. So call me a big chicken.

I will if you want me to, but I'd prefer to congratulate you for staying on the ground when the conditions weren't right for your experience/comfort level.

Personally I'm a big chicken too. When students go on wind hold, I like to grab the video camera and catch the carnage in the landing area for our year end video instead of jumping. :D

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Good for you. It is nice to know that responsible people are raising children these days. I think you choice is commendable. You should never force yourself beyond your personal safety limits.

I for one do not jump if there are clouds in the area. I know my limits and my comforts. You have shown that you know yours as well. Good for you.

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No sweetheart, you don't suck. Trust your instincts.

I just came off a 4 month "Vibe Hold", and I have a couple thousand jumps, AFFI, fly a small fast parachute, etc. But as a Mom, when things don't feel right, I don't jump. Who cares what anyone else thinks.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Stay safe.
If you're not comfortable with conditions, equipment, etc., then you will be less safe.

The sky will still be there when you're ready. ;) There's nothing worse than spending a long time laid up, thinking about your last jump and what you should or shouldn't have done.

Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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If you are a chicken, then allow me to officially welcome you to the Chicken Club. I like to think I'm providing a public service for my fellow skydivers by being the first to sit down when conditions become questionable. Once I choose not to jump, suddenly others follow me to the bench. There is a real pressure to not be the first person to back down. I am apparently immune to it.

I have had several uncomfortably close calls resulting in scary canopy rides that often ended in me being dragged halfway across the dz. I have witnessed hard landings resulting in serious injury and I will do everything in my power to avoid that or a worse fate.

I was talking to someone about this and I told him that since I know I am not a great canopy pilot, I won't go unless the conditions are nearly perfect. He assured me that indeed I am the best canopy pilot because I have absolutely guaranteed my own safety (unless I choke to death on my sandwich).

Contratulations for making the right choice. This is especially true since you are uncurrent. You're not a chicken. You are a smart jumper and being smart makes you safer. And it is the right choice because we can confirm that you will live to jump another day.

If we're ever at the same dz on a day when the winds get nasty, please join me for a leisurely lunch.

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I have already been at the plane, and have gotten a bad feeling.....turned to my jump partner, and said.....no, don't wanna jump....too rushed and I am not ready....

we were running to catch a load.....we WERE to rushed....

we didn't jump ...and that is ok....he is experienced over 20000 jumps,,,,,,and he said if you aint reay, you aint reay....


you are a pilot, the pilot, of your body.....

if you don't want to fly your body for whatever reason, stay on the ground.........

GOOD GOOD decision.......

you can jump another day...the way you want....

big al

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I gotta add my $0.02.

Like all the others have said...

Congrats on the decision you made. There's nothing "chicken" about it. AND if anyone gives you any serious shit about it, bop 'em on the nose...at least once.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Anyone who gives you a hard time, or looks down at you, for being cautious is just an idiot. Do not worry about not feeling it. At altitude once, a guy refuse to jump due to cloud cover and an approaching storm cloud. I tell you...the collective sigh of relief could be felt throughout that plane. Several others decided to also ride the plane down. It seemed like a good idea to me (live to jump another day), so I joined them. We buckled in, turn off AADs, and the pilot gave us all a hell of a fun ride home. Zero g is a lotta fun, and pilots like to show off.

Of course...when we landed we were met with cheers of [BEER] for first ride down with the plane...:D

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Can't say I look down on anyone that decides not to jump. After all, their the sane ones on the load. Were the crazy ones. I'd say good job on having the sense not to do this crazy shit. :P
Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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