
Why do people insist that skydiving gear is too expensive?

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With hockey, soccer or ringette, it's only expensive when you make it that way. When I started hockey, everything but my skates was used. I couldn't be bothered with the bells and whistles. What I saved in gear, I put them into training. To me, that's a better investment.

With skydiving, I'm definitely buying the rig used. I'm short, so fitting is a problem for me. But you know, it's a matter of being at the right place at the right time. It helps to always keep a lookout for used gear, too. There's always something out there.

It's all in the head, IMO. If a skydiver thinks being draped in brand spanking new gear from head to toe makes them better, then more power to them. I, for one, won't be dragged into this pissing contest.

I'm a trust fund baby who cares about skydiving AND booze. Glenfiddich, anyone?:ph34r:
Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

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That's a shitty rig for $4,500.

Congrats, that's the most ignorant post I've read in ages, and I was reading the Titusville thread.

Never insult a man's wife, motorcycle or rig.

But it IS shitty! Only silly uneducated hippies jump Racers!:P

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competition skydiving is where it starts to cost a serious amount of cash, even at rookie level .
with the introduction of more wind tunnels skill levels are shooting up but so is the cost of keeping up with progression .
my kit was not cheep but i think it was worth every penny, ye of course i would of liked it to have cost less but that's the same with everything.
when i look at what i have spent in the 3 years in the sport, it's a big lump, but against what i have got out of it, it's been worth it . i have achieved goals i am happy about but i also know I'm still at the beginning of the ride .

i think it all depends what you want out of it .

keep on keepin on :)

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I'll have you know I have a crew cut and a closet full of khaki!

Oh and by the way, the reason they are comfortable is that they are made for people....

...not sheep!:P

See, I can be a stinker too! nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!

I just won't insult someones gear personally, even if it's lime green tye dye with red flames and pink bows...

...Which is a $200 option from most manufacturers;)
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.

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That's a shitty rig for $4,500.

Congrats, that's the most ignorant post I've read in ages, and I was reading the Titusville thread.

Never insult a man's wife, motorcycle or rig.

Hi Mr T

Cyber space, no profile etc, opinions are like A-holes except better more entertaining:)

80's gear is old

:D:D Sounds to me like a uninformed consumer, to bad we don't have the time any more to teach the history/basic's of skydiving.

If I was in the DZ business AFF & Tandems would be where it's at. Terminal velocity on your first jump o boy. bring credit card.

The student packs their rig on their first jump no time or $$$ in it. Packing lessons cost extra when time allows.

History of jump gear, Different types, advantages and disadvantages, materials etc. No time no money in it.

The only bitch i have about my 80's gear is it's not safe for free flying buy since we're not interested in FF who cares.

Swift reserve:o

Dude you need to get a new reerve your only jumping half a canopy (5 cell)


Dude your still jumping a PC without a kill line?


Dude What happend to your jump suit you don't have any booties


Dude you gotta have a cypress

To bad the majority of skydivers these days that die can't land a perfectly good parachute. Anyone have data on the # of cypress save's vs experience level and type of jumping?. No time or $$$ to collect the data, how may cutters are sold/yr?

These days we've got nice alti's withyellow and red colors, dytters that buzz at three different altitudes and experienced fun jumpers have to have a cypress that are a money pit that will turn into a paper weight in 12 yr's.:|


Dude you gotta have a full face helmet ( with carry bag that match's the color of the rest of your gear) or at least a protec.

FWIW the full face helmet is not impact rated but it does look cooler than the protec and you don't have to wear the dorky looking goggles.

first we started with football helmets(befor our time) than motorcycle helmets (ANSI impact rated FWIW) then the frap hat went from the style and AC freeks to fun jumpers. Full face helmets? that stuff started with the world class teams so they could crank their points without the distraction of wind and noise. Now every one has to have them. in spite of their lack of a impact rateing.

FWIW Cost of first set of gear: Military surplus gear, (first owner) after uncle sam, round 7tu round reserve $150 max paid cash. (Going to school on the G.I. bill $175/month) cost/jump cessna 7500' $3.50.

You want it all, now, brand new gear matching colors state of the art for FF. Tunnel time, coach's B| Just bring CC we're your part of the brotherhood and we want to take care of you. Pls sign the waiver and bring CC or $$$.

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With skydiving, I'm definitely buying the rig used. I'm short, so fitting is a problem for me. But you know, it's a matter of being at the right place at the right time. It helps to always keep a lookout for used gear, too. There's always something out there.


Glad to hear someone has the same problem. When I was looking for used gear I had the WORST time finding a rig to fit a 5 foot tall woman that didnt require buying a really small main. Well I looked and looked and was almost about to buy a new container and used everything else but I FOUND a used Mirage being sold by a 5 foot tall woman. Man I was so happy that day! Goes to show it you wait it out a bit you can find it used. So I got to buy all my gear used except my cypress I bought new.
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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How short? J schrimsher has a rig he just obtained and may be letting it go cheapish. I think he has a weight belt and some other stuff.

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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just have to find a good deal.. I just bought a wings rig with a 170 main and reserve with a jumpsuit and a helmet all for $1000.00 so deals are out there..Just have to look

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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I know they don't have to. I'm one of the newbie's that didn't but for every one of us, there seems to be 100 newbies that just have to have a new rig. Everything new and shiney. Nevermind that you're going to have to spend 45 minutes packing that brand spanking new slippery ZP canopy before you can jump again. Oh, wait...no they don't...I suppose if you can afford a new rig, then you can afford to hire a packer.

I started out with a pretty much brand new rig, just picked up a new skydiving main and a full BASE rig, and I always use a packer at the dropzone. Does that make you angry? :D

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How short? J schrimsher has a rig he just obtained and may be letting it go cheapish. I think he has a weight belt and some other stuff.

Im only 5 feet tall but I found a great Mirage that fits perfect! I lucked up when I found that one for sale. I think that MLW is like 13dd/14...

I bought a weight belt when I first started jumping but I never use it because I dont have a big problem staying with people SO FAR even at 105 lbs. :D
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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Why do new jumpers insist on buying expensive new gear that they'll out grow in a year or two and then complain that gear is so expensive and that they don't have money left over to jump?
And for the record: My 1st rig--Vector 2, Silhouette 170, PD reserve and a cypress with 4 yrs left--$1700. It is possible to get a more than just barely air worthy set up for cheap.

ahem, it's freaking easy to say this if you're a woman sized in the mid 5 foot range where appropriate beginner size canopies and containers exist by the thousands. You can buy the little newbie's first canaopy, the midsized person's second, and the big guy's 3rd or 4th. It's a whole different matter for 6' men with 200lb exit weights. There the used market is full of compromises and forced downsizes.

I did see something close to your 1700 - it too was a V2, had a well used Falcon 215, 2 years on the Cypress. Can't remember the reserve type. $1850.

So I bought a new container. 1200. A new reserve 800 - PDs and Smarts in the 200 range are pretty rare. Found a lightly used ZP for 600. (Last spring's Triathlon selloff was pretty sweet too). So my rig was perhaps 2700...if I could have found a 2-4 year cypres it would have been around 3 and a much better option that was available.

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How much did a wonderhog, a main, and reserve cost in 1980's? :)

Not sure about the eighties, but in the seventies I thought a Wonderhog at $320 was outrageous when most other rigs were going for $240'ish. Strato Stars were $549, and a good National Bias LoPo reserve went for $365 if I recall. Nobody used AADs, so that was a wash. My Silly Suit cost something like $90 and I thought THAT was pure highway robbery. Ditto for the $10 prices to 12,500 that went into effect in 1980. What the fuck, did they think we were MADE out of money ?!?

Reserve repacks went from $5 to $10 when the FAA changed the rules from 60 to 120 days and anybody who suggested paying somebody else to pack their main for them would've been pelted with beer bottles - and not all of them would've been empty bottles either.

Sky sports ain't cheap - never have been & never will be. It's all a matter of setting your priorities.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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To bad the majority of skydivers these days that die can't land a perfectly good parachute. Anyone have data on the # of cypress save's vs experience level and type of jumping?. No time or $$$ to collect the data, how may cutters are sold/yr?

quite a chunk are tandems. Don't want to remark on the different environment they face, but TIs are pretty experienced.


These days we've got nice alti's withyellow and red colors, dytters that buzz at three different altitudes

What wrong with either of these things? Color bands make sense - easier visibility. 3 buzzers can correspond to b/o, pull, oh shit altitudes. I only had mine a couple months before the forced timeout, but it seems like the right design to be worth the cost and hassle factor of an added piece of gear.

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RIP....you seem to be very, very old :)

Hi Bozo

You know the deal better than I do but ITSOC to keep this thread going.......:P

Being a very very old skydiver is a good thing.:)
To many folks in the sport will never have the chance to get olderB|.skydiving or otherwise:(
Thats a bad thing:(:(

Old skydiving joke but still current:)
Who says skydivers are stupid>:( We invented a whole new way to kill ourselves:)
If anyone with more than 5 jumps doesn't understand the hidden meaning of the " joke" ask your instructor or another old fart:)
It might save your life and its freeB|

To bad I'm to old to remember the hidden meaning or I'd tell you myself.:S

Ho Ho HO

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These days we've got nice alti's withyellow and red colors, dytters that buzz at three different altitudes

What wrong with either of these things? Color bands make sense - easier visibility. 3 buzzers can correspond to b/o, pull, oh shit altitudes. I only had mine a couple months before the forced timeout, but it seems like the right design to be worth the cost and hassle factor of an added piece of gear.

Alti? The yellow before the red IMO is band aid. Red is Red ignor it and you might hurt yourself real bad. If you need yellow to tell you that red is next in 5 sec's talk to your instuctor:|

The three buzzer deal IMO is a great unit and there's nothing newer thats better i highly recommend it:o

The dig is the cypress came out before the 3 bell audio alti. Tandem guy's FF students etc need a AAD:o. Unless you've been knocked out in FF or otherwise B| and you don't pull after the third bell IMO you should not be jumping.

If a jumper is knocked out and has to land a open reserve on autopilot :o The reserve will increase their chance of jumping another day, but shit happens: water, Bldg, power lines, down winder, Mcnasty ect ect.

Review the incident statsfor no pulls with you instructor: What happened? why did it happen? how many times has it happened? What type of jumping am I doing Whats the cost to benifit ratio of a cypress that for my type of jumping is a triple or quad redundent safety system that may add 20% to the cost of the Brand new best state of the art safest gear money can buy.:S

Does a swooper need a cypress? Nothing wrong with swooping if that what you want to do but IMO the cost of a cypress might be better spent learning from a pro how to swoop.

BTW Old stuff the debate has been going on for ages.


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How short? J schrimsher has a rig he just obtained and may be letting it go cheapish.

And there's at least on in the classifieds as well (it's my BF's old rig; absolutely cherry condition, sized for a 150).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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ahem, it's freaking easy to say this if you're a woman sized in the mid 5 foot range where appropriate beginner size canopies and containers exist by the thousands.

Yep, I had such an easy time...not. I may be in the mid 5' range, but I'm sort of a "big boned" girl, so to find a rig that was short/small enough that would fit a main big enough was not easy. See the attached picture. That is how my thigh used to look while jumping our club's transition rig, until I started putting oven mitts down my jump suit so I could get the leg straps tight enough because the container was too long. I wouldn't have had this problem if I was 6', 200lbs. So this might be a 'grass is greener on the other side'. I would think it would be easier to find a beginner rig for someone 6', 200lbs than for me. There's more men in this sport, more people that look like you than me. It's all perspective.

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For those of you who complain that skydiving is expensive:

I know that it's expensive compared to bowling but it's not that bad compared to a fews other "club" kinds of outdoor activities that many people participate in.

Would you rather spend your weekends boating? Go find out how much it costs to buy a decent boat and then rent a slip for it somewhere.

How much does a Harley cost these days?

Honestly, last night I was at a friends house and they were showing me their "aquarium". Let me tell you how easy it is to spend $5000 bucks on fish !!! Not knocking anyone else's hobbies or sports/activities, but I think I will gladly stick to skydiving. The cost of this sport may be a bit high, but who the hell has as much fun as we do ?? I think its all relative and you get what you pay for.
You think you understand the situation, but what you don't understand, is that the situation just changed.

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*** That's a shitty rig for $4,500
FWIW Cost of first set of gear: Military surplus gear, (first owner) after uncle sam, round 7tu round reserve $150 max paid cash.

Gothcha beat, RIP. First rig, a Mark I PC in an extended B-4 surplus container, $125. Still had to rent a reserve for a few months until I got one of those.B|

I've tried to sell used gear from time to time, but it doesn't seem to move, even at a low price. Maybe it's just the contraction of the sport.

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Full face helmets? that stuff started with the world class teams so they could crank their points without the distraction of wind and noise.

Not true there, competitive RW has people moving super fast and very close. I have my full face to protect my chin. I prefer the wind and noise, but having taken a few really good shots of knee on chin, and seen a few busted noses, the extra coverage is well worth it.

It wasn't until later than I just found it more comfortable and convenient - and I'm an old frap hat fan originally.

If you just do "fun" jumps and the skill levels aren't so high, or if you have a very impact resistant face, I also wouldn't invest in the full face, a pro-tect if fine.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I just purchased a used Factory Diver full face from ebay. I bought this because it is getting cold and I thought the full face helmet would be more comfortable. Being a desert rat all of my life, I really HATE TO BE COLD. I know on my one AFF jump, it was really cold when they opened the door and I remember thinking that. Once I jumped, I don't remember any cold until I got under canopy.
I figured if they don't want me to use it for my training dives, I would be able to use it down the line and I am pretty sure I got a good deal at 140, with a brand new spare sheild and padded storage bag.
Anyhow, flame away at my lack of cold tolerance.
"I'm not lost. I don't know where I'm going, but there's no sense in being late."
Mathew Quigley

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