
10way speed start from the jet

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Jet jumps were happening as part of the Christmas boogie at Perris. Yesterday they did a very informal 10way speed start competition. It was great fun. There were at least a couple of completions. Our group had 9 out of 10 together at 6500 feet. The plane holds 80 and gets to altitude in 4 minutes. They did 2 passes, 40 jumpers each. It was pretty cool seeing the first group shuffle down the aisle, a quick go round and then it was our turn. I was first in our group of 10. The exit blast was powerful, but the air was pretty clean. I exited with my arms in to my chest and then put an elbow out into the wind. It cleanly flipped me around and I got to watch the rest of our group exit the plane far away across the sky. We set it up with base and pin as 5 & 6 out. I got to track across the sky to get back. It was a blast. There was huge lateral distance to cover, but not much vertical. Great fun, a little expensive, but highly recommended.

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There was huge lateral distance to cover, but not much vertical.

I have done a linked exit from the 727. That mitigates the distance problem. You still get blown apart shortly after exit, but you are a lot closer.

In the attached pic, we are still pretty close after exit (you can still see the jet in the background). We had a 20 second time building the star.

I apologize for the quality of the pic. It was one of the first digital cameras and it was freaking out trying to change the pixels from frame to frame. The video is odd looking.

I have another pic just after exit, but it looks like a multi-colored smudge under a jet.

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Isn't it a speed STAR, or have I been saying it wrong all this time? I thought the formation built was a star.

If you look at my reply (above) you'd see the title was corrected. ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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