
Did you have to repeat any AFF levels?

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I never had to repeat any levels, but some I was pretty sure I had failed. One thing that helped me was doing more than one jump in a day. The second and third jump of the day always went much better than the first.


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Level . 1,2,3. Pass no problems.

REPEAT Level # 4..... 5 TIMES !!! :D:D

Just could not relax !!

You will hear that over & over .. But that's the key.

Let your wrists go limp & breathe !

Worked for me..

Now go kick its ASS !!! YEE HAA !!!! ;)
I am NOT being loud.
I'm being enthusiastic!

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I got through all my levels without a repeat BUT i was so motivated as the cost of 2 instructor and even 1 instructor jumps was adding up fast! I would stand in the corner prior to my jump and just drill my routine over and over and over. Although on my 7th jump I turned 180 and tracked away and really liked it so I tracked a lil more then realized it was about time to pull...so I went to a wave off and pull....POW on my back (forgot to transition to a stable arch-i was flying!)..on my back trying to "roll outta bed" ..on my back...second try made the turn over and pulled fast! - turned out to be a nice deployment but I was pushing my altitude. So that was a gimme :)

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Attempted AFF in Sebastian in 2003. Had to repeat level 4 once, then had two goes at level 5 and had a relax dive. I was really frustrated and my holiday and money ran out. At the beginning of last year, I did 10 minutes in a wind tunnel and then last summer, I passed all 8 levels in 8 jumps, no problems.
Keep at it and would suggest tunnel time if you can. If nothing it boosts your confidence which makes it easier to relax - I found the performance anxiety on AFF was far worse than the fear...
Skydiving is more than a sport and more than a job: skydiving is pure passion and desire which will fill a lifetime.

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Did fine up until level 6. JM says that I wasn't stable enough on exit so he made me repeat. I was completely shocked. I really thought it was BS. I asked for a different JM on the repeat dive and passed without a hitch.

So far, this is the oldest I've ever been.

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Lots of students have to repeat one or more AFF jumps. You can't believe you forgot to count ? I can. You're in an unfamiliar environment where there's a good bit of mental overload. Concentrating on part of the jump and forgetting something else is not at all unusual. The thing is, to get 100 jumps in your logbook, you have to jump 100 times. To log 1000 jumps, you have to jump 1000 times. In the long run, a few more or less AFF jumps won't matter. Your instructors will tell you what you did right, what you did wrong, and what to do on the next jump. Listen to them, rehearse what you can on the ground before the jump, do the best you can on that jump. That worked for everybody else here, and it will work for you, too.

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I had to repeat my CAT "C" or level "3" as some call it. But after that my coaches said I was awesome and I completed everything in 6 jumps! ( did my "d" and "E" in 1 jump each)B| Since I got my own gear now I am waiting till sat. for the packing course!--yay
My drinking team has a skydiving problem

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At the DZ where I did my AFF as the story has it someone did 17 repeats on a level five.
As far as I know they went on to skydive solo.
Don't be hard on yourself.
The biggest downside to repeats is the cost [:/]

I repeated level five because I couldn't do two 360's.
Slept on the failure and cracked it the next day after a good pep talk from my instructor.

I look at it like learning to swim, once you can do it you never forget how.

Try to relax and the rest will follow.:)
Fly Like Zie Eagle, Not Like Zie Chicken !
Good advice from an instructor I know.

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Did any of you experienced jumpers have to repeat any AFF levels?

I'm not experienced, but: yes.

I went to the tunnel twice, getting 30 minutes each time. I think the first time helped somewhat and the second time helped a lot.

I pretty much passed AFF 7 on jump 46. I say "pretty much" because the freefall, opening, and most of the canopy ride went well, but I screwed up the flare/landing and the planet didn't get out of the way for me - how rude!

Keep at it.

Relax! (I know you're tired of hearing this. :) )

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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I'm not experienced, am still doing my consols but I had to retake my level 5...Did a great right hand turn and couldn't go left, banged in another right for luck anyway! Was gutted when I had to retake but I passed the next time no problem....The more jumps you do, the better you'll get...its just the cost that you should be worried about [:/]....good luck...let us know how you get on XX B|
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I did level one it was awesome... no sensory overload... perfect exit, smooth sailing the whole way through.

Then I went to Orlando and flew for 15 minutes. I was stable, full range of motion, it felt like I was doing this for years.

I showed up at the DZ when I was back home, but there was only one instructor that could jump with me. The other had recently hurt himself. I was there to drop of some feel better beer, I wasn't even dressed to jump. But I showed them my DVD and next thing you know I am off to level two with one instructor.

Exit went great... did my COA, then the dive objectives. Keep the sun as my heading. The instructor was going to spin me away from the sun, I was to turn us back. Unfortunately I had brain freeze and had my legs on my but.

Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun sun... SHIT!!! sun sun sun sun!!!!! Alt... sun... alt... sun... alt... sun... SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!! Locked on altimeter... wave wave.... PULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linetwists all the way from riser to canopy. :D I was so mad, I remember landing and punching the ground. My instructor asked me what I was so mad about? He pretty proud I pulled exactly on time.

:ph34r: That set me back a little and I repeated level three and additional time then it clicked again, and I have been mediocre ever since. :P
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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Let me tell you about my jumps and this should cheer you up!;).

I have 7 jumps at this point, 3 tandems, 4 solos and STILL at level 1>:(

At my dz, student jumps are with 1 instructor, not 2.

My first "solo", radio was not working or it was never turned on, so had no assistance from the ground.

Flew a crappy pattern, then committed a real dumbass mistake, I made a LOW turn and then to top it off almost landed on the runway itself.

"Solo jump 2", definetly better, forgot to do my 2 pht's, never did get my legs in the correct position.

"Solo jump 3", I am still paying the price for this one almost 4 months later, definetly my worst jump of all the ones I have made.

Never got positioned in the door correctly, dropped my shoulder at pull time, then comes the landing, or should I say the "impact" or the "crash", for whatever reason I never got the toggles past shoulder level (half brakes),:o then picked my feet up :o never did a plf, and impacted right on my tailbone, which resulted in said tailbone being badly bruised.

It hurt unlike anything I have ever experienced and hope to never experience again and it stayed like this for about 6 weeks before I even began to feel better, even now almost 4 months later it sometimes still bothers me.

"Solo jump 4", first jump after the tailbone injury.

Upon exiting the plane, I sort of "balled up" and kicked my legs, which resulted in a very UNstable freefall, after about 15 seconds, I got everything together, and the last half of the freefall was great. The landing was the best one I have had yet, but I still ended up landing on my ass, Good thing the landing was much softer:| .

So after 4 "solo" jumps, I am still at level 1, trying to keep from becoming too dejected with myself[:/] .

I am going to Orlando next week for some tunnel time to see if it might help .

I have to get back in the air and jumping again soon, because as more time goes by I am finding it increasingly difficult to keep motivated and easier to say "screw all of this" >:( >:( >:( >:( .

As I have said before, my damn pride and ego will not let me quit at this point.

This might make me a hypocrite, but keep your head up, try to stay cheerful and motivated.

Good luck and keep us informed:)

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I feel your tailbone pain. For me, it was my ankles. Yeah, broke both in six months. My boss is not happy with me right now.[:/]

Have done Cat. C four times now but I just can't relax. Sure, I could blame the spin on the rig (I'm 5'0) but it wouldn't help things.

I started with static line, then when progress was at a standstill, I got switched to AFF. Love both my instructors. We're all similar in size! :ph34r:

Can't wait to get back in the air again. Hey ScottTX, who's your instructor? Your profile says you jump at Spaceland.
Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

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Did you break your ankles skydiving?

The tailbone is much better than it was several weeks ago, I would say its about an 80 percent improvement, but there is still a discomfort level although I am a wimp when it comes to pain tolerance:P

I want to get back in the air again also, but it was my choice, after getting input from other jumpers at Spaceland, NOT to jump until I get back from the tunnel.

I have NEVER been one to quit when difficulties happen, I cannot stand to fail at anything, its the way I am, but at some point reality has to take over:| .

Sure hope the tunnel helps, because I am to the point that I consider this a last resort, if the tunnel doesnt help, well then it might just be time to get that pair of bowling shoes.

I gave serious, very serious consideration to going to another dz, not just the other one that is located near here, but others in the state, my job allows me very flexable travel opportunities. But for now at least I intend to stay here at this dz.

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Yup, hard landings. I have small ankles.

Tunnel does help a lot. I'm hitting up SkyVenture Orlando in April or May.
Why don't you just go to the police station in a red clown suit and let everybody know what we're doing here?

I have a phobia for moobs. Thanks, youknowwhoyouare.

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