
Can you help me locate Frank Kenyon

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Hello All,

I am looking to locate Frank Kenyon. I know that he is a tandem instructor and was hoping other instructors would know him and could help. I did a skydive with him and my brother at Lake Wales skyiving center on January 17, 2007. My brother passd away about a week ago (non skydiving related) and it would mean the world if anyone could help locate Frank Kenyon to see if he might still have this video. If you know Frank or how I might get in touch with him please let me know.

Best Regards,

Brad Knapp

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just trying to help out...

Frank would have been better served had you notified him that someone was looking for him rather than publicizing personal info for him. That's all.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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My thoughts and prayers are with Bradford Knapp and his family. I've contacted Bradford and sent him a DVD of the jump I did with him and his brother back in January at Lake Wales. Thanks to Andy for trying to protect my email address, and thanks to Ozzie Brad for posting my email for Bradford... no worries, all is good... Hope all is well Mike W, Ozzie Brad, and Andy....
Blues Skies and peace... ~frank kenyon

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