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Today I saw a picture on FB from a jumper who had taken his helmet off under canopy in order to snap some shots of himself flying around.

I don't have the experience level of most of you, but to me it seems that you would lose a great deal of awareness during this activity.

I liken it to driving in rush hour traffic (how I perceive a crowded sky) while using your phone to take selfies, which would be quite dangerous, although the risk of death with a collision is lower.

Risky with 1/20 doing it, crazy dangerous when 15/20 start doing it. Again, all in my less than expert opinion.

I am wondering what the consensus is on this from a safety standpoint? Is it fine? Is it an issue? Is there grey area?


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Aside from your (good) point, there's also the possibility of endangering people or property on the ground if the helmet is dropped.

Back in the good old days (not as old as your days :P) of the late 90's, the French 8way team usually took their helmets (full faces) off after opening, for comfort I guess.

I always thought it was sub-ideal.

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since you saw this in a few pictures is it possible they jumped without a helmet and had a gopro on a hand mount set to take pictures on a timed interval? That wouldn't necessarily reduce awareness unless the guy was too busy trying to get a glamor shot to watch for traffic.

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I liken it to driving in rush hour traffic (how I perceive a crowded sky) while using your phone to take selfies...

Do you know the sky was crowded on the referenced jump?

With proper planning, a selfie - like nearly anything in skydiving - can be done safely. Clear air and a tethered camera/helmet should deal with the vast majority of the risks.

TI's with hand-cams capture selfies all the time. Would you consider that dangerous?
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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I asked that to the poster, and he said he was the last out and after he opened he counted all the other canopies on the load (an otter) 'like he always does' and made sure they were all landed before he removed his helmet to shoot the selfies.

Personally, at my experience level I don't know that I could count every canopy accurately after a jump. Certainly not quickly enough and confidently enough that I was confident in drawing the conclusion I was 100% alone in the sky. (Was there 20 on this one, or only 19... etc.)

I suppose I am of the mind that a full otter load, means a full sky until my feet are back on the ground.

I could see some grey area, but also plenty of danger, which is why I posed the original question. A controlled jump with a secured device where you were alone in the sky would certainly reduce the risk to others, imo.

Tandem instructors have much higher levels of experience than I do, and the jumper in question here as well. Again, I think there probably IS grey area.

"With proper planning, a selfie - like nearly anything in skydiving - can be done safely. Clear air and a tethered camera/helmet should deal with the vast majority of the risks."

Agreed, I guess that is the key to executing anything well. Proper planning and execution.

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the French 8way team usually took their helmets (full faces) off after opening, for comfort I guess.

I always thought it was sub-ideal.

Um, they're French.
Nuff said.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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