
Most interesting out landing?

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A pig farm in North Texas. It was an end-of-day jump into a restaurant where we frequently ate and one of the other guys on the load (a 182) had a bunch of family waiting there to watch. Bad spot (obviously) and we ended landing in this pig farm about a quarter mile from the restaurant on the other side of a major highway. I'll tell ya', you haven't lived until you're looking down under canopy as you head into a filthy, stinking pig farm with all these several hundred pound porkers running around and as you get closer the oinking and grunting just keeps getting louder. And oh, the smell. Yes it was a wonderful experience.

But I know what you're thinking, why didn't we just turn off and land somewhere else? Ahhh, a bit of inexperience I guess. It was a big pig farm and we just pushed it to try to get back as close to the restaurant as we could, probably because we were hungry and didn't want to have to walk any farther than we had to. So we found ourselves finally in a position where the pig farm was the only place we could land. We did manage fortunately to land in some small clear walkway areas between the actual pens which saved us from landing in some pretty vile stuff (and also permitted us to still be allowed into the restaurant to eat).

But we never let Curtis (whoops, did I let that name slip?) live down that evening that he spotted us into the pig farm.....
"And when the prophet shall arise who appeareth as a bird then the time of the Lord draweth nigh and the flock shall rule the earth."

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In Eugene we took too long in the door and by the time I opened I realized I had my choice of two fields. One with cows the other without. I convinced myself not to swoop a cow(it was really hard) and landed in the other field. Good choice- the cows were bulls.

woa....that was cool....

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Just a couple of weeks ago at Lake Wales, we were attempting a new Deaf World Record night jump (we did get it with a 3 point 8 way!), and the videographer spent too much time looking out the door for the DZ when the "GO" was given. He finally climbed out and the rest of us set up the exit and went. After the successful dive, we all tracked away and dumped, and then everybody's going "oooooh fuuuuuuck!!" while frantically looking for the DZ, which turned out to be over a mile away! Only one of our group made it back to the LZ, the rest of us had to pick out a place to land, mostly in near pitch black darkness. I made the mistake of not briefing myself on the "outs" so I didn't know what the large black areas were, so I opted to shoot for a small area near the highway where I could see the ground with help from the street lights... Everyone else landed in the fields, some narrowly missing power lines, fences, and whatnot... the videographer, poor guy landed the furthest out, in a swamp in muck up to his knees! :S He was the only one (fittingly enough) in the group to have a cell phone or something to call the DZ with and say he was okay, just lost. Finally nearly 3 hours later he was located by searchers when they spotted his flashing flood light from the camera gear...B| We'll be talking about that jump for years!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I've only landed out (well, far out that is) once and it was in a baseball field. I thought it was pretty fun. Whats the strangest out landing youve had?

I had a tandem malfunction years ago at my former DZ. After cutting away, I followed the main down and we landed in a cemetary not far from the airport. After gathering the gear, we were picked up by a guy who was out flying his helicopter that day. He flew us back to the DZ.

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The only out landing i'v ever had was on my first jump on a 210.

I was playing around to much and got to low to make it back over a rocky hill between me and the landing area. Decided to land on a dirt road.......crosswind. what i didn't know was the the road had barb wire fence on both sides:o

I made it on the road without hitting the fence but ended up putting a large bruse on my hip and ripping my brand new to me jumpsuit when I went to PLF.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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ok i screwed up I just remember my off landing at the WFFC

was jumping with Gimp, and Lewmonst out of the chopper. I lost alti awareness and threw out at 2k gimp pulled lower and had a cypress fire. Lew pulled and made it back but Gimp and I landed in a Soy bean field were his main and freebag came down. We had to jump a HUGE ditch to get back accross to the road and Gimp got one of his shoes stuck in the mud:D I felt like a jackass for a while b/c the whole time Lew who was doing video and stills was pointing at me the whole time...............i had forgotten what that ment:S:S>:(
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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I put a 22' round reserve into the little round 'park & watch' area near the center of your pic...

Scared the heck out of a couple of people 'smokin' a bowl' when I came PLF'ing in right next to their car...:ph34r:

Took me a while to get back to the DZ as I recall!;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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ok i screwed up I just remember my off landing at the WFFC

was jumping with Gimp, and Lewmonst out of the chopper. I lost alti awareness and threw out at 2k gimp pulled lower and had a cypress fire. Lew pulled and made it back but Gimp and I landed in a Soy bean field were his main and freebag came down. We had to jump a HUGE ditch to get back accross to the road and Gimp got one of his shoes stuck in the mud:D I felt like a jackass for a while b/c the whole time Lew who was doing video and stills was pointing at me the whole time...............i had forgotten what that ment:S:S>:(

Lew got some pics?..
the Lew that works for the school?
Post themB|

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How about night jump...screwed up spot..not being able to cross the river to make it back to the DZ. Looking for a place to land...seeing a bunch of lights...getting closer...realizing lights lead to power lines...pick a different spot...come in and land in the back yard of a post office...SMALL back yard I might add....relief...I am alive....pick up shit...walk to road...no one anywhere in sight...which way to walk??

Start walking...find a SMALL hole in the wall bar...open up the door and go in carying all skydiving gear. EVERYONE (20 people) get silent as if I walked in naked.....after a minute female bartender runs up to me, gives me a big hug and says "ITS MY BIRTHDAY"....Explain to her that I am NOT a stipper gram. Drunks in the bar want to know "if I have been up there all day"....get a ride back to the DZ in the back of a drunks pick up truck.

Scariest part of my 100 jump wonder adventures!

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Just a couple of weeks ago at Lake Wales, we were attempting a new Deaf World Record night jump (we did get it with a 3 point 8 way!), and the videographer spent too much time looking out the door for the DZ when the "GO" was given. He finally climbed out and the rest of us set up the exit and went. After the successful dive, we all tracked away and dumped, and then everybody's going "oooooh fuuuuuuck!!" while frantically looking for the DZ, which turned out to be over a mile away!

Man, yeah, I was on the same load! But I was not part of this formation.

It was my first night jump! My spot was reasonable if somewhat long (I was the last person out, on a separate "go-around" jumprun), but I had a preplanned pull at 5K and made it to the night landing area no problem.

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In corn ... 8ft tall... TOTALLY my own fault for how I set up my "pattern" .. or failed to set it up until I realised I was not gonna make the main area adjusted for an out... and did it all wrong putting me at 1500 ft over corn ... corn ... and some more corn ... this was the first jump I had a non jumping friend at the DZ to watch .. still talked her into the tandem that was when I was about a 50 jump wonder ...... which really isnt that many jumps ago

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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I remember jumping at Quincy WFFC '97, on a windy day. I was setting up for final to the main LZ by manifest. I turned too far downwind before coming to final approach and realized I wasn't going to make it, and I was right over the vendor area... oooooh fuck.... luckily I picked one of the gravel roads between vendor tents to set down on. The next day I was told that my landing made the highlight reel at the party tent that night... and I missed it... >:( :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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AFF level 1 I landed in a guys back yard while he was
BBQing, his twin daughters were standing next to him
yanking on his pants pointing at the sky. After I landed (perfect tippy toe) I was about 20' from the grill and when the guy turned to look he fell back into
the grill. LMAO

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Two demo jumps where the loadmasters chose to do a deep spot come to mind:

On the first one, I ended up landing in a park in front of an audience of four "well oiled" vagrants chilling out under a tree - they couldn't work out whether I was real or one of their alcohol-induced visions!

The second one was really scary - a night jump over a very built up area - our loadmaster spotted deep according to the smoke inside the stadium - only to find out that the upper winds were blowing exactly 180 degrees the other way! It was really weird under canopy, looking at the smoke inside the stadium blowing away from you (i.e. you appear to be upwind), yet having no penetration because of the upper winds blowing against you!

Had to land on a road between two rows of buildings - thankfully no wires crossing the road, and very little traffic. Just to make it interesting, I was in fancy dress!! :$A taxi driver was the first to stop - he gave me a lift back to the stadium at no cost - the only free taxi ride I have ever had!

Most of our demos are 2 500 ft and under - learnt the hard way to spot close to the LZ and stay there during the canopy ride.

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This is not my off landing story but it deserves to be told.

One of the local jumpers was a military Pilot that flew C-141s (I think). It was a windy day and on her downwind leg, she flew beyond the treeline before making a turn for the base leg and final into the wind. As the turn to final was made, she wasn't getting penatration and ended up landing in a tree. When we asked how it was possible to land in a tree with all of her piloting experience, she laughed and told us that airplanes are easy land, as they have throttle control to help compensate for wind on final approach. On final while going straight down towards the trees, she said she kept reaching for the throttle for more power but didn't get any.

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Thailand - years ago - Thai/American 'friendship' demo jump at some Wat way out in "who woulda thought it?". To get to the Wat we first traveled by bus, then by truck to a dock in some small klong-side (canal-side) village. From there we went 'up-river a couple of miles in "klong boats". The Wat was on the far side of the klong and had dirt field suitable for Cessna 182 take off/landing. We took off. We jumped. You guessed it! Like idiots, we landed on the wrong side of the klong. Pissed off some water buffalo and then had to hitch a boat ride back across. Impressive:$

The older I get, the better I was!

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My BEST out landing story....

In freefall, because none of us checked the spot before we left, we realized that the DZ was nowhere near us. We landed in a neighborhood about 3 miles from the airport. A guy let us pack in his yard. The next door neighbor came out to give us shit. Turns out she was one of my best friends from high school whom I hadn't seen in nearly 20 years....
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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AFF level 1 I landed in a guys back yard while he was
BBQing, his twin daughters were standing next to him
yanking on his pants pointing at the sky. After I landed (perfect tippy toe) I was about 20' from the grill and when the guy turned to look he fell back into
the grill. LMAO

That's why you got your nickname 'firsttime' -- You nailed a perfect flare on the first try, eh?

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