
What can we do about Skyride?

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No! Since I have been here I haven't charged a that. umm and thats been 2 years. so I think you are a little out dated!

oh BTW did you know that alot of DZ's charge to go up extra alt. not just ASC.

Really, WHO? I have paid one price to go to 10,000 in a cessna, and another price to go to 13,000 in an otter, but it was not an either or and Tandems/AFF paid the same price regardless what plane they jumped from. ASC charges the $10 extra when they were only jumping from one plane, when there wasn't a "choice". How many tandems have you "comped" the extra $10 when they didn't want pay you the bogus extra $10?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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All I am saying until you know the entirety of what you talk about then it is point less to point fingers

There are alot of DZ that do think that people don’t like, and that are wrong. Like certain people for the farm coming over and trashing up ASC spray painting the build and breaking windows. But you don’t see a Topic just about that. Maybe it’s because it happen to ASC so people don’t care. I dunno.

The main thing to think about is that we are all FAMILY. We all love what we do and we love having new people join that family. I think most people have forgotten about that.

Most the people on here are so intrigued with taking skyride and ASC down that they lost sight of that.

Above all I care about you guys, all of you! You are my family! And that is not going to change.
life is short, Live it up!!!

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Funny that you mention the farm...the only thing we care about in regards to ASC is that when they come over for the first time, they bring their beer.

Funny how , they come over once, and they see what skydiving and the people are all really about, they tend to never go back to ASC. The Farm doesnt need to insult or trash ASC, we hear enough from YOUR OWN folks.

With what you say about dz.commers on your forums, Im surprised you just said


The main thing to think about is that we are all FAMILY.

Regardless, good luck in convincing everyone here about skyride. It appears that regardless of how much is charged, stealing from falling jumpers was enough to ruin that company forever.

EDIT to add, I have nothing against any person other then Ben and Cari... Ive met (at the farm) several of ASC employees and we have a blast.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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The main thing to think about is that we are all FAMILY.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!:D

The main thing is what Skyride is doing is illegal and immoral. If you can't see that, it is because you don't want to see it. Others felt the same way as you and could finally no longer deny the truth.


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So have you or did you ever do a tdm jump at ASC.

I did my first tandem at ASC. It was really expensive (like 250 bucks). I scheduled a second tandem with my boyfriend for the next weekend. His grandfather died that week. ASC refused to reschedule both of our tandems for later in the fall and refused to refund the 75 dollar deposit.

Now I'm assisting in their prosecution pro bono.

"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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There are alot of DZ that do think that people don’t like, and that are wrong. Like certain people for the farm coming over and trashing up ASC spray painting the build and breaking windows.

Please support your accusation. Why would the Farm want to trash your place???? I think the owners are doing a good enough job for themselves. Maybe its me but we have quite a few peeps come over every week-end from ASC. Once you get past your tunnel vision regarding ( Another Screaming Customer)then come over and have a beer.:)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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So have you or did you ever do a tdm jump at ASC. Oh Wait better yet have you ever worked at Asc to see what really goes on. Have you actually seen those allegations go on?

No I will not EVER support ASC's owners. So, NO, I have not and will not EVER jump or work for ASC. I DO know people who worked there and witnessed these allegations personally. They have no reason to lie. They left a long time ago, even though you still list them as staff. Are you calling my friends liars? I'm sure they would Love to talk to you, what's your phone number? 1-800-Sky-Ride?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Just one question not to you JM but if skyrides business and ethics are so good and there's nothing wrong with what these scumbags do.....WHY ARE THEY NOT DEFENDING THEMSELVES? Why hide behind the Brainwashed employees??????????????

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Like certain people for the farm coming over and trashing up ASC spray painting the build and breaking windows.

Please correct me if I am wrong... But wasn’t a former ASC Employee actually arrested for that??

Wasn’t that more of a Disgruntled former employee thing that had absolutely nothing to do with any other DZ??

Funny thing is that the person who was arrested for that (Not saying they did it or didn’t do it.. I don’t know) was their biggest supporter until a few weeks ago. I guess they changed their mind.

Callie, Please dont this personal. I know you and you really are a great girl (Just like most of the ASC Jumpers). I do consider you a friend. I will say it again. ASC has some great people there both Staff and Jumpers. People that I love to party with and hang with and hopefully will be able to jump with someday. This is not about the jumpers or the DZ itself.. It is about the things that Ben and Cary have done that effect other dropzones. The business practices that have been brought up over and over again are WRONG. There is no defense for some of the things they have done. No DZ is perfect but what ASC has done in creating Skyride and the deceptive practices they use effects every other DZ in the country. People are upset by this and have a right to be.

I understand that you love your DZ and want to defend it.. But open your eyes. YOU are in a position to do something about these things and help change everyone attitude towards ASC. Keep everyone updated on what steps are being taken to correct the things they have done in the past...
Are they working on Removing the Stolen Pictures??
What are the current Policies on Booking Tandems??
Are Customers informed about "extra Altitude Fees" and "Big Plane Fees" Before you take their Non-refundable deposits?
Is ASC now Honest about their Location when someone calls?

You can work from the inside there and help fix some of these problems.

Show everyone that ASC can change and do business honestly. Then we can be one big happy family again.

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Why is there so much talk about how *good* the ASC people are when they continue to support Skyride business practices?

Seems to me that good people just don't DO those things regardless of the DZs amenities.

Good people are not crooks...supporters of crooks are not good people.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Yes Jay a lot of things are changing for the better we now have new management that care about us Fun Jumpers, Staff, and the Students. (customers)

As for Skyride I really don't want to make any comments on that because I don't want to say something with out knowing all the facts.

But we do not charge a deposit of any type. we do charge a cancellation fee. (that a lot of DZ's charge) the only thing is that I take it upon myself to let them use that toward there jump when they come back out. (BTW they are only charged that if they dont show up or if the cancel after the alloted time)

A customer is not expected to pay in advance if they dont want to. I would rather them pay when they get here.

I try my best and do all I can to make ASC a better place as well as a lot of other people here do.
But people only see the bad, they are not looking at the good.
life is short, Live it up!!!

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Whats the good ?

I know for a fact that ASC still participates in WRONG business practice's when I called on accident (Information gave me ASC) here is the conversation that was had.

ASC "Skydivng center"
LM "is this the farm?"
ASC "How may we help you"
LM "its Lisamarie . Im driving from Atlanta, I lost my directions , do I get off on 20?"
ASC "are you coming for a tandem"
LM" uhhhh is this Sandy?"
ASC "you have the wrong number"


What was great is when I finally got to the Farm and got to share my story with the people who all to often have to listen to ...you wont believe what ASC just did

So please enlighten us with what Ben and Cari are doing through ASC to make the skydiving community better
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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As for Skyride I really don't want to make any comments on that because I don't want to say something with out knowing all the facts.

A quote from one of your most recent posts:
"Like certain people for the farm coming over and trashing up ASC spray painting the build and breaking windows."

Tinkerbell, for some ungodly reason, I can't believe a word you say. But I DO get quite the chuckles when you say it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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no I wouldnt say its terrible, nothing like what most people go through, but it is a sign that they still deal with bad business practices...

I dont like liars. ASC has liars for owners, who have in turn hurt people I care for.

I can not imagine what the friends and family of Chris Martin feel. I cant imagine how tink can sit there and defend them when they did that but that is her choice.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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So in one breath you accuse and the next you defend.What you must understand is this.This crap has been going on for years.Many good wishing people have come and gone.By that I mean hired and fired.No one will make a difference until Ben and Cary are gone.It's taken years to do the damage that has been done.It will not be fixed in a week.

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Yes Jay a lot of things are changing for the better we now have new management that care about us Fun Jumpers, Staff, and the Students. (customers)

sweatheart, this has been going on for YEARS. and the peeps that defend usually are the ones who see the light. so were just waiting for you.

SUNMAN! nice to see ya. i can tell your seeing the light a little also. makin you a little stressed?

tinkerbell, the new managment wont last long,WHY? because he is a good guy who does not want to deal with polatics, yet he will be forced to in a BIG way in the future. trust me, i know him well, he wont last long. but i do wish the best for him.

tinkerbell, shit has been changin there for 10 years and not a damn thing has changed. you will see it soon enough, and in the meantime. come over to the farm and hang out if you wish, i would love to show you around.

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