
What's a better analogy for Wuffos?

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A friend and I did a demo into a school a couple weeks ago. Everything came off great despite some stiff winds.

Yesterday, I was approached by a couple teachers who were filled with the typical Wuffo comments. One guy was really wound up, with "Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!"......"That's the last thing I'd ever want to do!"....ha, ha, ha.

Then this other guy starts agreeing with him.

So, I used my best analogy...."Haven't you ever wanted to fly like Peter Pan?"...."That's what skydiving is like for me." "It's a lot like flying."

And then the one guy spoke up, and said, "Yeigh, but Peter Pan was a fairy wasn't he?".....

So, that kind of ended that argument. I tried to explain, that the only fairy involved was Tinker Bell, and that Peter Pan was really a Swashbuckler....But then again, Peter Pan did act kind of like a fairy.

So, I guess I just need a better analogy than the old Peter Pan story when dealing with Wuffo's....

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I really think the "why would you ever want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" question is really a textbook defense mechanism... it's an impossible to answer question that makes us look like idiots, thus preventing the wuffo from having to admit that they have smaller dicks than us.;) Fans of George Carlin will appreciate this all the more.

I've tried different approaches, all without success so far... but I think my next one will be to ask the question right back about a sport that the wuffo probably admires:

"Why would anyone want to tailgate someone at 200 mph for 2 hours?"

"Why would anyone want to get tackled by a 350 lb linebacker?"

If they go into broken record mode, f*** 'em. I've stopped caring.

P.S. Peter Pan has to be the least manly comeback... EVER!:D

"Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission."

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This would be my response:

Skydiving is impossible to put into words but the closest I have come is “ It’s like stepping into a dream while your awake”. Personally it is the best thing I have ever felt next to sex, but skydiving is not for everyone and for those people there is always sports like golf or bowling :P


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Here is one of my stock responses modified to fit your question.

In order to experience the elements you have to enter the element. It is like leaving a boat to swim. By analogy you have to leave the plane to fly.

You might then also say that most sports require one ball but skydiving requires two.:)

Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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Yesterday, I was approached by a couple teachers who were filled with the typical Wuffo comments. One guy was really wound up, with "Why would anyone want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane!"......"That's the last thing I'd ever want to do!"....ha, ha, ha.

Then this other guy starts agreeing with him.

Probably because all their kids now think you guys are the coolest people they've ever seen and by comparison, their teachers, are not :P

Nice one for getting the sport into schools, good on you.

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Usually my standard answer is:
1) There's no such thing as a perfectly good airplane
2) the door was open

But for those whuffo dickwads I would say something like, "I jump out of a plane because I don't want to be known as a scardy-puss like you!"B|


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You might then also say that most sports require one ball but skydiving requires two.:)

I just tried this one, on one of those guys. It worked much better than the Peter Pan analogy....

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Haha, last year I was one of those teachers out there with the kids, saw the demo and said, "I wanna do that," now I'm definitely the coolest thing ever to the kids. They tell everyone, "my teacher jumps out of planes!" :P I'll be even cooler when I can actually do the demo jump at the school ;)

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke

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Just say, "Well, it's not for everyone." It disarms them AND subtlety let's them know they are wusses.


Just look at them with amused tolerance and affection,
pat them on the head and tell them to run along and play.


"I jump out of a plane because I don't want to be known as a scardy-puss like you!"


You might then also say that most sports require one ball but skydiving requires two.


Just tell 'em ya can't dance, and it's too wet to plow!

All great replies!!


Because your girlfriend thinks it cool. ;)

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When asked why you jump out out a perfectly good airplane. I usually say you havent seen our plane up close. If its a real obnoxious person add your area of expertise is obviously not in aircraft. I like to reply to someones statement about "if God wanted us to fly we would have been born with wings" People should stay in bars watching their fourth football game on TV drunk like God intended, then drive home and hope they dont get busted.The comment about the only thing thar comes out of the sky is bird shit and fools, add drunken deer hunters out of tree stands. It usually slows them down.

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I answer peoples questions. But once they make a comment on something they have never tried, I'll will shut the conversation down right there. I started skydiving for ME... It is the single thing that I've ever done for myself. It has given me peace in my life, no matter what is going on. And for someone that knows squat about it, trying to pursued me into thinking that I'm making a ridiculous choice, is trying to trample on one of the things that has changed my life for the better. I WILL KICK THEM IN THE BALLS AND CALL THEM STUPID!!!!!!!>:(


See ya in a minute. Peace out!

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You don't really need one. My answer has 2 parts; one is "I can't remember not wanting to" and the other is "well, it's not for everyone, but I enjoy it."

They can file those answers wherever they want to. I'm the one who gets to jump.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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