
250 jumps...

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...and I haven't jumped for 2 years. Will start jumping again in 2 weeks. How much of a re-train will I need? Check out jump? Ground school again? Or will I be ok?

Completely at the discretion of your CCI.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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It is far better to start 50% too easy than to start 1% too hard. I had a multi-year layoff, more than once. Each time I came to the DZ ready and willing to do whatever the instructors said, without complaint. It is vastly better to be conservative in these matters.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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...and I haven't jumped for 2 years. Will start jumping again in 2 weeks.

Congrats on getting back in the air!


How much of a re-train will I need?

-EP review and testing
-Gear check by rigger
-Repack by rigger
-Procedure training if you are jumping a different system than what you are used to.
-Procedure training if you are jumping a different aircraft than what you are used to.


Check out jump?

Yes. With an Instructor or at the least, a Coach.


Ground school again?

-See above.
-Whatever additional makes you comfortable.


Or will I be ok?

Yes, I'm pretty sure...but that depends on you and how you approach your return.

Call your DZ to get their take and requirements.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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