
Halo . Freefall Warriors

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Just catch the repeat of it tomorrow at noon.

And it was really good (I stayed up until 1 AM to watch all of it). Skydiving and the training was shown very truthfully.

There was also some great video of Adam's (referred to as "The Natural") first jump.

swooo #3 MB #3587 P.M.S. #66
"so let go, jump in...what're you waiting for? it's all right 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

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I don't know if its worth 29 bucks, but it is definitely worth some TIVO disk time or a VCR tape.

It was an excellent documentary following (in great detail) the training of a large group of special forces guys in the fine art of military/HALO jumping. I got a kick out of watching the newbies flail out the back of a C-130. :ph34r:

That Adam kid really was a "natural" if that was his actual first jump they highlighted in the film.

I'll think of a really cool and witty signature later.

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I'll put it up in a binary if you are usenet savy. Let me know. It'll be up as Rar filz with Par 1's as a recover set.(pm for explanation if you don't play in the news groups)
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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I thought this was an excellent production. That tunnel looks wicked! I want one!

I think those guys indeed have courage, it'd be pretty scary jumping out into pitchdarkness with 150lb of gear from 30, 000! They get a lot of sweet training there, but man, they earn it!

Does their courses include anything else than falling and turning? Or do they consider it unecesary? How much would the gear impact your stability? And what size and kind of rigs are they using?

As jy dom is moet jy bloei!

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The rucks that they use during the course are small compared to the ones that they will jump on a team. Rucks on a team will run anywhere from 55 to over a 100 pounds. Talking to one of my old team mates that was on a Halo jump, his ruck shifted and he had both arms on one side to stay stable. Which then when it came time to pull it sucked.
The dropzone is pitch black where they land. They still do the PLF as a norm at night.
They don't practice relative work. They are not suppose to link up, or touch other jumpers.

*****Why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because it isn't much fun if it's broke.****

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I think those guys indeed have courage, it'd be pretty scary jumping out into pitchdarkness with 150lb of gear from 30, 000! They get a lot of sweet training there, but man, they earn it!

IMO The jumping part is just the "ride to get to work" once they land than the real work begins:(

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IMO The jumping part is just the "ride to get to work" once they land than the real work begins

You've got that right. The real work begins when you hit the ground.

*****Why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because it isn't much fun if it's broke.****

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The mains are 370s. I am not sure of the rigs. They look like a cross between the racer and a vector. Maybe something from TPS. I know a guy who was in the the airborne. He said they were doing a jump at night and he thought that nobody would see him do a back loop. He did and who do you think was right there when he finished? An instructor. Needles to say, he got an earfull and so did the whole group. They don't concentrate on RW or FS. They are there to mess up somebody's world and I guess turning points does not fit into that equation.

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The entire rig is manufactured by Para-flight.It is known as the MC-4 and the AAD they spoke of is the called the FF2

Real good show. They did edit out most of the mundane shit that goes on, like prejump first thing every morning and the hurry up and wait game. I am glad they showed combat equipment jumps and how that ruck sack can kick your ass. Why anyone in the civilian world would want to jump a ruck when they don't have to boggles my mind.:D
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I dont know if this is worth of a new thread or not, but on the weather channel-HD (channel 362 for DirecTV) a program called Epic Conditions is comming on on 12/24 at 6pm eastern. "Near-perfect conditions for skydiving in Eloy, AZ" is all the info I could read. Might be worth checking out.

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This show was on the Military channel tonite. Well worth watching...

Does have a catchy tittle.

Reminds me of a parartooper with a permanet forever tattoo.

AIRBORN, below that is mean looking guy with a big knife in his teeth. Maybe under canopy Below that DEATH FROM ABOVE.

I think this was 40-50's ink.
One Jump Wonder

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I know a bigger jumper (BIGFALL) that jumps this gear, except his was grey instead of OD Green. Its a preety solid setup except there is lots of velcro and snaps all over the place. The deployment, cutaway and reserve ripcords are located very high up on the harness to allow for large payloads in the front... which makes the cutaway position awkward like you're doing the chicken dance. My buddy Jerry got the thing set up BOC and its a pretty sweet deal for a dude his size.

I wake up at 5:30 am every day and I stayed up till 1 when I saw it was on... well worth it!

--- and give them wings so they may fly free forever

DiverDriver in Training

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