
Corliss Is Really Going To Jump W.O. Parachute

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The story I remember about paratroopers without parachutes was that it was done by the Russians. Flying low and slow, the troops exited into snow-covered fields with sacks of straw to cushion the landings.
In practice, the injury/fatality rate was only slightly higher for the strawbag jumpers than the parachute equipped drops, but required much less training and equipment.
The Germans responded by painting fields of rocks white.

I once worked with a dude that belonged to the British Marines. He said they would dump you out at like 50ft above the jungle and you just rode the foliage down.


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When i spoke to Luigi Cani a couple of years back he said it was costing 4 million and they were struggling to get a million.

I have a funny feeling with Jebs discovery tv show fame that maybe he will have better chances of getting the sponsors now.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Kinda have to disagree. A dead-sticked 182 is still flying even though it can't gain altitude like a powerless glider can.

And while not specific to C182's, I'll have to disagree with that statement as well.
Have you ever seen Bob Hoover's Twin Commander dead stick routine? Energy management at it's best!

"Now I've settled down,
in a quiet little town,
and forgot about everything"

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I have a funny feeling with Jebs discovery tv show fame that maybe he will have better chances of getting the sponsors now.

That would be the show that he got thrown off of because of his ill-prepared stunt off the Empire State Building.

Something tells me that, and the subsequent legal issues involving it, aren't going to play too well with any potential sponsors. For the money, they could get a better reyurn on their investment elsewhere.

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I found these comments rather amuzing.

They say the nations are trying to do it but the reason Jeb is more vocal is because his plan would cost 2 million dollars:D Kind of saying if it was free he would keep his mouth shut:ph34r:
Then a user posts a helmet that he thinks Jeb should be wearing.

Just Whuffo comments on the whole idea of it.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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pretty funny. I tried to get a friend to sky dive w/ me she was afraid of breaking bones. I told her she didn’t need to worry about that it was a matter of living or dying.

No, they sound pretty proficient.
It's all fun and until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

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I kinda liked this sentence in the full article:


Even Evel Knievel had the sense to pack a parachute when he climbed into his Skycycle X-2 to jump Snake River Canyon in 1974.

"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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Is it possible that Jean-Albert has just become the first to land a wingsuit???

The reporting does not sound right and makes me wonder if he actually hit the mountain with his winsuit and survived?? I am guessing not but the story sounds strange http://nz.news.yahoo.com/071219/3/3d1j.html

No wingsuit. He was flying under canopy, down the slope.

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Is it possible that Jean-Albert has just become the first to land a wingsuit???

The reporting does not sound right and makes me wonder if he actually hit the mountain with his winsuit and survived?? I am guessing not but the story sounds strange http://nz.news.yahoo.com/071219/3/3d1j.html

Asked and answered yesterday in the Wingsuit Forum: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=3054580;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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how in the hell will this stunt cost 4 million dollars!!! does anybody else think that seems a bit outrageous.
how much proxy flying does jeb do? ive always seen him as an aireal base jumper more than a proxy flyer, but its not like i follow his base career as closley as some do.
my 2 cents, its possible but very unlikley surviveable.

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Well that is what Luigi told me when i was grilling him about a year and a half ago.
It sounds like Jeb and luigi have been doing alot of testing over the past years for this landing they want to do.
Luigi seemed very determined that once the money was raised and they had built what they need then the landing would be easily survivable and coming from a guy that tours around coaching that would have to mean something. He also said it will be done but the money they needed was a long way off and i could see how much he believed in this happening.
He also told me that once their thing is built then most wingsuit fliers would also be able to land the same way.

He would not tell me any detail about what it actually is they are trying to build.
HE also told me about alot of their trial and testing and flying the canopies with the winsuits etc.

If Cani says it can be done then i believe him.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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He's going to wear a rig. He just isn't planning on using it.

The FAA frowns on intentional jumps, from aircraft, without proper equipment.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin-

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I imagine there will be some type of waiver involved...If I understand correctly he's planning to do this with a BASE rig which would be illegal under normal circumstances.

It's gonna be some cool-ass shite for sure. Hope they get the $$$ to get it going!
I got nuthin

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The FAA frowns on intentional jumps, from aircraft, without proper equipment.

Why do most Americans assume that there is only one country in the world (the U.S.) and everything has to take place there :|... There are more than 200 other countries where rules are different and there is no FAA.

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Something tells me that it will not be taking place in america.

From the story linked at the start of this thread:

He anticipates trying in Las Vegas.

Who knows what'll happen, but if Corliss is gonna be the first to do it, it sounds like he's thinking of doing it there.
I got nuthin

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how in the hell will this stunt cost 4 million dollars!!! does anybody else think that seems a bit outrageous.
how much proxy flying does jeb do? ive always seen him as an aireal base jumper more than a proxy flyer, but its not like i follow his base career as closley as some do.
my 2 cents, its possible but very unlikley surviveable.

Think about it. You raise 4 mil. You start your own company to build the ramp and another one to promote the event. You spend say 1 mil doing the above mentioned. You attempt the stunt, bail at the last second and live nicely on the left over 3 mil.

That's what I would do.

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Sure could be the case..... or it could be something that has alot of technology put into it but i do doubt it seeing they have always said that it is something simple and obvious.

BTW- never meant you were speculating on it being a 'ramp', just wondering where this talk was coming from.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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I think Jeb himself made a comment about some relation or similarity to an olympic-type ski jump. That sounds pretty rampy to me.

I can see how if you flattened out the 'kick' at the botom, and attached a long, flat run=off area, you could use the ramp to go from flying to sliding, and just ride it out down the runway.

What I can't see is what you do if you're a little high or low on your approach? Too high, and you'll have to dump altitude too fast, and smack the ramp with too much vertical speed. Too low, and just don't make the ramp.

No rig, huh? I'm pretty sure just trying to hit the ramp is risky enough. At keast if you had a BASE rig, you could bail if you weren't lined up, and get another crack at it. No rig, and a bad approach, you're pretty much out of luck.

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