
2007 Goals

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Last 2 months of 2006 / 2007 Goals
Stay alive and don't kill anyone else
Don't hurt myself or anyone else
Have fun every jump
Attend some fun boogies
Do some more RW scrambles and fun events
Help out the newbies
Get better at head down
Fax in my coach rating card
I'm planning on taking Brian Germains basic and advanced canopy control course next month
Don't hook it in again
Keep learning how to swoop, go up to a 180 or 270
Finish my private pilot's license
Jump the Jet in Perris this x-mas
Get my video camera fixed
Get a real skydiving non-camera helmet so I can hear my audible
Downsize to a Katana 135 when I'm ready for it
Get some protective BASE gear
Get a second BASE rig: Blackjack 310 in an Apex DP
Jump some other local BASE objects
Get my BASE number, I'm still missing my B
a BASE vacation or two
Get a PF tracking suit
Get a tandem rating, and a weekend job doing tandems
Get a new wingsuit, probably a Phantom
Do a night wingsuit jump
Do a altitude chamber ride / hypoxia training
Do a 24k jump, and maybe a 30k jump
Do a ballon jump, and one with a wingsuit
Buy a Cessna 182
Fly a few times at Skyventure Silicon Valley in Union City, CA
Get one of those tunnel FF ratings
Attend a crew camp
Do some video editing on my stacks of tapes
A wingsuit rodeo jump with my girlfriend
Get Dad on a tandem or in the tunnel, and mom at least out to the DZ
Juggle off of a bridge
Maybe eventually become a rigger or just learn more about rigging.

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1) Be done with college (not too long, only like a month left)
2) After graduate, go to flight school then become instructor from there
3) After done with 3 month school program which leaves no time to jump or do anything else, start jumping again
4) Get better at sit-flying
5) Stay safe

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Yeah I thought up a few more already:$.
More ground launching
Ski-ground launching / speed riding
Ground launch harness / canopy

I didn't get to all my goals last year, but I'm not trying to be too realistic, just listing everything I'd like to do in the near future. I definitely won't be able to afford all the toys I want. Working on a pilot's license takes away from my skydiving time, but hopefully soon it will cut down on my driving time.

Your freeflying looked pretty good at Star Farms. At least until I took you out:D.

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My 2007 goals:
1. Fly and Stay Safe!
2. Get more jumps in 2007 than I've got total at this point. Maybe with some luck my C.
3. Take the next canopy course from Scott Miller, took the first one this year. Gotta learn this canopy flying stuff better. No swooping, just wanting to be safer!!
4. Get a second rig so that I can jump more!!! :)5. Get a cammera helmet to start playing with that for my own amusement.
6. Get a ballon jump.
7. Get a beach jump or two.
8. Make at least 3 boogies in differnet states and/or other DZ's than my home DZ
9. Try this free flying thing out some more. :P
10. Start giving back more to this sport that I love so much. Need to repay all the kindness shown to me this year.
11. Did I say, stay safe?!?!

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1. Get less sucky at freeflying
2. Start camera flying (helmet arrives in a week!) with the immediate goal of getting a foot or hand briefly in frame by the end of the year
3. Make some BASE jumps with the other NorCal locals when my rig arrives (in two weeks!)
4. Don't break myself

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1. Work on backward & forward movement.
2. More tunnel time.
3. Learn to do sit-fly maneuvers instead of just holding the sit-fly position.
4. Do more simple (really simple) RW jumps.
5. Organize a special event for first-timers at my DZ so I can bring in lots of tandems & AFF-Level 1'ers.
6. Participate in more social events with the folks at my DZ.
7. Get my whuffo girlfriend to finally do a tandem.
8. Do a couple of nekkid jumps--the first one being at jump 100, of course.
9. Practice steering & landing with just the risers (& other such canopy proficiency exercises).
10. B license.
11. First night jump (file that one under "maybe").
12. Attend and participate in my first out-of-state boogie.
13. Get the Jump Track software and have fun playing with it.
14. Cause no injuries or death--to myself or anyone else.

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Interesting for me as at the end of every year I set goals regarding my music. Getting into skydiving was never 2006 goal and looks like I'll have AFF and a several coaching jumps completed before new years.

As far as 2007 goals go, this is only the beginning for me but at the very least:

-get a second job at the dz
-get my own gear
-B license
-neet new people, make more friends in the sport
-stay safe, current, all that good stuff
trance/house mixes for download:

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Well, i missed one of my 2006 goals (to not get broken) which pretty much scuttled the rest of them (getting recurrent in windy season doesn't help much). So...

1. Don't break myself.
2. Tunnel training (planned for January - we have no tunnels here so it isn't as easy as it is for some of you)
3. Get my B licence (75 freefalls required so I'm still short of jumps, hoping the tunnel will help with the skills for the 4-way test jump)
4. Do lots of FS and ideally get on a team

... that's about it really. Not too ambitious - but I really want to try get my FS skills nailed. Then maybe I can start thinking about freeflying in 2008, after I get my C ;)

Looks like my goals are to be updated - I've just been invited to take a slot that's become vacant on a 4-way team B| so looks like taking part at Nationals is on the agenda too :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Well, my goals for last year ran a little like this...

1) Do AFF in Seville and *finally* get my A....CHECK
2) CH1/CH2....CHECK (well, CH1 and a briefings for CH2)
3) Get my B....ER, NOPE.
4) Get me one of those parachute things....NOPE

So one and a half...not great, but I did at least qualify.
For 2007?

1. Not die, basically. Nor break myself, other people or expensive things.
2. Stay current.
3. Get my FS1.
4. Get my B (one day)
5. Master the art of packing without swearing or having a grump (I can dream) ;)
6. Have even more fun.

Much love to all xxx

"I have done that," says my memory. "I cannot have done that," says my pride, and remains adamant. At last, memory yields. - Nietzsche

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Of course! People without pants are either sexy or really funny... so either way, I'm entertained! ;):)

NOW I understand why you were laughing so hard the other day....
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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1. Continue waking up with a pulse in the morning.
2. Get new glasses
3. Get Rx goggles
4. Complete AFFI course
5. Improve FS skills
6. Do more bigways
7. Take good care of my canopy so that it lasts another year.
8. Do Tandem video
9. Do FJC outside video
10. Do Coach video
11. Reach SCR jump #40 (Chasing J Schrimsher)
12. Jump another DC-3
13. Get another POPS record jump
14. Actually MAKE money in skydiving
15. Do Demos
16. Catch Kristy with her pants down.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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All Brand New Gear: Micron, PD143, Sabre2 150, Cyoress 2
New Wingsuit
New Audibles and Alti
Work on holding Head Down
Night Wingsuit jump
More intentional water landings
Do a successful Mr. Bill
Puerto Rico Boogie
Lost Prairie
Start flying video
Get my coach rating
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Goals for 2007: Get my coach rating from Skydiver U, do as many night jumps as can, improve in freeflying, learn to pack reserves, learn to pack tandem mains, jump a few new types of aircraft.

Goals I don't have for 2007: Swooping, BASE, and a WL > 1.4 :P. I know me...I'll either get really lucky or completely boned. I'll save these for 2008, maybe...

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Avoid doing anything stupid!
Avoid hurting myself or others!
Avoid people who are doing anything stupid!
Avoid letting anyone else hurt me!
Have Fun!!!
Maximize my tracking skills with and without my PF tracking suit. (Try to get 1.3 glide and <70MPH fall rate)
Organize some tracking dives at my DZ.
Get 200 jumps by spring.
Take a Wing Suit Course in the first half of the year.
Buy a Wing Suit immediately thereafter (anyone got a used Prodigy?).
Learn to Fly better each Flight.
Do a Night Jump
Jump a Helicopter and/or Balloon
Look into Getting a Rigging Ticket (Just for my own knowledge)
Do some fun RW jumps, but avoid total zoo dives
Learn to Sitfly
Go to every Mesquite Boogie and at least 1 road trip boogie
Take more family members and friends to do tandems
Keep playing with my canopy (safely) and learning more about it
B License
C License
Go to Eloy
Don’t get totally bummed when it gets too hot in Vegas and be sure to head down to Elsinore/Perris only once (ok twice) a month in the summer.


Successfully balance my skydiving, my other hobbies, my job and my relationships (always a challenge)
Successfully transition through my most recent job change
Be a good husband
Be a good friend
Be a good boss
Begin the Private Pilot License Course
Climb at least once a month (never thought that would be a problem)

- - -
I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

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Here's how I did - I had a lot of fun until I broke myself mid-September and have only done two skydives since. Overall I was 25/42 (60%), but I didn't really expect to get them all.

For those looking for a 2008 thread there's one going in Bonfire

Stay alive and don't kill anyone else - passed
Don't hurt myself or anyone else - failed, I broke my fibula B.A.S.E. jumping.
Have fun every jump - done, but I had a little too much fun on one jump.
Attend some fun boogies - American boogie, part of the wingsuit weekend in Lodi, I was at the Byron Boogie but didn't jump due to injury.
Do some more RW scrambles and fun events - I did some scrambles in Davis and my teams did really well, it was a blast and I learned a lot.
Help out the newbies - I helped my girlfriend get her A license, I jumped with a few other newbies.
Get better at head down - Still not great, hopefully at least a little better.
Fax in my coach rating card - done
I'm planning on taking Brian Germains basic and advanced canopy control course next month - done, it was lots of fun and I learned a ton.
Don't hook it in again - failed on my B.A.S.E. crash, it was dark and I didn't realize how low I was after opening.
Keep learning how to swoop, go up to a 180 or 270 - I'm now doing 270's
Finish my private pilot's license - done
Jump the Jet in Perris this x-mas - failed, it wasn't flying the day we were there.
Get my video camera fixed - I got another crappy one I can jump if I feel like it.
Get a real skydiving non-camera helmet so I can hear my audible - not yet
Downsize to a Katana 135 when I'm ready for it - Done, it's a great canopy.
Get some protective BASE gear - got some paragliding boots
Get a second BASE rig - I bought a used Medusa / Mojo 310
Jump some other local BASE objects - I've done a few
Get my BASE number, I'm still missing my B - soon
a BASE vacation or two - I went back to Norway
ski-BASE - done two
Get a PF tracking suit - not yet
Get a tandem rating, and a weekend job doing tandems - Done, I was working at Skydance before I broke my leg.
Get a new wingsuit - I got a Vampire 1 and sold my GTi.
Do a night wingsuit jump - not yet
Do a altitude chamber ride / hypoxia training - not yet
Do a 24k jump, and maybe a 30k jump - not yet
Do a ballon jump - I did one with a wingsuit, fun stuff.
Buy a Cessna 182 - done, I bought a 1/5th partnership of a 1974 182P and have a hangar at KRHV
Fly a few times at Skyventure Silicon Valley in Union City, CA - not yet
Get one of those tunnel FF ratings - not yet
Attend a crew camp - I did one really fun crew jump with a stack, plane, and side-by-side
Do some video editing on my stacks of tapes - nope
A wingsuit rodeo jump with my girlfriend - nope
Get Dad on a tandem or in the tunnel, and mom at least out to the DZ - I took them both flying in my airplane, they had a good time.
Skysurf - not yet
Juggle off of a bridge - nope
Maybe eventually become a rigger - not yet
More ground launching - done
Ski-ground launching / speed riding - done
Ground launch harness - I got an old Hummit velcro BASE harness that works.

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1. Stay safe and healthy - I managed to bust my self up pretty good

2. Learn as much as I can - I did learn a lot

3. Have fun - yep

4. Jump with as many of my friends as I can - I jumped with a bunch of people. Everyone was so supportive. I always had some one wanting to jump with me:)
5. Do some RW, maybe find some other beginners to do a little 4 way with - yep

6. learn to free fly - not yet

7. Go to a couple out of state boogies - not this year

8. Do a balloon jump -nope

9. Do a helicopter jump - not yet

10. Make a BASE jump (I'm ok if this has to waite till 08' if I don't get enough experience skydiving first. I'm not in a hurry) - not this year

11. Make a jump at Bridge day( same as above) -maybe in 09'

4/11 I'll try to do better next year:)

Fly like a girl

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