
Can't find a rig!

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I've been looking for a complete rig for months now but to no avail. I know this is because I am looking for a 190 main. The season is here and I need to get into the sky. Can you find a complete free fly friendly rig for $3000 to $3500? Any recomendations greatly appreciated.

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Whatever you decide to buy, double check with your instructors, dzo,rigger, that it is the right rig for you. I have seen a few jumpers purchase stuff on their own without asking anyone's advice, ending up with something that was not for them.

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You should be able to put one together no problem. I am in the same process, My Harness was $1100, reserve $500, main $300. The main is an f111, though, so figure $500-800 for a good used ZP. AADs can be found anywhere from 300-1200. I have not yet bought mine, but it seems like if you want a cypress buying a new one is the way to go. You can get them new for $1000 if you shop around, I think the dealer price is $850. And remember, don't buy a reserve that is smaller than your main, after a cutaway you don't want to have to deal with a spicy canopy.

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Speak with your instructors! Take their advice, and ask them about any rigs you find. They can call the DZ where the seller jumps and usually get a bit more information on it.
Just wondering, You are looking for a Free Fly friendly rig because you are Free Flying now or intend to? Your instructors should also keep you within safe wingloads.

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Please tell me where I can get a new CYPRES for a grand, or a dealer price of 850. Since I'm a dealer paying $1300 for them.

Head for the WAYBAC machine. I think I paid $850 and $875 for my Cypres-1s in 1998 and 2000.

Ah, those were the days when the Dollar was STRONG against the Deutsche mark. While the number looks small, it does correspond to a Cypres-2 price of $1275-$1300 since you're not paying for 5+ battery packs.

Today you might ask around at your local DZs if you want a new one. Back then a handful of DZOs thought that having an AAD was a good enough idea that they'd sell at their cost and I know of at least one who had some sort of financing program.

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Write to Nancy Monday morning at nancy@jumpshack.com B|

Yeah, but you only get a $500 discount for buying a new shadow racer and it means you'll be paying close to new price for one of the few used reserves sold without a rig.

Buying a used rig can knock $1000 off the container price and get you a half price reserve for a $1400 discount. Advantage: used rig, $900.

The average male skydiver will get dump his first rig after the first two down sizes which can safely happen in 250-300 jumps. An inexpensive used rig can be resold for about what you paid for. A newish used rig may have lost $1/jump. A new container has to compete with a crowded market and is going to loose more than that. Advantage: used rig. This assumes that Racers have the same market as other rigs which probably isn't the case (for better or worse).

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I had the same problem last year. Could not find a complete used rig with the right main/harness size I wanted.

I eventually bit the bullet and bought new. Soemthing you might consider as your price range can put you into some new gear. Why not buy a new canopy and used rig or vice-versa?

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Are you looking only in the "Complete Systems" section of the ads? If you are, then start expanding your horizons and looking for each part separately.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I'm pretty petite, and was looking for a rig had with a harness to fit a small chick yet had the container capacity for a larger main around 150. Very tough to do in a certain price range, but if you take the time to look around, it''ll all come together eventually. Took me a good year or two, but eventually pieced everything together. Keep your eyes peeled on the ads, ebay, as well as stock sales from manufacturers.

Good luck! :)

Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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Check with the store (Y Not Today) in Raeford North Carolina.
When I was there two weeks ago Tony Thacker showed me the collection of used (small harness) Racers, all were in excellent condition and a variety of colors.

Call them at (910)-875-6777
I Jumped with the guys who invented Skydiving.

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