
Easy to read winds aloft sites ?

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I used to use the Skydivingweather.com site but it seems to have been down for quite awhile.... the NOAA site has a winds aloft forecast but not as user friendly as the Skydiving site was for us idiots. Anyone have a site that is comparable.... I did a forums search and the NOAA site came up repeatedly. Or can anyone offer a translation of the numbers in the table.... I know it is some form of wind speed vs. heading and the temperature in that mix of numbers.... any help would be much appreciated...

******Today is one day too late.********

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I use the same one. The aviation forecast provides all kinds of useful information and is quite accurate from my experience. The winds aloft come from sites that are few and far between, but they are good as well. TonyT turnde me on to that site and I use it religiously.
Arrive Safely


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Thanks much!!! just what I was looking for !!!


I use the site as well however you have to be careful how you read the informtion.
Pilots and aviation in gerneral refer to the direction the winds are coming from. As an example the wind at 270 is moving from west to east. It's direction is not 270. I've noticed on the US Airnet site it is possible to have this displayed backwards. (possibly as a user preference).
The raw data is very easy to read once you figure out how it is written. That's the best and it too is available on usairnet.com. wunderground.com has a lot of good information also and additionally has a very comprehensive and powerful weather history database.

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I used to use the Skydivingweather.com site but it seems to have been down for quite awhile.... the NOAA site has a winds aloft forecast but not as user friendly as the Skydiving site was for us idiots. Anyone have a site that is comparable.... I did a forums search and the NOAA site came up repeatedly. Or can anyone offer a translation of the numbers in the table.... I know it is some form of wind speed vs. heading and the temperature in that mix of numbers.... any help would be much appreciated...

Here is one I did:

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Gary, very cool. Short and sweet, it'll even print easily, then just pin up at the DZ.

I generally use usairnet.com as well, it has all the information we need, and with the "current weather". You do need to know how to read the encoded data to get current cloud heights, etc.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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