
Has anyone else noticed.........

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that Germany has had an unusually high fatality rate this year??

why is that?

It seems like every few weeks I read about something happening there.

Anyone have any insight? New DZ, New students, not enough training, lack of qualified training.....????????

What are your thought??

Is there something WE as skydiver can do?

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that Germany has had an unusually high fatality rate this year??

why is that?

It seems like every few weeks I read about something happening there.

Anyone have any insight? New DZ, New students, not enough training, lack of qualified training.....????????

What are your thought??

Is there something WE as skydiver can do?

We Americans? I doubt it. Germany has their own skydiving association as far as I'm concerned. It's their problem, they have to deal with it.
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I mean "WE" as in skydivers. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't a fatality in skydiving, regardless where it is, impact the public's view on skydiving?

No. The general public will have absolutely no clue about the skydiving fatality rate in their own country, let alone another country.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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....impact the public's view on skydiving?

Interesting choice of wording.;)



that Germany has had an unusually high fatality rate this year??

why is that?

It seems like every few weeks I read about something happening there.

Anyone have any insight? New DZ, New students, not enough training, lack of qualified training.....????????

What are your thought??

Is there something WE as skydiver can do?

it's pretty simple: dont become a fatality yourself!

we havent had a fatality in years, then our plane crashed, a SKYDIVINGplane on a SKYDIVINGoperation after it dropped SKYDIVERSs for a SKYDIVE. two gone.. :(
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Never mind..... I just realized something (the high rate of fatalities in Germany) and thought that as a skydiver that there might be a way we, as skydivers, can help each other out.

I don't know anything about jumping in Germany but it seems to me that there are a lot of injuries and fatalities there and as a FELLOW skydiver, who cares about other skydivers AND how the sport is seen as a whole by wuffos, I thought there might be a few other people out there like me....

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Superwoman your asking people who take personal responsibillty to heart. If you kill yourself no problem and even less of a problem if your doing it in another country, it is when you kill other people that folks get upset.

It is nice you are concerned for your fellow skydivers though...:)

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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Hey, I'm from Germany, currently in the US. I was reading your thread and wondered where your information comes from? Cause I couldn't see the increase in injuries/fatalities you mentioned... just curious how you come to your conclusion?


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Never mind..... I just realized something (the high rate of fatalities in Germany) and thought that as a skydiver that there might be a way we, as skydivers, can help each other out.

Unless there's a common trend underlying all the accidents then a single year spike in the fatality rate is probably just a case of shit happens. Countries that generally have a low (single figure) number of deaths in a year are always going to be susceptible to seemingly large fluctuations for no particular reason.

We had a terrible year in the UK a few years back because of (from memory) a plane crash, some suicides, some low hooks and maybe a student fatality. The year after we only had 1 or maybe 2 deaths, not because of some sea-change in attitudes or regulation, but just because that was the way the dice fell that year.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Unless there's a common trend underlying all the accidents then a single year spike in the fatality rate is probably just a case of shit happens. Countries that generally have a low (single figure) number of deaths in a year are always going to be susceptible to seemingly large fluctuations for no particular reason.

We had a terrible year in the UK a few years back because of (from memory) a plane crash, some suicides, some low hooks and maybe a student fatality. The year after we only had 1 or maybe 2 deaths, not because of some sea-change in attitudes or regulation, but just because that was the way the dice fell that year.

Someone could plot the dots over several years, overall and by categories, then run the numbers to see if it is likely to be common cause (shit happens) or special cause (new problem) variation.

The numbers are relatively small so you'd probably need to have at least 20 years of good data by category in order to establish common cause variation. I can't remember the formula for determining the sample period for annual stats in that low of a range (20 to 30 incidents per year).

That's not much help from me; other than to say it could easily be done if someone had the data for a long enough period of time.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Didn't it occur to you that MAYBE prior to 2 months ago the German skydiving population didn't post their fatalities on the forum as much as they do now?
If you can't put facts & numbers behind your "thoughts" they best remain just "thoughts"

My 2c
You don't need a parachute to jump but YOU DO if want to do it again.

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