
Gato Gets an A

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Well, holy shit - it took me almost exactly 2 years to do it, but I finally earned my A license yesterday!!

And yes, beer was immediately paid to the appropriate parties, as I was treated to a fraternity-style hazing from my instructors, a few up jumpers, and the honorable DZO! Guys with 3/4 of a beer in their bottle were screaming at me, "I'm fuckin' thirsty, John's lookin' thirsty, Tom's fuckin' thirsty - where's my fuckin' beer?!"

Classic. Just.....classic.

It is no small honor to me to have Tom Dolphin's signature on the back of my yellow A-card. I feel I got a first-class education from him and his staff. A very special thanks to Tom, Crash, Dorinda, Gary, Mark, Ron, Scott, Ashley, and especially Russ and John for making sure my ego didn't have a chance in hell. Oh, and I can't forget Cutaway - for introducing himself to my wife with class......

And thanks to you, my fellow 'commers, for your encouragement and support, as well as your uncanny abilities to amuse, frighten, educate, inspire, and offend. I salute you all.

So many aspects of skydiving that scared me before are now some of my favorite things - funny how that works out, innit? I used to hate sitting by the door - now I love it. The thought of jumping my own packjob was scary until I actually did it (with a spring-loaded pilot chute!) Being the guy in JM position, opening the door, and spotting for the load has to be some of the coolest shit I've ever experienced - I LOVE being able to tell my instructor to, "Get the fuck out of my airplane!!!!!!"

Now begins the REAL process of learning to become a great skydiver. I don't really know what I'm going to focus on first, but I know I want to really refine my belly skills and learn my canopy's full range of control before I venture off into some other disciplines.

I'll be getting my rig this coming weekend (Talon, PD230, Raven III), and I can't wait to see where this goes in the future. It's almost time to venture out to other DZs and maybe a boogie or two later on.

Thanks again, everybody - blue skies.

(aka "Chill")

(Edited to add a name or two.)

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It's great that you stuck with it for two years and didn't get bummed out about not getting it within a month or so. I'm already itching to get it and mad at myself that I didn't jump all summer.

Stick with it, and don't give up! I couldn't jump at all last summer because of a shoulder injury and work.

The cool thing (one of many) is that when I came back to it a few months ago, the anxiety of the plane ride wasn't really there anymore, and I just felt more confident. I'm still not sure why.

Unless maybe it's the Wellbutrin. :P

Don't be too hard on yourself, but hold yourself to that higher standard that will keep you determined - you'll have yours in no time!

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I'll add my voice to the chorus of 'Congrats!'

Seriously, it's been really cool reading your posts, and watching your progression from a distance. Seems like you've had the right attitude from the start.

(And given the delays, I imagine it was that much more sweet when you finally got that last signature).

Congrats. You've earned it.

Can't wait to hear what's next.
Signatures are the new black.

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Thanks, Lloyd!

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to get some more RW coaching soon so I won't be such a danger to others - I REALLY don't want to be the guy who kicks people in the face in freefall, you know?

I can't wait to get a few more jumps under my belt, then get out of here and meet/jump with some of you all!

Take it easy -


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Well, holy shit - it took me almost exactly 2 years to do it, but I finally earned my A license yesterday!!

This person is living proff that the staff at MRVS are fucking miracle workers!!! We have seen better results when training pet monkeys!


And yes, beer was immediately paid to the appropriate parties, as I was treated to a fraternity-style hazing from my instructors, a few up jumpers, and the honorable DZO! Guys with 3/4 of a beer in their bottle were screaming at me, "I'm fuckin' thirsty, John's lookin' thirsty, Tom's fuckin' thirsty - where's my fuckin' beer?!"

Do you call Buckhorn and Weidmans BEER!!!! Thats why we were always calling out for another! it takes 3 times as many to get a buzz on!! and you have to interrupt the drinking all of the time to relieve yourself!! I should have checked an made sure that Gato had passed the required brand of beer Quiz!! before i signed him off!!!


Classic. Just.....classic.

We havn't got to the classic part yet!!!


It is no small honor to me to have Tom Dolphin's signature on the back of my yellow A-card. I feel I got a first-class education from him and his staff. A very special thanks to Tom, Crash, Dorinda, Gary, Mark, Ron, Scott, Ashley, and especially Russ and John for making sure my ego didn't have a chance in hell. Oh, and I can't forget Cutaway - for introducing himself to my wife with class......

Hummm many people are honored to have my signature on paper! But those fuckers want it on a check!!! Listen it wasn't Cutaways fault! people are usually naked in the shower!!


And thanks to you, my fellow 'commers, for your
encouragement and support, as well as your uncanny abilities to amuse, frighten, educate, inspire, and offend. I salute you all.

Appearently you were more sucessful at fooling the people on DZ.com than the staff at MRVS!! WE got your number straight out of the gate!!! GATO!!!


So many aspects of skydiving that scared me before are now some of my favorite things - funny how that works out, innit? I used to hate sitting by the door - now I love it. The thought of jumping my own packjob was scary until I actually did it (with a spring-loaded pilot chute!) Being the guy in JM position, opening the door, and spotting for the load has to be some of the coolest shit I've ever experienced - I LOVE being able to tell my instructor to, "Get the fuck out of my airplane!!!!!!"

SURE! its not as scary if you jump all of the time with your fucking eyes closed!!! If you hadn't set in the door like we told you we would have kicked your ass out!! You cost me money!! I lost $20.00 on the bet that I made on your pack job not opening, I have never seen such a wad of snot in my life!! JM position? we let you set there so the pilot would have a better view, so he could tell you when to get out!! Its a good thing that when you told your instructor to "Get the fuck out of your airplane" that you said it under your breath and the plane was on the ground being fueled!!


Now begins the REAL process of learning to become a great skydiver. I don't really know what I'm going to focus on first, but I know I want to really refine my belly skills and learn my canopy's full range of control before I venture off into some other disciplines.

Good place to start is finding someone whom you don't have to pay to jump with you! You call it belly flying we call it stability! You should try it! Doesn't the continous visual Blue! Green! Blue! Green! make you nauses? Now do we "Really" want me to tell the canopy control story????


I'll be getting my rig this coming weekend (Talon, PD230, Raven III), and I can't wait to see where this goes in the future. It's almost time to venture out to other DZs and maybe a boogie or two later on.

Yes! "I WILL HAVE!"' a (Talon, PD230, Raven III), this coming weekend! We discussed this before you left the DZ!! No Pay! No Play!, and NO! you bringing your knee pads will not be excepted as a form of payment! I said that if you can get the bank prez to give you a deposit slip for the service! I may consider it!


Thanks again, everybody - blue skies.

(aka "Chill")

Now that I feel vindicated for all of the torture that you have put me and my staff through! and all Bull shit aside I must say!

"CONGRATULATIONS" it was a pleasure and an honor on our part to be able to assist you in your quest for new found skills and knowledge! My you enjoy the sport and find it as rewarding as we do!

"BLUE SKIES! BLACK DEATH!" ain't it great to feel loved!


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Congrats, Cat... Glad to see you overcame the physical and psychological barriers to complete the first step inthe journey. I hope I can run into you sometime at a boogie or something...
Good judgement comes from experience, and most of that comes from bad judgement.

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Congrats again Gato, sorry I had to leave so early the other night. Thanks for the beer, unlike ChuteJump I've got something good to say about it. "It was cold".
Next weekend we'll start doing 2 way drill dives, I've got one planned out, I sure we can hammer out 35 points or so on it (no video allowed);).
By the way, did you know it took me 2 yrs. 3 mos. to get my "A"? I believe it was in about the same number of jumps though.
See ya soon!

Aethrae Cernuare

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Congrats again Gato, sorry I had to leave so early the other night. Thanks for the beer, unlike ChuteJump I've got something good to say about it. "It was cold".
Next weekend we'll start doing 2 way drill dives, I've got one planned out, I sure we can hammer out 35 points or so on it (no video allowed);).
By the way, did you know it took me 2 yrs. 3 mos. to get my "A"? I believe it was in about the same number of jumps though.
See ya soon

I see how this is goint ot work! You ard Gato are going to gang up on the old guy on the thread, Hummmm? you got me wondering now? hummm how long did it take that gimpy Crash to get his ticket? Your beer was cold??? I should have known something was wrong when Gato reached behind himself to get my Beer! Must have been totem them in his shorts, in his butt crack!!! I wondered why they were at body temp!!!


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You're old? I'd ask how old, but maybe it's been asked before.... I guess I ought to do a search to see if it's ever been discussed before. I was wondering what that was he was toting around in his ass crack, the lump in his shorts looked big enough to be a six pack. How many warm beers did you drink?
Aethrae Cernuare

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Okay fine, that does it, I'll crawl out of the dark, dank, reaches of the internet to respond to a direct barb from the old river rat himself.

For all who care, it took me about 2 years to earn my ticket and even longer to get my A license :ph34r:. No sure which scares Tom the most these days. But I digress... Time wasn't the issue with me getting my card completed, it was the sheer dollar amount it took. Between the repeated jumps and the eventual buying off of the staff after it became apparent I wouldn't give up and go away, it got expensive.

But it was worth it. The abuse I get now is much better then when I was a student.... So keep that in mind Gato.

Oh and congratulations.

PS... is your rig done yet?

Oh, I'm gonna pay for that one....


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Okay fine, that does it, I'll crawl out of the dark, dank, reaches of the internet to respond to a direct barb from the old river rat himself.

Excuse Me! That's "Mr. Fucking River Rat!"


For all who care, it took me about 2 years to earn my ticket and even longer to get my A license :ph34r:. No sure which scares Tom the most these days. But I digress... Time wasn't the issue with me getting my card completed, it was the sheer dollar amount it took. Between the repeated jumps and the eventual buying off of the staff after it became apparent I wouldn't give up and go away, it got expensive.

Hummmm? It seems these days I write more checks with your name on them, than you write to me???? Ha Ha Ha!!! O-Well what goes around "always" comes around!


But it was worth it. The abuse I get now is much better then when I was a student.... So keep that in mind Gato.

Better Abuse? Does that imply that we are getting lax or that the abuse is more painful?


Oh and congratulations.

PS... is your rig done yet?

Oh, I'm gonna pay for that one....


Is his fucking rig done yet???? I was feeling sorry! Now you done went and stepped in the shit again!!!!;)


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