
Rookies at their best

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So yesterday me and a set of newly graduated retards had our first ever load without an instructor or coach. Needless to say we walked up to the plane and stared at each other trying to figure out the seating arrangement in the wee little 206. After thumbing our noses for a couple of minutes we came up with a brilliant idea of trying our first four way. After some strong words of caution from the pilot we had everything figured out... that was until we reached altitude. Our plan was to have two in the door with their legs out, pulling a third out hanging on to his harness, and having the forth dive after for the dock. Well what really happened was, on jump run we got the door opened, the pilot throttled back and out of sheer adrenaline I looked out the door, and with a piss poor spot of the landing area yelled "WE GOTTA GO!!!" me and the other guy in the door did a quick three count and took off out the door. I was the first out forgetting to grab the thirds harness, the other in the door yanked on the third but got no where. We soon figured out it was because he was still attached to his seatbelt. The second in the door couldn't figure out what was going on so he took his shot and jumped. the third finally figured out what was going on and with ninja like reflex whipped off the belt holding him back, and like that the other two where finally out the door. By this time there is already a couple hundred feet separating me and the second out, but we still managed to meet up for a nice dock. I'm pretty sure by the time we all landed everyone was in tears we were laughing so hard. It taught me that there is Sooo much more to be learned in this sport, and man do I look forward to what is in store for the future.
Life is way too short not to enjoy every minute of it :)

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You'll find a lot of jumpers with 1000+ jumps that still say they suck. It's a sport you never stop learning at, and you're constantly improving your skills.

As a tip though, you and your buddies need to jump with more experienced jumpers. It's a lot of fun to jump with buddies around your skill level, but sooner or later that fun dies out, because nobody's improving. So take the time now to improve your belly flying. Get a couple experienced guys to jump with you, and work on docking, fall rate, and begin to turn some points. I originally wanted to get into freeflying, but I decided to improve my belly flying first. I am glad I did, and belly flying is actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be!
Skydiving: You either learn from other's mistakes, or they'll learn from yours.

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It taught me that there is Sooo much more to be learned in this sport, and man do I look forward to what is in store for the future.

Such as unbuckling before exit?;)

Just funning ya. The time I did that I was sitting with my back to the dash. I swing my leg out the door, 1st jumper out crawls over my knee and begins his way to far hang. I then start my move to the crotch and schtwonk! I'm going nowhere. Brief embarassing moment and humorous interlude while I unbuckle.

But, what's with the weird exit from your 206? No step I take it?

And what he said. Mix up the Funnel & Flail jumps with the other newbies with some jumps with Guys & Gals who are a bit further up the curve. Buy them a beer for the post-sunset debrief and drink up what is shared (knowledge-wise).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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If only one of you had had enough jumps for a camera what a great video that would have made. :ph34r:

My hat does go off to you sir sounds like you guys had hella fun though.

I keep telling my friends skydiving will fix all your problems, Im a fibber you just let go a minute at a time. Choose what to do with it.

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As a tip though, you and your buddies need to jump with more experienced jumpers.

Yeah! The experienced guys like to laugh too. The experienced jumpers at my DZ love to jump with me, they're usually laughing so hard that they screw up their landings.:ph34r::D:D

Seriously, be safe, learn, have fun (in that order).
It kinda sounds like you're doing that. You might want to take a minute and practice your exit while the plane is still on the ground next time (if the plane isn't doing hot loads of course)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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