
My experience with Atair

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I also have had no problems with atair/cobalt demos. I've demoed the canopy in two different sizes on two seperate occaisions. Dan himself talked to me at great length when I was debating over sizes to try, as it was one of the first high performance canopies I had ever tried.
The canopy is new and a lot of people are trying to get ahold of demos now. Those who borrow may not return demos on time, things happen. Whenever you get your demo, be assured you will have a blast with it, as it's a great canopy and worth waiting to try out.

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Well Mike....I sure hope that this doesn't happen to you the next time you try to demo a Cobalt. Maybe you should try to work with them one more time for your other rig you are getting (you lucky bastard:)Anyway, I am probably going to be getting a new Safire 169 as my first canopy. Our gear guy is the biggest Icarus demo center in the world, so I'll have most luck (and best prices and support) from him and Icarus. I'll be sure to let you all know how that deal is going down.
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I am probably going to be getting a new Safire 169 as my first canopy

Mountainman, I think you will be very pleased with a Safire as your canopy. I learned to fly mainly on Safires, and they are soooooo comfortable and easy to fly. Forgiving, as well. Enjoy it if you do buy one!
"Son, you've got a panty on yer head!"

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"I am probably going to be getting a new Safire 169 as my first canopy"
Ummm....I dont know shit but that seems a bit small for someone that doesn't even have a license yet.........Maybe I'm wrong?
"Say sweet thing...Can I buy you a fish sandwhich?"-Leon Phelps

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Ummm....I dont know shit but that seems a bit small for someone that doesn't even have a license yet.........Maybe I'm wrong?

That's what a few of us have told him. He'll be loading it about 1.35 or so.
Lisa! Talk to this boy...
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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First: Mike, and everyone else that is reading that has a gripe for that matter,
it is a shame that you feel slighted by Atair. Dan, Heather, Simon, and the rest of the gang do a very good job of juggling their demos considering their finite resources. As I stated prior to leaving for Quincy: when Dan doesn't show up at an event like that, it's because he doesn't have ANY more demos to loan. Dan does the best job he can with the demo canopies he has on hand. The Cobalt is a great parachute or I wouldn't be flying one on the tour.
Second: If you want to spout about something gear related, then do it in that forum where the right people can react to it in a timely manner. Dan Preston reads all but this "chatter" forum every day. I just did get to this thread after not checking in for a week, so it was quite lengthy by then. Too bad, as I would have gotten with you privately and connected you with the right person. As it is, I know that you have talked in person with Dan and actually had a fit and hung up on Heather. Lighten up; it's a demo, not your own main. The man was trying to appease you and you shined him. You want to talk SHITTY customer service, then order you a custom VX or Crossfire and see how long it takes after the "promised" date. Mine was over a month late and didn't even have side panels sewn on! This, of course, after paying cash in advance. Everyone has their personnal favorites and everyone has a "horror" story to tell about one thing or another.
The truth of the matter is that stock Crossfire you are getting is a fine parachute. It flies almost identical to a Cobalt, and most people can get them for about the same price. Openings are nice, too. The big difference comes when it's time to order a custom-color main. Most will find that they can have a Cobalt in half the time as any Icarus product. Period. Be happy with your decision, one way or another, but base it on flying characteristics; not the fact that your specific demo dates could not be accomodated and you are pissed.
Chuck Blue

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He'll be loading it about 1.35 or so

Dude!! I am not going to be loading it that much. By the time I get the main after ordering it, it will be more like 1.2:1. Either way, I haven't ordered it yet, so maybe I'll demo the 189 and find that to be good enough for me and I'll just stick with that. I'm not trying to shun you guys, Wildblue!!
I just want to get something that will be the best for me. I dont want to be dangerous to myself or others. I will be flying 229, 189, and 169 (if I feel comfortable with it). So, don't get all pissed at me yet!! :)Trust me. I want to be around for a long so I can jump with you guys!!
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I know it feels like everyone is on you about the canopy size you have chosen. The reason is we do want you to be around for a long time to come. Granted the choice is ultimately yours to make but realize that we just want you to be safe. Feel free to explain your reasoning behind choosing the 169,your wing loading and the basis for your decision. There may be something we don't understand that is causing our concern, or there may be a point that need to be clarified before you order.
Please don't take offense to this. I just want you to be around for a long time so we can eventually jump together.
This Lisa has said enough.

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Please don't take offense to this

First of all, I dont. I know that most (if not all of you) are skydivers and, even though we may get on nerves here, we are all in one big family.
As far as the 169 and why I "chose" it. I have talked to my gear guy several times about getting new canopies and stuff like that. He is also a TM and AFF JM/I with 5500+ jumps. He has been on about 1/2 of my jumps and I really respect him. He spends a lot of time talking gear to me and also gives me great pointers and tips as far as freefall and canopy control.
When I talked to him last (past Friday), we were talking about what size canopy he would recommend be ordering. He thought that 169 would be the best size for me. He told me that when he advises people on what to order, he looks at how they fly their canopy now, how often they jump and so on. So, since he has 229, 189, and 169 Safires for demo and he said that I can use them as much as I want until I'm ready, I will trust his opinion. Now, I'm not going to order the 169 unless I am under the 189 and think that one size down will be OK. If the 189 is like, WHOA!!!, then I'll stick to it and learn it.
The way I see it is that he doesn't have any financial gain on putting me under a 169 as opposed to a 189. He doesn't even mark most of his stuff up for financial gain anyway (new Cypress = at cost, Pro Track = $150, etc). So, I will trust his judgement, however I'll be making my decision based on my feelings about the canopy and everything.
I hope that this has cleared some up. Remember, I HAVEN'T ORDERED ANYTHING YET!! :)--------------
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It seems the thread has turned into a wing loading conversation. So if you scrolled down this far to read my reply I appreciate it.
Sounds like the guy (Dan) is trying to please many people at once and doing a fair job at it. I also give him credit for responding to a grievence that probably should not have been aired so quickly in a public forum.
Martial arts has taught me respect and self control, my daughter has taught me patience, forgiveness and understanding. I think before five people decide not to purchase a Cobalt, you owe it to yourself to forgive the incident, respect that Dan is running a business, be patient, and understand the effort put forth by a host of people to please their customer base. Then schedule a demo and make a decision on the merits of the canopies because Dan has already proven himself to be honorable.
Future Cobalt Owner,

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Well said, dude...and I agree...I like the Cobalt...a lot more than that no flaring Safire...and I've flown them both...Keep up the work, Dan.
Ditto...they do the best they can, with what they have to work with...and that is far more than I can say about most retail shops (in general)...

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Does Atair have reps in the field? I was told that they did and that one was coming to our DZ for a meet we were having (10 4 -way teams plus fun jumpers...), but no one showed up. The same person said they would be at our upcoming boogie, should I expect the same?

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I want to make a good decision and not make one that will get me hurt. I think as long as I fly it like I have 40 jumps (when i get it) and not 4000, I should be OK. Also, our DZ is 800+ acres, so if it isn't a great day, I'll go to a further area and land without traffic. Not a big deal.

Someone has to act like your mother here!!

And you are only old enough to be an older sister. :)--------------
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sam: thanks
bsa1: we have dealers and sponsored flyers.
the sponsored flyers consist of our factory pilots: chuck blue, eric butz, brian harrell, tony cannant, caven warren, jimi halliday (& me). and then industry flyers: ie. some instructors, s&ta's, dz staff and friends.
simon mccormack and i also travel to dz's for boogies ,and many times our factory pilots do the same.
if you would like us to participate in, or organize a boogie at your dz, please give us a call.

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simon mccormack and i also travel to dz's for boogies ,and many times our factory pilots do the same.

Are you going to be at the Richmond Boogie?? If so, let me know. My wife and I are going to be looking for new canopies and I dont want to try ONLY the Safire. Thanks man!! Also, is Chuck Blue going to be there??
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Dude!! I am not going to be loading it that much. By the time I get the main after ordering it, it will be more like 1.2:1. Either way, I haven't ordered it yet, so maybe I'll demo the 189 and find that to be good enough for me and I'll just stick with that. I'm not trying to shun you guys, Wildblue!!

I'm not trying to be a prick here Brandon, I just want to see you around awhile. 205(you) + 25(gear) / 170 = 1.35
If you're planning on losing 25lbs, then cool. I guess if youre JMs think you can handle it, and you're comfortable with it, then cool. Just be careful. Like I said, not trying to be a canopy Nazi (we all know that's lisa's job) I just think you're a cool guy and I don't want to see you get hurt.
Sorry to everyone for bastardizing this thread... guess we coulda moved it somewhere else, but I've already typed it all here.. so someone else move it... :D
Then, I saw these two guys swoopin across the pond, and I was like 'weeeeeee!!!!'

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All potential Cobalt north-eastern demoers ought to show up at The Ranch this weekend in Gardiner, NY for the Pond Swoop Nationals. It is going to be an absolute hoot! Dan, Simon, Myself, Eric Butts, Bryan Harrel, and Tony Canant will be there representing Atair. Dan says that he is going to have demos available.

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Dude!! I am not going to be loading it that much. By the time I get the main after ordering it, it will be more like 1.2:1. Either way, I haven't ordered it yet, so maybe I'll demo the 189 and find that to be good enough for me and I'll just stick with that. I'm not trying to shun you guys, Wildblue!!
I had the same response, I Have seen him fly canopies, and know those recommending the canopies.... He'll be OK. :) I'd be doing coach dives with him if I wasnt so damn skinny... that boy falls like a rock!
(C-30705, SL/JM. D and SL/I pending)

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