
Help me make a decision!

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I've done a static line and thought it was amazing. I love flying and always will love the concept of it, but a motorcycle could give me entertainment on nearly ANY given day(but also comes with a longer exposure time with added risks and pleasures).
panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

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Thats easy morotcycles are dangerous:P Really motorcycles scare me (cause i would push it to far) so my answer is easy, but if you dont know you want to skydive more after your first jump then maybe its not for you.

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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I've done a static line and thought it was amazing. I love flying and always will love the concept of it, but a motorcycle could give me entertainment on nearly ANY given day(but also comes with a longer exposure time with added risks and pleasures).

Yeah but you forgot to mention that motorcycles are gay... ;)

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yea I agree, motorcycles can be just as fun, but are so much more risky in so many more ways.

I'm not planing on making a decision till June anyways.
panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

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I agree with both, many do it. Which is better? Skydiving in my opinion, but it is fun on the hot summer day to hop on and take a joy ride. Skydiving would win if I had to choose though.
"I didn't know they gave out rings at the holocaust"

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That's just it. I hope to do both eventually, I just can't 'jump' into them at the same time..

It's one or the other for the time being. B|

I'm going again this week and so we'll see if I can convince myself to sign up for a student program.

panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

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im in an awkward situation of motorcycle vs skydiving as well.

im currently a college student and as soon as im out of school will be working 5-6 days a week life guarding. i currently have 8k saved up and can realistically make 2.5k this summer.

Im taking the MSF motorcycle class on may 22 and then ill take it from there. i personally would prefer to skydive but i dont know how realistic that is. i live in central ny and there is a small drop zone by me (blue sky adventures )but it is only open on the weekends and as a lifeguard i frequently work weekends. so all the jumps ive made so far were at the ranch which is a 2.5 hour drive away.

in the end i think im going to end up getting a bike, i would love nothing more than to skydive every day but i dont think i can take the 5 hour round trips to be on a wind hold for most of the day and the next thing u know u drove 5 hours and only got 1-2 jumps in. combine that with some of the days i have off just having terrible weather and its not very realistic that i could make more than 2-3 trips to the ranch a month at best. The last thing i want to do is spend most of my money on gear that im only going to use a few times of month. or i could get a bike and use it pretty much every single day.

i would love nothing more than to skydive all day everyday but the sport isnt that accessible to me at the moment...which sucks.

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that's just it.

I'm 18, and moving out of the house this summer with the help of my parents. I am literally a couple miles away from an AWESOME DZ here in Boulder.


My problem is, I can get there from my house in 5 minutes but then what do I do, hang out all day? I don't want to have to pay $60 a day to jump three times. I could get across colorado on my motorcycle for $60 OR FURTHER!

I too am signed up for a msf class May 16th and 17th.

If I can get my parents to get me my license for graduation, I will do it in a heartbeat over a motorcycle. I only wanted something like a 250 or 400 anyways..

I think I will just go with sky diving.
panicked did a 180 and nosed it down into a road and hit a car.Hit a car how many planes with skydivers have a car accident? Only here.

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trab1925, I've recently got my 'A' license and just last week purchased a sport bike. Yes, they're both expensive sports to "get into", but after you're in they are fairly cheap.....ok, not "cheap". but you know what I mean :P

Skydiving ($4,000 for gear):
20 jumps per month: $400

Motorcycle (3-6 thousand):
Insurance: 175-250 per month
Wear, tear, gas, etc...: $100

You can always get a bike later in life, after you graduate, get a job, move back in with the folks or do whatever it is you do. Not to mention that you will easily out grow a 250-400cc bike in a couple months. But skydiving.....you will never out grow skydiving.

You have the itch bro, scratch it while it's there.

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trab, I live just down the road from you in Superior. CO is a great state to own a bike. Sunshine most of the year. I am actually going riding tomorrow because the DZ is not open on weekdays for a few more weeks. I was stuck with the same problem you had a few years back but put off getting a bike until I was able to get my own skydiving gear and make sure that I had enough cash to pay for my jumps and then a bike.

I love my bike and its something I always wanted to experience growing up, but to be honest, I am seriously thinking about selling it. Its been fun but I would rather use the payment $$ to jump more. Skydiving just gets better with every jump.

My advice would be to give jumping a few more tries. If you are not totally hooked, cool, its not for everyone. If this is the case, take the MSF course and get a bike. I did the one at the Front Range campus in Westminster last summer and would highly recommend it. Either way, be safe and have fun. Dont hesitate to PM me if you want to get together and chat about jumping or riding.


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