
Skydiving: Sport or hobby?

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Calling skydiving a hobby sounds stupid. A hobby is something like building model airplanes or working on your classic car.
Skydiving is a sport. And while on the subject "fun-jumper" sounds just as stupid. Sport-jumper is much more appropriate. Although I'm sure most skydivers are having fun the word itself sounds like something associated with a circus or carnival.
I vote skydiving is a sport not a hobby.

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I would say it is both - sport, if you jump competitively, and hobby if you jump to have fun - thinking about it probably more sport, although most people who, for example swim, don't do it at a sporting level, kinda the same principal.
From what I can tell skydiving seems a very social activity for a lot of people, and I assume it is this that keeps a lot of people involved in it.

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It's clearly both.

I play tennis weekly. Tennis is a sport. To me it's a hobby.

Same with skydiving.

The bigger question, though, is do you consider it exercise?

if that's so than doing drugs is also exercise ;)

I'm telling you, it's an addiction. B|

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It's clearly both.

I play tennis weekly. Tennis is a sport. To me it's a hobby.

Same with skydiving.

The bigger question, though, is do you consider it exercise?

if that's so than doing drugs is also exercise ;)

I'm telling you, it's an addiction. B|

and i thought it was a hobby! :P

i liked your previous answer and wondered why it took so long.. :|

fucking dorkzone seems to be full of whuffos.. [:/]
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To me a "sport" should have some competition to it. If you are competing in the US Nationals its probably a Sport.

For me its just something I do in my spare time, not an addiction, not the meaning of life, its just a hobby and I could really take it or leave it. Just my .02 B|


Muff Brother #4041
Team Dirty Sanchez #467

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If you're conducting an active pursuit just for the enjoyment of doing it then it's a sport or a game. The term "hobby" can encompass physical activities as well as non-physical activities such as model building, chess, computer games, and bird watching.

We tend to exclude various activites because we're so used to sport meaning competetive sport. Think through a few examples and you'll start to define it.
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neither ...

it's just a habit ....

also called addiction

I amend my response..

It's an obsessively addicting habitual lifestyle...

which can loosely be termed a 'sport'
sports, contrary to the uninformed, does NOT require competition.. from the dictionary
1. an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc.
2. a particular form of this, esp. in the out of doors.
3. diversion; recreation; pleasant pastime.

note it is 'often' competitive, doesn't have to be ...

skydiving became a 'competitive' sport because some people simply can't enjoy something unless they can point at a ranking and say 'See, I am right here'
pathetic, but true...

skydiving does not require a ranking process... someone can see you approach and dock and say 'alrighty then, want'ta go on the next load ?' without any need of formal ranking (where your team placed)

all that stuff is for the anal retentives obsessed with ranking structures...



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No one yet has delved into the actual definitions of the two words. Here's what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has to say:
Main Entry: sport
Function: noun
1 a: a source of diversion : recreation b: sexual play c (1): physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2): a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in.

Main Entry: hobby
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s):
1: a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation
Given those definitions, I say your answer is "both".

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