
Changing DZ mid AFF

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does that sound like a bad idea?

my situation is i have done two tandem AFF jumps, and really enjoyed the DZ and enjoyed the fairly slow paced, barren empty landing zone, and everything about it. but theres another DZ about 1/3 the distance(i havnt been to the closer one before)

so is there any learning curve to changing zones?

im new but to my knowledge the next four or five jumps are basically the same price, but im new to this, so i could end up getting swindled out of money lol:D

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ok, thank you very much.
i think i was leaning that direction ayway.
From what i heard my "home" landing zone is much nicer from what i hear, and i also hear the other DZO is a bit of a jerk

so i think ill do that. plus im not sure if i want to rededicate 9 hours to building up the courage to talk to people lol

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ok, thank you very much.
i think i was leaning that direction ayway.
From what i heard my "home" landing zone is much nicer from what i hear, and i also hear the other DZO is a bit of a jerk

so i think ill do that. plus im not sure if i want to rededicate 9 hours to building up the courage to talk to people lol

A couple of things here....

What you "hear" may not be truth. It may be, for lack of a better word at the moment, simple "bad-mouthing". You won't know for sure unless you go there and see for yourself.

Deciding on a DZ based on proximity is not a good idea in my book.

I would suggest to go there and see what's what so you have an intelligent basis for making a decision.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Don't believe everything you hear in the skydiving community. Some people say I'm an asshole, that's not true.

I have a friend that did his student jumps at several different DZs and a couple of boogies.
Very soon, an honest person will not be able to sing the last 2 lines of our National Anthem:::Practice safe dining....use condiments

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