
What Happens with USPA????

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This is second time that happens in 2 years!!!???

No magazine since march 2009!!!

We pay full USPA membership here in Greece to don't get the magazine.

And I say 'WE' because here in Greece most of my friends in our USPA dropzone....they have the same problem.

Everybody send an email to USPA with no responce at all!!!!!!!

Last time I had send them money for IRM&SIM&shipping to Greece, and I got the books after months.....only after the course director in Zhills phone them directly(to see what happens??)!!!!!3 weeks before my coach rating course!!!!@!@@@@!!!

I love skydiving in USA, I love US skydivers, I love USA,

but USPA has a big problem in skydivers service.

I start skydiving in UK, and I MUST SAY THAT USPA compared to BPA STANDAR is YEARS BEHIND no matter how more YOU PAY..

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Hi Lok,
What happened to yer' mags?? You live outside the CONUS, that's what. Just like when I worked for Grumman Aero in Iran back in '76, the Iranian govt nabbed them. Someone told us the Iran Skydiving club in Tehran had them!! Really cute. Just like when I was in the Navy over seas, Parachutist, what Parachutist?? Same and worse for Playboy mags. too!!!
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Big respect to Kirk, for his time and interest for other skydivers and USPA members.

But every time happens the same!!!, some holy person will do the job for USPA:


One day USPA need to change...

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You have 23,000 jumps? Oh my God. Never heard such a high number. Wish I had 1/1,000 that experience. Do you know the highest jumps number?
"You can't overcome weakness by fighting it,
or by thinking your way out of it:
Evolution doesn't work that way . . .
You overcome weakness by leaving it behind you!" ~ Stuart Wilde ~

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Hi everybody.
My name is ioannis konstantinidis (member no. 157164, exp 01/31/2010) and I am from Greece. I’m a USPA member since January and I have only one mag in my hands. After a small gallop that I have done, I figure that nobody here in Greece ever received a mag after March. I have sent 2 emails to USPA about that problem and I haven’t ever got a reply. I have heard a lot of theories about the problems in Hellenic post offices. Ok, ours post offices having a lot of problems...... but only with Parachutist mag? And I will tell you why I’m saying that. All the other mags from US, arrive in time all this years, what happen now? After Lok's thread creation, for the first time in history of Greece, the August issue arrived on time. Suddenly the Hellenic post office works perfect? It’s a miracle :)

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open"

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Yes, I'm sure there is some secret plot at USPA to keep all the Greeks down by not sending them Parachutist. Please. They send everyone's mailing address to the printer in one file and the printer ships everyone's copies out to them at the same time. There are problems sometimes, because the world is not perfect. The August issue was mailed well before Lok's post, so no, his post had nothing to do with the timing of its delivery.

USPA is usually quite quick to respond to e-mails and phone calls; if one method doesn't work, try another. They also have a Facebook page, twitter account, MySpace page, blog and online contact form.
Blue Skies Mag

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Dear friend Larakiyomi
I’m not saying that there is a secret plot. That’s stupid. I’m saying that they don’t care. I have to right something to dropzone to get the attention? And all this month’s why they didn't reply to the emails? Now everybody answers.
I don’t have facebook and i don’t want to have. i want to get reply to my email. And I want the issues that I misted without asking it. Just what a subscriber asks.

p.s. I never said that I want the issue that I paid. I want the mag just because I like reading it and I like skydive.
p.s.2 I think that you want have the same reaction if this will happent in "bluskiesmag"
"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open"

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Ok, ours post offices having a lot of problems...... but only with Parachutist mag? And I will tell you why I’m saying that. All the other mags from US, arrive in time all this years, what happen now? After Lok's thread creation, for the first time in history of Greece, the August issue arrived on time. Suddenly the Hellenic post office works perfect? It’s a miracle Smile?

That sounds to me like you think it's a secret plot. Did you ask them why they didn't respond to your previous e-mails? I'm betting it's because they didn't receive them, not because they don't care. They have multiple avenues of communication, not just e-mail or Facebook, for just that reason. Not every e-mail sent in the world gets to its intended recipient. If you don't want to contact them on Facebook, call them. If you don't want to call them, leave a comment on the blog. If you don't want to leave a comment on the blog, contact them through Twitter. After that, there is MySpace. There has got to be some form of communication in there - besides just e-mail - that is acceptable to you.

Sometimes things don't happen perfectly. Sometimes they don't happen perfectly for months in a row. Delivery of the magazine is very much out of their hands, especially once it leaves the U.S. Don't publicly accuse USPA of not caring because they may not have received your e-mail and can't do much to help your magazine delivery. USPA staff members care more than they should about their work and about skydivers.

USPA is easy to rail on because they seem big and don't come here to defend themselves. Assuming things like this happen simply because they don't care appears disrespectful to me. And yes, I would react the same if someone treated me and my magazine this way - assuming that I don't care because the post office screwed up your delivery and maybe your e-mail to me bounced, and then coming on a public forum to tell everyone that I don't care.

Just chill out a little, get in touch with USPA however you can, and maybe ask for them to send you the issues you missed. Don't go shouting to the world how they don't care and how the only reason things are getting done is because they're now posted on dz.com.
Blue Skies Mag

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I want take it further.
I hope in the future not have such problems. I hope August will be the fresh new start in Parachutist delivery. In my eyes, USPA is a perfect working organization and I don’t want to see anything else. I hope in no further problems. And I don’t think it's a secret plot. And I haven’t asked them why they didn’t respond to my previous e-mails because I sent them the same again, for the second time. Two misted e-mails? You are wrong saying that they seem big and don't come here to defend themselves. They had the chance with my e-mails.
p.s. I’m chill. And yes, I believe the only reason things are getting done is because they're now posted on dz.com. That’s why we talk about it right now.
Good night from Greece
"Minds are like parachutes. They only function when open"

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