
JFTC - any news?

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Man I wish this was on TV. I'm thinking Last jump today, second jump tommorow. Kallend you can go to www.jumpforthecause.com and get some more info but it's just starting to come along.

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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First two days were hot. Yesterday was windy and they couldn't jump much of the day, but most groups still got 3-4 jumps.

Today is first jumps with everyone. Forecast is for even hotter and windier, but they got at least the first jump off before the winds picked up.

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Man I wish this was on TV. I'm thinking Last jump today, second jump tommorow. Kallend you can go to www.jumpforthecause.com and get some more info but it's just starting to come along.



Not a whole lot on there. Billvon posted more info right here.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm still betting 7 but if the winds keep going and these 7 get broke up over several days, Bill's bet is better. They need a good day of jumping then a jump or two..............

Has the mens WR jumped at all?
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Just heard from a buddy who's there supporting his g/f that they just took off. He says the warm up jumps (he was flying base) were very strong and that the team was doing great.

Feeling good about my 7th jump bet......:P

Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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>Feeling good about my 7th jump bet......

Hmm. The pattern I usually see is with bigways is:

First jump goes OK. A few problems.
Second jump goes better. Still have a few problems; people get moved around.
Third, fourth jumps decent.

Around jump 5 or 6 you have the big problems. Funnelled base, wacker line popping over another one. This is partly due to people getting tired and partly due to complacency; people are getting comfortable and are not looking around as much, leaving as much buffer etc. People get cut.

Then there's a big speech and the dive is rearranged. It takes a few jumps to get comfortable with the changes, and then progress gets more rapid.

Complicating this is the time-of-day thing. Early jumps go well, later jumps not so well. At Perris this is due to heat (which leads to exhaustion) and sun angle; near sunset it can be almost impossible to see the lead plane, and formation/exit timing can be affected.

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Hi Bill,

I wish my wife was as informative as you (not likely), I hope when I arrive on sunday to pick her up, you guys have a new mens and womans' world record.

Thanks for all the updates, keep em coming!

fly safe,

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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