
Mr Bill

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Get a tandem master who would be willing to land a tandem canopy alone. Put on a tandem harness backwards, then put your rig on over it. It's kinda fun hanging on watching the drogue bob around, especially if you get someone to fly video and they are zippin' around too.

It's nice because you can relax on the opening for the most part, don't have to worry about hanging on until your arms break....

Once you deploy, have sluggo (tandem master) curl his feet up, stand on his toes, unhook, and enjoy.
It's all fun and until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

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Get a tandem master who would be willing to land a tandem canopy alone. Put on a tandem harness backwards, then put your rig on over it. It's kinda fun hanging on watching the drogue bob around, especially if you get someone to fly video and they are zippin' around too.

It's nice because you can relax on the opening for the most part, don't have to worry about hanging on until your arms break....

Once you deploy, have sluggo (tandem master) curl his feet up, stand on his toes, unhook, and enjoy.

something like this?? :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un6QjPavaDE
Dudeist Skydiver #170
You do not need a parachute to skydive, you only need one to skydive again

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We did a few a couple years ago using a 69 and 78 xaos-21. Flew them around in formation and then the guys holding on jumped off at around 8000'. Got the footage somewhere in a box.

And then there's this. Kinda of like the reverse tandem thing but different.

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We did a few a couple years ago using a 69 and 78 xaos-21. Flew them around in formation and then the guys holding on jumped off at around 8000'. Got the footage somewhere in a box.

And then there's this. Kinda of like the reverse tandem thing but different.

What was the setup on that exactly? That looked pretty cool! Some sort of 3 ring release tied to the Mr. Bill's tandem hooks and Sluggo's Risers?

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I have done two so far, both successful. I flew both positions. One suggestion I would make for anyone thinking about doing it is to dirt dive the thing. Get on a mock up and see what it will be like. By doing that, I avoided a couple things. One, using a hand/glove camera got in the way so I had to go without it. Also, from a C182 with me being a bigger guy, there was no way to exit stable to the wind. We expected a flip on exit, and timed the pilot chute pull appropriately. This also means that IAD/PCA would have been a very bad idea in my case.

As with many things, plan ahead of time and think about what can go wrong and how to avoid it.

Me as sluggo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TMuUa6ORdo

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Nice but .... plan just a tiny bit farther. Be ready to cause chest strap failure. It's Not designed to take the load you're putting on it.

It's probably (note the word probably) not much issue but the chest hardware is the weakest piece on the whole rig. It's also the sharpest piece of hardware on the rig.

Besides that factor... nice work.
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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Get video, because I need another "Mr. Bill gone wrong" thread with cool video of other people about to die. ALthough it might work out.

Here ya go:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSCjZuS2up0 Mr Bill plus a canopy dock transfer the "bill" to the other canopy. Bill didn't die but he did have to go to the hospital due to hurting a previous spinal fracture. Lightnings loaded at over 2.5 to 1 open harder than normal which is harsh. And you don't want to know how much lead the single canopy flyer had on just to keep up with the overloaded pair.

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We did our second Mr. Bill on a 120 Bladerunner (like Stiletto) this weekend.
It ie equipped with 300 dacron lines.
After I pulled right away, the handdeploy did not pull the pin immediately, so we had like 3-4 seconds delay.
More than the lines could take obviously:

3 lines snapped on opening, we were hold on and released after a few more seconds.
Nice ride for me though, since kept on with the chute for about 10.000 ft to cut away low. didn´t want it to be gone with the wind:-)

Still worth it all...

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