
How did YOU afford it?

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Hi everyone! Newbie here. I just did my third tandem last week because I'm totally hooked (my instructor let me do some turns, pull the ripcord, attempt to land-all making me realize that I want to do this Myself!), but I now realize that I should just start my AFF by now instead of spending all my $$ on tandems.
How did YOU afford it?
I'm in the process of paying off my student loans, rent, my car, normal bills, other hobbies, etc.
Last night I litterly ate a can of green beans for dinner because "that money should go into the skydiving fund" haha.

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Hi everyone! Newbie here. I just did my third tandem last week because I'm totally hooked (my instructor let me do some turns, pull the ripcord, attempt to land-all making me realize that I want to do this Myself!), but I now realize that I should just start my AFF by now instead of spending all my $$ on tandems.
How did YOU afford it?
I'm in the process of paying off my student loans, rent, my car, normal bills, other hobbies, etc.
Last night I litterly ate a can of green beans for dinner because "that money should go into the skydiving fund" haha.

I had to start hookin to make some extra cash...

Too bad no hot chicks want to pay for sex... I ended up not making ANY money B| YMMV;)
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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My first three jumps were free, so that helped. I paid for a few jumps (static line was the only way to learn back in the late 70's and early 80's), and then started packing student rigs for jump credits. When I had enough jumps I earned my SL jumpmaster rating, and that paid a bit more plus I got to jump free. Then I added the SL Instructor rating, a couple of tandem ratings, the AFF-I rating, and finally a third tandem rating. From there, the dollars I earned teaching paid for my flight training. I bought my first rig (used) with a student loan that I paid off within a couple of years. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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Mostly, creditcard B|

Now I usually get all my jumps paid for (coach jumps, video for teams), and get paid for a lot of them (tandem video). Doing tandemvideo pays for my gear and stuff, so while I don't do many funjumps anymore (although all jumps are fun :P), I do jump frequently and "free". But I racked up a good debt to get here... [:/]

I did staticline though as that was by far the cheapest way to learn to skydive (3 tandems? why?). Also I learned to pack real quick (actually before I got to jump, due to too much wind for 2 weeks) so that saved me money on packjobs and every now and then I packed for others too.

ciel bleu,

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How did YOU afford it? I'm in the process of paying off my student loans, rent, my car, normal bills, other hobbies, etc.

Did I see the words "OTHER HOBBIES" in there? Oh yes, I did. Well there you go - give 'em up, and trade 'em for skydiving. You'll be glad you did.

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Pitch a tent at the DZ and steal a spot on the packing mat. I packed my ass off for my first 2 years in the sport. Oh and VISA, graciously paid for some of it.

Seriously though, packing all day works great. Jump on the first load and again on the last load. The rest of the entire day . . . PACK PACK PACK !!
You think you understand the situation, but what you don't understand, is that the situation just changed.

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Packing gets tiring after a while, but you can make a small fortune doing it. I know that several DZ's will let you pack your way thru AFF.

Plus, you learn alot about the gear and different ways that people like their stuff packed so you can decide how you want to pack your gear when the time comes.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Mostly, creditcard B|

Now I usually get all my jumps paid for (coach jumps, video for teams), and get paid for a lot of them (tandem video). Doing tandemvideo pays for my gear and stuff, so while I don't do many funjumps anymore (although all jumps are fun :P), I do jump frequently and "free". But I racked up a good debt to get here... [:/]

I did staticline though as that was by far the cheapest way to learn to skydive (3 tandems? why?). Also I learned to pack real quick (actually before I got to jump, due to too much wind for 2 weeks) so that saved me money on packjobs and every now and then I packed for others too.

Yeah, that is where my last few came in (credit card)... :)

And static line is cheaper, and I don't have enough experience to comment with authority, but I think there are real advantages to AFF/AFP.

That said, some DZ (goddess bless you!) can do a payment plan monthly to make it spread out more and much more do-able for those, like me, who are college students, low income, etc. To me, a DZ that offers this is really showing a great deal of trust and commitment- going both ways, and showing that they have confidence in their program not only creating students, but in creating skydivers who will continue to progress and want to continue jumping there- I see the availability of such an option at a dz as a very positive sign. Yes, they cover their bases with credit card requirements, contractual obligations, and proof of things like pay stubs, bank statements, credit ratings, stuff like that just to show that this is feasible for everyone and make sure no one is in a bad spot.. but I am really happy to have that option.

Also if you cannot afford own gear right around or at the A license, see if the DZ offers discounted gear rentals to former AFF grads from their program who have just gotten their license and are still acquiring a rig etc.

Several folks at my dz (and i myself may have to join them.. jk) have schemes to get student loans to fund their skydiving, since it's about the best and easiest way to get a low interest deferred loan (assuming you are actually a student, and don't need the rest of the loan to, you know, pay actual tuition and such hehe :))

Now-- Packing is what I have heard to do the most frequently, but perhaps a bit cautious before assuming this will work-- not to imply anything at all about anyone I know, and not that there is necessarily any malicious intent anywhere in this regard, i do not know and am still early in the sport. That said, i think there is a tendency when it is hypothetically discussed sometimes, for people to say when you inquire, oh yeah, definitely, learn how to pack, so and so packed his way to an A/B/whatever license, etc." and a lot of that may simple be enthusiasm combined with the simple fact that yes, you WILL need to learn to pack for your own sake and your own license anyway.

But then once you are a bit of the way in, that might not materialize. So if that is your option, that you are choosing to go with, maybe make sure to start packing BEFORE you start jumping and start getting $ or credits racked up so you have some security, and/or get some sort of contract maybe (yeah that sounds weird and has probably never been done, but hey, you sign a waiver, it's often good to get shit in writing.. just would hate to see someone start the sport, get partway there, and then either be unable to finish because the dz decides they don't need or want more packers, or to see someone go into really unmanageable debt due to said situation.

I am not yet full trained at packing, and due to a toddler couldn't do it that often anyways, though i have a lesson scheduled tomorrow, so i am not necessarily speaking from personal experience and am using the payment plan option and babysitting jobs to make it work for me- just tossing it out there as food for thought, for both sides of the equation. That said, I do hope and intent to pack since that is indeed the only way I can continue eventually.. starting with my student rig and getting discounts for that when jumping it, then getting signed off and packing for others too.. maybe a rigging license from FAA..

But as others have said- if you love it and want it enough, it will come. Maybe it will come recklessly and with lots of debt LOL, maybe that's not the wisest or most future-minded statement, but you can't live in fear either- you have to find that balance.

A large part of it is also that once you get past student status and earlier license/s, you may want to start jumping in a way that earns you free jumps/paid jumps (video, coach rating, AFFI, tandem, whatever) But then again, yes, these are work jumps, so it's not the same as fun jump (not that they aren't fun of course, from what i hear, but you know what i mean!)

This too takes a huge time and money investment and is obviously not something you can plan on concretely at this stage in the game, but it is a path that it seems that many people follow when they become passionate about the sport in the long term. However, it rather depresses me that I see people doing this who love it so much, are passionate and skilled skydivers, and yet still have to work a "regular" job to make ends meet. To me, in a perfect world, you would be able to make a living in this. But, I don't know the ins and outs, and obviously OP and myself are both early in the game, so may not be that relevant yet anyways. (plus I am just selfish- I am a student with summer off, so if no one had non-jumping jobs, we could be at the dz all day every day LOL)

Anyways, the thing that also helps me is to know that, yes, gear will be a big expense, but I plan to break those purchases up over time, ask for them for gifts, etc. and know that the jumps themselves get cheaper. Tandem is priciest, then AFF class and 2 JM (levels 1, 2, and 3), then AFF with 1 JM, then hop n pop, coach, check dive is right around there (for A lic), and then you simply have that 20 buck ticket to get on the plane, plus either the rig you already bought on your back, or the fee for renting gear.

Once you get that license, it hopefully won't seem nearly as outrageous (that is what i am counting on anyway lol), and every level gets you closer. I do think about it still though- I love it, and while one jump a day seems exhausting as an early AFF student, now I am doing 2, and I see students nearing A who can easily make 3, 4, or 5.. instructors and up jumpers making 10-15 at times within a day!! So, it really can add up either way. You'll eventually have to decide what is sustainable for you once you have gotten licensed and established yourself in the sport. Too infrequent can be unsafe (currency) but too much is pricey, and one could argue could also increase risk.. but that is a total tangent too, and you can cross all those bridges, as will I, when we get there!

Another bright idea? Marry a rich man! Become a skydivin' trophy wife- LOL. Or marry a DZO? Free BJs for the pilot in exchange for a free ride to 14k? Tee hee... sorry... :)

And yes- stop putting money into tandems if you know you are wanting to 'dive in' to an AFF progression.

Welcome, blue skies, stay safe, and enjoy!! And happy 4th, a day late!

(I am allowed one epic long post per day. so there. Yes, I get shit sometimes for my verbose tendencies. I'm working on it..) I am a newer jumper too and enjoy getting to know others entering the sport, feel free to keep in touch and do keep us posted!

Oh and LMAO at the green beans.. but yeah little things can help. If you save all your change, that actually can add up pretty quick. Thing is, most people (self included) rely on the good ole debit card these days- but if you are using cash, it's another small way of getting some extra cash that you wouldn't even otherwise think was there or could add up.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi

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Do you write books for a living?:P

We are skydivers with very sort attention spans. A nice short response works.

And welcome to the forums.


I lost her somewhere talking about packing or something...:D
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Do you write books for a living?:P

We are skydivers with very sort attention spans. A nice short response works.

And welcome to the forums.

it was intended for the op.. in fact, there probably should be a book on how to afford this damn addictive expensive sport lol.. but i get the whole ADD/attention span thing.. some days i'm better than others though lol.

and i have actually written a bit freelance/for work, though i don't consider it a primary occupation by any means. i journal a lot and blog and such..

summary (yeah sometimes i need a translator):
-credit cards and debt (LONG TERM=BAD)
-payment plans (good, but most dzs won't do it)
-packing (good, but make sure that they follow through too)
-working in skydiving (comes way down the line, but sadly it seems even then most still have to work other jobs to make it work)
-keeping in mind that it does get cheaper as you progress
-marrying rich men and/or trading sexual favors for a ride to altitude with the pilots :)
-getting gear slowly over time so it's not one big sticker shocker all at once

that about covers it.. but i wanted to give the op some ideas on things to consider and watch out for with the different options.

and finally, if there is a will there is a way!!

nice to meet you too :P

btw i am trying to make shorter posts, but since i am 'grounded' until i have some dental work done to make sure i don't fuck myself up any further, i have to expend all my pent up jumping energy into frenetically typing long posts on dz.com.. so yes. you all get to bear the brunt of that :D

that was long too wasn't it? haha..
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi

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i have to expend all my pent up jumping energy into frenetically typing long posts on dz.com..

Masturbate. Much better way to relieve that pent up energy. Will make your posts that much shorter since you will be typing with one hand.:)
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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...marrying rich men and/or trading sexual favors for a ride to altitude with the pilots

That's a rather sexist comment don't ya think? >:(:$:ph34r:

There are female pilots. And don't forget the Rainbow skydivers.:o
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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