
Belly Suit

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Hi all, I'm looking for an RW suit that will slow me down.
6'2" 210 lbs and fall around 135 in a comfortable arch according to my altimaster. Any recommendations would be great.


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do a search - there are so many threads about fall fallers and suit features that you'll have a hard time picking one. Don't worry about the brand, worry about the features you want. then talk to a good manufacturer and they'll help you.

tunnel time might not hurt either - your height/weight isn't out of the norm by any means

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Any suit can be built to fall more slowly. Some options:

-Heavier cotton fabric
-Loose fabric on sleeves
-Swoop cords
-'Wings' (not true wings; basically extra fabric under the arms deployed by the swoop cords)
-Big booties
-Big grippers help slightly

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I had TonySuit build me a super slow fall suit. Big guy and I wanted to reduce my velocity. Tony added "winglets" with vented armpits to inflate the suit. Also added booties that are fully vented as well. In tunnel I get great drag as the suit inflates, in freefall the rig stops any back inflation but the arms and legs do fill. If you youtube (Hagenemt) in the subject you can see how it looks and flys in the sky and tunnel. Best of luck to you.

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Hi all, I'm looking for an RW suit that will slow me down.
6'2" 210 lbs and fall around 135 in a comfortable arch according to my altimaster. Any recommendations would be great.



I feel your pain. I'm 6'4" and 250. I haven't arched since AFF.

When I first got my A, I ordered a fairly baggy Bev suit with swoop chords and 'afterburners' (pockets that catch air) on the booties. It worked pretty well to slow me down. Although, with more experience I found that I didn't need the swoop chords.

If I had to do it over, I'd consider the vented suit mentioned a few posts above.

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Any suit can be built to fall more slowly. Some options:

-Heavier cotton fabric absolutely
-Loose fabric on sleevesabsolutely
-Swoop cordsi hate Gimmicks
-'Wings' (not true wings; basically extra fabric under the arms deployed by the swoop cords)i hate Gimmicks
-Big bootiesabsolutely
-Big grippers help slightlyabsolutely

one problem with odd little gimmicks and mods and too loose a fit is sporadic inflation and, just plain, flapping material. You want to fly a suit, not have a suit fly you. Caution always with vents and pockets and tricky clever little items that just result in an option upcharge to the price of a suit.

My wife makes a Big John model - simply a comfortable fit, freefall arms instead of spandex, the biggest booties and grippers we can find, double layers. It was designed originally for a guy that was in the upper 200's for weight and about 6'2" and it was sufficient without cords, vents and oddball leg designs.

also, double layers add drag without sacrificing performance

any suitmaker will work with a customer on this issue - but most every time I see some new "whiz bang" feature, it's crap and the only purpose was to add another $30-50 to the order.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>one problem with odd little gimmicks and mods and too loose a fit
>is sporadic inflation and, just plain, flapping material.

If Bill Legard is ever out your way check out his suit. He's a very big guy who's been in the middle rows of bigways. It works well for him.

I agree there are some crappy ways to do swoop cords though.

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