
Torn between DZs

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Okay, so long story short..

I did a tandem couple months ago at z-hills and was hooked. I decided I was going to start AFF as soon as i got the finances in order.

Well, now they are in order and I'm ready to go. Originally, z-hills was where I had planned on going from day one…But..I have seen very good things about Skydive the farm, and their program is a bit cheaper than z-hills. (not a big deal, but worth noting) And, I have a place to stay near by for free so lodging isn't an issue.

My question is, if you had to pick one of these places to get you're A, which would you pick, and why?..

**apologies if this is posted in the wrong place.

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My question is, if you had to pick one of these places to get you're A, which would you pick, and why?.

The one that I intend to do the majority of my skydiving at when I have my license, which for most people is the one closest to home.

Why? Because that way at least some people there will know me when I have 26 jumps and want to do more than solos.

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It'll make a great home DZ for the rest of your skydiving days.

What's the rush to get your A? Extra time spent at the DZ is well spent if you keep your eyes and ears open.

It's really NOT about jump numbers in the least amount of time for the least amount of money. It's about bonds formed, shared experiences, lessons learned and BEER!


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I live about a half hour from z-hills..

I've also thought it would be a good idea to do my AFF where i would jump normally. but i also wonder if its really that big of a set back to AFF somewhere other than what your home DZ would be. (not saying it isn't, but is it a factor large enough to rule out all other DZs?)

Also thought about Deland, and I have a place to stay on the east coast as well. I just really, _really_ hate driving I-4 from tampa to Deland

If anyone has an opinion about Deland that may swing me from z-hills or STF i would be more than willing to hear them out. However, my impressions, and what I have seen other people post, STF and z-hill are pretty positive

maybe Deland just doesn't have the exposure that the other 2 have?

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It'll make a great home DZ for the rest of your skydiving days. "

z-hills will be my home DZ no matter what route I end up going for aff. I had a great time there just waiting on my tandem..

Also had a very nice chat with TK while I was there. I would go now just to sit around and watch. (I have lots of time off in the middle of the week). but, i don't know anyone there, and haven't officially started anything. So i wonder what i would be able to take away from that without the understanding of exactly whats going on...

"It's really NOT about jump numbers in the least amount of time for the least amount of money. It's about bonds formed, shared experiences, lessons learned and BEER! "

Am i wrong in thinking that is a +1 for AFF anywhere?...Sounds like at the end of the day it wont matter too much. A newbe is a newbe, no matter where he went to school.

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I vote you train at the DZ where you will jump the most. You will establish a relationship from day one with the people you will be around most of the time. You will always have the chance to travel to other DZs. Not to mention, if you do put aside some time to go to The Farm, what will you do if the weather is bad that week or two that you are there? If you're only a half hr from Zhills, then you can take full advantage of every jumpable day.

In the end I don't think it really matters.
Life expands or contracts in proportion to one's courage. ~Anais Nin

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Am i wrong in thinking that is a +1 for AFF anywhere?...Sounds like at the end of the day it wont matter too much. A newbe is a newbe, no matter where he went to school.

Yes, but if you've hung around that DZ that becomes your local/home DZ during your student days, people have a chance to get to know you during the time between loads, the time watching winds and other weather, the time after hours when you're hanging out at the bar, etc. etc. etc. You get to know folks that will then be looking forward to jumping with you when you get your A license (or even after you finish AFF and are cleared for solo & coach jumps).

It's the time when you're not in the air that helps you to start to build those bonds. Just being there over and over again makes you a familiar face at the DZ. Just being there means you can strike up the random conversations that build friendships. If you're not there for the student time, then yeah, you're just another random noob that showed up with 26 jumps. But if you are, then you're the guy they remember from hanging out telling "no shit there I was stories."

For me, it's the students that I see at the dropzone regularly and get to know that I'm most likely to invite to do a fun jump once they get their license. Why? Because I got to know them during their student days, so they're a familiar face to me. It's not that I'm deliberately being rude to someone who comes in from another DZ - far from it - but I just don't know them yet.

I got my A license up in Washington State... in the fall and winter. By the time I was licensed, I'd spent so many weather days on the DZ couch watching Fandango that I had plenty of folks willing to jump with me because they knew me by that point.

None of this is to take anything away from Skydive the Farm - I like the DZ and have a lot of friends there and have no doubt you'd have a positive student experience there. Just trying to help you understand why becoming a familiar face at your local DZ can be a real advantage.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Deland is a great place (I did my AFF/A license there) but if you live closer to zhills I would totally recommend going there instead. Both are great DZ's and you really cant go wrong. Plus as you progress the instructors/other jumpers there see it and like it was said before bonds are formed and tons of beer is shared :)

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i just started my aff up north at the ranch so im just a bit ahead of you. Ive had a couple of days already where i couldnt jump so i hung around the dz. In those few days Ive made some great friends and had several offers for free coaching when the time comes. Im sure the people at Z hills would be just as great so you can expect the same from them. To me its worth having these friendships in place when the time comes to find people to jump with or ask questions. Today one of the instructors spent his time with me teaching me to pack for free since nothing else was going on due to weather. I bought him a jump ticket to say thanx and i now have a solid buddy at the dz already! To me id go to Z hills if thats where youll be jumping most. Just a noobs $.02. Good luck and Blue Skies!!!
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Okay, so long story short..

I did a tandem couple months ago at z-hills and was hooked. I decided I was going to start AFF as soon as i got the finances in order.

Well, now they are in order and I'm ready to go. Originally, z-hills was where I had planned on going from day one…But..I have seen very good things about Skydive the farm, and their program is a bit cheaper than z-hills. (not a big deal, but worth noting) And, I have a place to stay near by for free so lodging isn't an issue.

My question is, if you had to pick one of these places to get you're A, which would you pick, and why?..

**apologies if this is posted in the wrong place.

Z Hills. Only cuz I'm biased since I finished my AFF there a few weeks ago and they've been great since day 1 :)
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"It's really NOT about jump numbers in the least amount of time for the least amount of money. It's about bonds formed, shared experiences, lessons learned and BEER! "

Am i wrong in thinking that is a +1 for AFF anywhere?...Sounds like at the end of the day it wont matter too much. A newbe is a newbe, no matter where he went to school.

AFF taken at another DZ is perfectly acceptable to another DZ -but- there will be a certain amount of time and jumps required for the next DZ to get a proper feel for you as a student or fresh A license holder. Wouldn't you rather form lasting bonds with the people that'll be jumping with you through and past your student jumps? Won't it be great to find another student at your home DZ that comes up at a similar pace to share the experience with?


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Thanks everyone for the replies..

So far it looks pretty unanimous that z-hills is my best bet.

"it's the students that I see at the dropzone regularly and get to know that I'm most likely to invite to do a fun jump once they get their license. Why? Because I got to know them during their student days, so they're a familiar face to me."

How long does it take for you to warm up to very new people with low numbers from other places?...I don't ask in a defiant way (hopefully it isn't taken that way)..but more or less wondering how welcoming the people at other DZs would be if i came from my home DZ with 30 jumps..

i could just buy a whole lotta beer, then everyone will like me..;)

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How long does it take for you to warm up to very new people with low numbers from other places?...I don't ask in a defiant way (hopefully it isn't taken that way)..but more or less wondering how welcoming the people at other DZs would be if i came from my home DZ with 30 jumps..

Be friendly, be honest about your skill level, be open to trying new things, and I think you'll be very welcome. The key is to understand that not every jump is going to be appropriate for your skill level (so if you ask to get on a 10-way with 30 jumps, don't be surprised if I say "No" but offer to do a 2-or 3-way with you later, or to connect you with a smaller group). If I'm doing team training, don't be surprised if I barely have a moment during the jump day to even say hi because I'm on 20 minute calls with my team and debriefing/dirt diving in between jumps. So be aware of those dynamics as well. Folks who are training tend to be very focused during the training day and because of that are not (on that day) open to jumping with others, but may very well be willing to jump with you on another day.

The key is to get to know people in the down times (weather holds, etc.) and during the off-hours, so then you already have a rapport during the jump day. Also, ZHills has great load organizers who will put together fun jumps for people of all skill levels. I was told before my first visit to ZHills that I would probably have to beat off the load organizers with a stick ... and it's true.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Hi Monkey,

By the way, Bill told me, no more "bottled" beer, green, brown, or clear. Time to pick your favorite canned beer at LPC.

I'm a proud member of the Red Cup Brigade.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
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Hi Monkey,

By the way, Bill told me, no more "bottled" beer, green, brown, or clear. Time to pick your favorite canned beer at LPC.

Yeah I found that out last week after a came through with a couple 24pk Corona. I guess I will have to start bringing 30pk Bud or Keystone Lt[:/]
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Zhills is a warm, friendly and accepting DZ. The staff there cares about your progress and wants you to become a better skydiver. Stick with your home DZ for AFF and beyond, the friends and mentors that you pick up along the way are so worth it.
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I'll +1 everything said, Z-hills is a great dz, and since you're only half an hour away (I live out in Brandon myself) its defiantly a great place to go.

The farm is pretty awesome too, but you live 30 mins from z-hills, why go all the way to GA?? Don't get me wrong, I still go to the Farm if I get the chance, and have plenty of friends there, but its a lot further drive!:D

The organizers at z-hills are all over the place, anywhere from 1-3 RW organizers working on the weekends, once you get your A, come join us and we'll get you in some fun jumps!:)

(BTW, next weekend, there will be ALOT of assholes around the DZ, should be a party to be talked about for many moons to come, if you want to get in the party, be there! B|)

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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First off, if you want to talk money, are you sure of exactly what you get at each DZ for the money? Unless it's jump for jump, with everything included, you have to figure in for the differences.

Beyond that, how many times will you have to drive to GA to get your A license? Keeping in mind gas is headed north of $4/gal, you'll drop $30 or $40 on gas each time you have to go back, vs. $5 to drive to Z-hills.

Have you thought about weather? If you get a week of rain, you get no jumps at the Farm, and drive out for nothing. If you get a week of rain at Z-hills, you lose nothing (always call before driving to the DZ). Beyond that, if the skies clear for a half-day during that week, you can run up to Z-hills and make 2 jumps. If you were jumping at the Farm, all you could do is check out their Facebook page and look at pics of what you missed.

Really, the best reason is to get to know people at Z-hills. Friends are great to have, but instructors are even better to have. When your instructors, who worked with you from day one, are at your home DZ, it provides you with an excellent resource for advice and information. Can you go to any DZ and ask an instructor for help? Sure, and you'll probably get it, but you'll get more of it from the guys who actaully put you through the program.

Here's what you do, whoop out the AFF program at Z-hills and get your A licesne. Then hoof it up to the Farm for some fun jumps. It's a great idea to 'leave the nest' once you have a license, and the Farm is a great place to visit.

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Friends are great to have, but instructors are even better to have. When your instructors, who worked with you from day one, are at your home DZ, it provides you with an excellent resource for advice and information.

that is exactly why i was leaning toward z-hills. I am able to take the time off work to be able to knock it out in a couple weeks at STF..and I have a family reunion with the wife's side of the family up that way in june. (good reason to excuse myself from some of the festivities and have some fun of my own)..

IIRC its about a 350-400 dollar difference between z-hills and STF for very similar programs ..nothing huge, but large enough to think about since i would be in the area anyway..

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