
Safire 2 for low jumper?

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"This canopy is a versatile performer; suitable as a first canopy when lightly loaded,"...From Icarus web site

Would you agree this would be OK if it is LIGHTLY loaded?
40 jump total for me so far.

What is your exit weight? What is the size of the canopy? That can make a difference in the responses you might get.
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While your instructors should be the ones to tell you which canopy is OK to jump, I'll take a stab at this:

Yes a safire 2 makes a good canopy for someone with 40 jumps, provided your wingloading on the safire is between .8 and 1.0, the canopy it is at least a 150/170 sqft, and you got to the desired safire 2 size by safely downsizing.

ciel bleu,

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I jumped a 190 for a while then a Saf2 209 came into my hands. I jumped it for s while from jumps 50-60 or so now I'm back to a 190. I loaded the Saf2 209 ~0.9:1. Very fun canopy and easy to fly/land when loaded lightly IMHO

I had a Sabre2 170 that I loved, once it was open... was never a big fan of the openings of it.

Switched to a Safire2 169 and the openings are way better, nice landing, doesn't seem to be too ground hungry at all. I load mine at about 1.15ish.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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Exit weight is 185...I haven't purchased the canopy yet but I believe I can get a 230...

Hmm if I were you I'd buy a container fist, one with a min 190sqft reserve, then see what main to fit in that.

Personally I think a safire 2 230 might be great for you to borrow for a bit but unless you have special needs (are older, want to take thing real slow), you'll probably want a ~190 sqft canopy in the near future. A WL of ~.8 for a lighter/regular weight jumper's own rig is fine safety wise, but I don't see it very often ;)

ciel bleu,

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There are a number of brands of excellent intermediate-level canopies that are appropriate for newer jumpers, when appropriately sized for skill and weight. The Safire2 is one of them.

Why are you asking about the Safire2 in particular? Is there one for sale that you're interested in, or some other reason?

My point being: if there's one for sale, and it's appropriately sized for you, and it's a good deal, then OK. But otherwise, you'd do well to educate yourself on all the major intermediate-level canopies common today (as well as the differences between a 7-cell and a 9-cell), maybe test-jump a few different brands if you can (to narrow down the field of what's right for you) - and then search out a good deal on something in "your" range. That's what most (or at least many) newer jumpers do when they're looking to buy their first canopy, especially if budget is a factor.

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I hear the Pulse is also known for very soft openings.

That is not my experience.

I did not get spanked, but very soft would not be my description. "Positive" would be closer to it.

Its all in how you pack it. I could pack the softest opening canopies to possibly break lines...

Controlling the slider is a big one, and quite a few people I see packing don't do it so well. What you do with the nose also has an effect.

My Safire2 opens 'positively' if I just quarter the slider and throw it in the bag. If I split the nose and fold the 4 on each side in just a turn, it opens beautifully, soft and on heading.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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All my packjobs are the same - no rolling or stuffing involved:

Flake neatly, quarter slider, leave nose hanging, fold the tail (ie. not tight rolls).

To be clear: I was NOT complaining about the Pulse openings. Just saying that there are softer opening canopies with my standard packjob (XF2 and KA for example).

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All my packjobs are the same - no rolling or stuffing involved:

Flake neatly, quarter slider, leave nose hanging, fold the tail (ie. not tight rolls).

To be clear: I was NOT complaining about the Pulse openings. Just saying that there are softer opening canopies with my standard packjob (XF2 and KA for example).

Which are not acceptable student/novice canopies.:P
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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Of course! I hesitated to mention them but they are my frame of reference for defining a soft opening.

I apologize if I have just added confusion to this thread.

I'll ask how the Crossfire2 and Katana canopies came in to play for you to develop your frame of reference?
My reality and yours are quite different.
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I just bought a Safire 2 169 at 35 jumps, I load it at 1:1. My previous canopy was a Pulse 190. I don't feel like its aggressive at all, although it is very responsive and seems to have a ton more flare than the Pulse did. I can also use front risers for the first time.

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