
stupid skydiving injury anyone else have some to share

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I was packing my chute at Elsinore this weekend had taken my shoes off to take of jump suit and went to kick my d bag and pilot chute out from under and hit my foot on the mat putting me out of action. colorful picture attached. Led to good beer therapy. Sorry colorful picture to big to attach but swollen and black and blue you get the picture.

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Another senseless skydiving tragedy!

And I predict that, yet again, the rest of us will not absorb the lesson, these incidents will continue to occur, and USPA will do nothing. It's only a matter of time before the FAA steps in (and we won't be happy with their solution).

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I was packing my chute at Elsinore this weekend had taken my shoes off to take of jump suit and went to kick my d bag and pilot chute out from under and hit my foot on the mat putting me out of action.

What was the wing-loading of the parachute you were packing?

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My wife is gonna kill me but here it goes.

Whe finished the s/l coarse the Saturday morning and did our first jump around 12 that afternoon.Her landing was smooth.Walking back towards the clubhouse she steps into a Suricate[family of the mongoose] hole and sprains her ankle.To this day the CI will steer the first jumpers past her and then loudly announces please watch out for the suricate holes as they head to the plane.:D

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This is by far the funniest thread I have read in this forum.

The parties have to be the most dangerous part of the sport. Two sprained ankles and a dislocated shoulder from tripping over people who were passed out or trying to pass myself off as a good dancer at the Bomb Shelter.
Green Light
"Harry, why did you land all the way out there? Nobody else landed out there."
"Your statement answered your question."

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I sprained my right knee once while catching a tandem....2 weeks on crutches B|

BUT, I have a friend that fell off a golfcart during a boogie...8 days in a comma and a few months recovering from the head injury.

DS #419.5

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I picked up a good bit of road rash using a round to pull me across the tarmac on a winded out day in NM... It was working really great until I realized I needed to stop before I hit the hangar, dropped a riser, ran the canopy over with the skateboard, wheels caught in the lines and I biffed it. The best part was when the club president got mad at me for wrecking the canopy... (I don't know how he thought I was going to bring it back in one piece considering I walked up to him asking for a banged up, "non airworthy" round while wearing a Protec and carrying a skate board :)
"Sometimes you eat the bar,
and well-sometimes the bar eats you..."

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Well, we in this sport have a tradition of pieing someone in the face when they reach a milestone skydive, like their 100th jump. One day, several people were trying to pie a 100-jump person, but that person wasn't cooperating, and was fleeing to escape the pies. The pie-ers pursued. Just when the pie-ers thought they had their victim cornered against a brick wall, the victim made a sudden turn. One of the pie-ers wasn't as agile, didn't turn as quick, and smashed into the brick wall breaking his arm.

To my knowledge, this is the only known pieing injury in skydiving history...

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I picked up a good bit of road rash using a round to pull me across the tarmac on a winded out day in NM...

Ha! I almost hit a hangar while parasailing behind a car with a paracommander... on an international airport. :)

Gotta love winded out days!
"It's amazing what you can learn while you're not talking." - Skydivesg

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Sounds like you broke or green-sticked some toes. Have been there (all of them at one time or other) Unless they stick out thru the skin, all they do is tell you they will be all better in 6 weeks. Some optimists say as little as 42 days... You can buddy tape them but that's about it. Internal lube and analgesic is advised!
Hope you heaL soon.

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stupid skydiving injury anyone els

I went skydiving with some Special Forces soldiers one day. I managed to cock up my landing on their DZ on the first jump, and got a beautiful roastie on the side of my calf that was bleeding. As I was a cop at that stage I tried to not show pain or injury as I did not want to look like a sissy between these hardcore SF operators. I took a dry bandage from a medic and wrapped my roastie with this agains his good advice. My excuse, I did not want to bleed over the parachutes during packing. Boy was that a mistake. When I got home that evening their was no way to remove the bandage from my leg. The blood and plasma seeped through it fusing/welding/scabing it to my leg. My wife had to take me to the emergency room to remove it. Luckily none of these(SF) guys were there, cause I asked the Doc to put me out during the removal process.:$

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