
Colleges with DZ's nearby

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University of North Florida-Palatka or Deland
Jacksonville University- Palatka or Deland
UF- Mainly jumps at Palatka
Embry Riddle- 10 min. away from Deland

I went to Jacksonville U. it was about 1.25 hours away from Deland where I jumped most of the time. Did a little bit at Palatka, both great dropzones, and who the hell doesn't want to live in Florida.

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I have to support my skiing habit as well ! Hahaha.

Check out any school in western washington. there are two turbine DZs in the Seattle area, and we have some of the best mountains (mt baker, crystal, stevens), too. plus, whistler is drivable.

We ALSO have great universities. You could go to UW, Western, Seattle U. All great schools.

edited to add: we also have a brand new 14 foot tunnel

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I'm hoping for somewhere in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Utah... Somewhere near the Rockies. I have to support my skiing habit as well ! Hahaha.

But seriously, the school doesn't matter, thanks to Uncle Sam I'll be attending free of charge.

I went to CU (university of colorado at boulder) it was AWESOME! I loved it. the school is walking distance from the foothills with amazing hikes and scenery. also it is a meca for climbing.

it takes 15min to longmont i have ridden my bike from my house to the boulder dz after class and fort morgan is about 1hour 15 min away or so

and for skiing it's a little over an hour to Abasin 1.5 hours to brek and keystone and about 2 hours to vail/beaver creek. and they are all on the same pass for about $450 for unlimited to the first 3 and 10 days to the second two plus you get some days to heavenly

and it's about 1.5 hours to copper and winter park/ mary jane. they are on a different pass

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Whats the name of the turbine DZ? CU-Boulder is at the top of my list!

Mile Hi Skydiving. Super Otter, King Air (I think they've added a second one), and Turbo 206 (there's a swoop pond).

Some people don't like the vibe (Frank's emphasis on tandems grows each year) although you can arrange to meet your skydiving friends out there and bring your own fun.

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I have to support my skiing habit as well ! Hahaha.

Check out any school in western washington. there are two turbine DZs in the Seattle area,

Not within an hour drive when it's sunny (although theoretically an 80 mile 1.5 hour drive I once took three hours to get between Shelton and Seattle. While willing to pay speeding tickets it's usually not physically possible to speed on nice sunny days) and when it's cloudy (much of the year) you'll be doing hop-and-pops from a Cessna.

The weather is something like this


where the headline is "Seattle at 41 days (and counting) since last official sunny day."

except for a few short months in the summer when it's very nice like much of California is nearly year round.

and we have some of the best mountains (mt baker, crystal, stevens), too. plus, whistler is drivable.

Moisture from the Pacific ocean and low altitude means the snow is heavy, wet, and quickly skiid off compared to the Rocky Mountains.

I made the mistake of living on the East Side for six months and in Seattle the following 1.5 years and suggest that you look elsewhere unless coming from someplace with worse weather (people from Boston seem to do OK).

The music and restaurant scenes are good, the local BASE jumpers and skydivers are a nice crew, but they don't make up for the rest of it.

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The weather is something like this


where the headline is "Seattle at 41 days (and counting) since last official sunny day."

Don't believe the hype, lol. "sunny day" there is defined as 30% or less cloud cover. I don't know about any of you, but if I said "want to jump today" and someone said "no, only 70% of the sky is blue" you'd laugh your ass off on jump run while they sat on the ground.

to each their own. If I were you (original poster) I'd skip college for a year and spend a month or two in a few of these areas to see what the scene is like. visit schools while you're at it. work odd jobs, be a DZ hobo, and pick up school the next year. figure out what YOU want, fuck what any of us say about where you should live.

Or maybe that's just me being 30 and wondering why the hell I didn't take a few years off between high school and college. c'est la vie!

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Embry Riddle- 10 min. away from Deland

This is why, when I graduated, I knew hardly anyone I had gone to school with. However, I knew plenty of jumpers at DeLand. ;)

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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