
Best place for a few jumps in March?

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visiting the States, bringing my parachute and got 10 days to go jumping early March. Only thing, I have no clue what place is the best option regarding weather that time of the year.

I will be in Texas, hence thought about Houston. However I was told there's a good chance of downtime due to bad weather there. What about Arizona or New Mexico?

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks people.


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Some foreigners dont realize how big the USA actually is, so be advised if you are thinking about just going to Arizona its over a day's worth of driving. Of course you could fly, but you havent said what your expectations are. There are plenty of places in Texas to jump, however the weather in March can be hit or miss with spring time thunderstorms.

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Thanks for the replies!

I'm aware of the distances, I would fly. Basically I would like to have a plan if the forecast for Texas early turns out to be bad.

As I will have ten consecutive days for jumping, I need a dropzone that operates during the week as well. Are conditions likely to be better in Arizona?

Well, I bet you're having a mild winter in Minnesota.. we booked all the snow an low temperatures over in Europe this year! ;)

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As long as we are on the subject, any Sacramento area folks want to comment on the March weather there? I'm looking primarily at Davis but could do some traveling in that area if needed.

Usually pretty good but since the weather gods have smiled on us all winter this year they may decide to smite us with a rainy spring. :D
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