
Skydive Radio #170 with Moe Viletto is now available. Enjoy.

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Tandem instructors and videographers often use the same jokes day after day, but every once in awhile someone comes up with a new one. Do fistbumps improve safety? No, they don't. Safety First with Brian Germain discusses currency or the lack there of. Dave's off to SVCO for a Body Pilots camp. Pic of the Week - Niklas Daniel captures his shadow over Skydive Arizona. Photo by Niklas Daniel. Conversation with celebrity caveman Moe Viletto. Listener email.

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Skydive Radio

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I disagree, i think fist bumps improve safety.

Just like Skydive Radio shirts and swag improve your skydiving skills, i think the fist bumps gets everyone on the ground safely. Its that same mo-jo~ Like saying "i'm here if you need anything bro"

That 'community feeling' will help provide a worm environment so that you can discuss any issues or concerns you may have.

It maybe more challenging to fist bump everyone on the larger planes at bigger drop zones but i would also relate that to driving in NY City to like Omaha. Omaha everyone lets people in and is generally friendly because it is a smaller city. On the other hand NY City, you wont see that person again so who cares...

anyway keep up the good work!

Jon W

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Way to go Moe! Nice interview. Its also nice to hear TandemBASE getting some play. Just like Moe says, everyone wants to do the coolest, baddest thing right now. Thats why we made TandemBASE, so people can see what BASE is all about.



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