
dumb things I heard at the DZ

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I have now retired and as far as I am concerned Australian skydiving can get fucked.(except Ralph and his DZ) and I am sure the feeling is Mutual. . particularly at Nagambie

But the last word I will share is some of the dumb things I heard at the DZ

1. "Just cause Don Cross demands I have an AAD at Nagambie does not mean I have to turn it on" !!

2. " I now have over a 100 jumps. I disconnected my RSL " (When I asked why he could not answer)

I enjoyed my time but it ended when I was banned from AFF by the CI at Nagambie. He did not even have the balls to tell me face to face... he emailed me (after me spending $5000 at his DZ)

This despite no safety breaches etc. apparently I over researched everything.

So farewell a great pleasure for me and you too.
I tend to be a bit different. enjoyed my time in the sport or is it an industry these days ??

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I wish it would. But the shit like this does keep coming back and he keeps slandering good people.

He's like the turd that clings to the bum of skydiving.

He once passed through briefly but stays desperately, pathetically holding on, smelly, ugly and threatening to infect everything.

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1. "Just cause Don Cross demands I have an AAD at Nagambie does not mean I have to turn it on" !!

2. " I now have over a 100 jumps. I disconnected my RSL " (When I asked why he could not answer)

If those are the dumbest things you've heard at the DZ you didn't stick around very long. You know golf has many forums where they nitpick each other all night long. Go to the driving range, troll their forums.

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1. "Just cause Don Cross demands I have an AAD at Nagambie does not mean I have to turn it on" !!

2. " I now have over a 100 jumps. I disconnected my RSL " (When I asked why he could not answer)

If those are the dumbest things you've heard at the DZ you stick around very long. You know golf has many forums where they nitpick each other all night long. Go to the driving range, troll their forums.

Hmm. I am a golfer with a very technical on plane swing. I have been approached many times on the range and have joined groups and gave advice only after asking if they wanted it. I have lurked a bit on forums when considering altering one part of my swing, info on bending a club weaker and other technical aspects. I have never seen nitpicking as you speak of. In fact just the opposite. It heavily lacks the egos of many of the other competitive sports I have engaged/competed in.

Perhaps because it can be a very humbling sport. I have been advanced in many high speed sports but had to work and train more than usual to develop the swing I have. I never met one person nitpicking along the way. And now that my swing is better than the average amateur I would never nitpick someone else. Hell I almost sold my clubs the first day and did do a local tower to stress down after my first session.

If you’re going to be sarcastic and take a jab try and at least get a sport that would make your comment more accurate. Although having competed proficiently in many sports, I have a good idea where the egos lie within the sports I have been competitive in. But I don't have a problem with egos in general. Hell I am guilty at times in how I treat myself. Only when your ego reflects how you treat others does it become a problem to me.

I highly doubt anyone has every nitpicked you on the driving range unless you specifically asked for it. Fiction I belive. Why the need to call out a different group to put down to make a point?(rhetorical)
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I enjoyed my time but it ended when I was banned from AFF by the CI at Nagambie. He did not even have the balls to tell me face to face... he emailed me (after me spending $5000 at his DZ)

This despite no safety breaches etc. apparently I over researched everything.

So farewell a great pleasure for me and you too.

First it would be nice to know what you spent $5000 at on a dz.
And if you did spend all that money on one dz and they still banned you the only logical reason is that the "money" you hinder his buisness is more than those $5000 and what he expect you give his buisness.
That says a lot.

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the last word I will share

I realise Greg is genuinely mentally ill and powerless in the face of his compulsion to post, but still. You gotta see the funny side, otherwise you'd cry.
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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You should take up Base jumping, 66 jumps is enough experience, who cares that more than half are tandems:)You will skip all the DZ politics, meet some nice people, won't have to worry about sky hooks and Aad's as you will always use your "reserve" ;)

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He spent it on tandems. Seriously.

And three AFF stages: repeated stage 2 by his choice (?) then came the neverending excuses as to why he didn't continue: One was to do another tandem as there was a deal on (wtf??) and disappear for a year and return to AFF (three tandems first). The DZ in question decided they didn't want to go there: a potential bounce most likely. For the benefit of the forum, a nearby DZ offered to take him on for AFF and did three stages....for free to him (!) as so many people just wanted him to get it over and done with. He thanked them by never going back once it came time for the next step i.e. being released in freefall and has been slinging fairy tales on various forums ever since. A very unwell person who at the least needs counselling: Joellercoaster summed it up perfectly. I rest my case.

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I wouldn't tell you to your face either.

I would send you a registered letter than you a no longer welcome at my place of business, and that further contact with the business would be met with a restraining order, and further defamation of my business on public forums would be met with a lawsuit.

You are off your rocker, you need meds. Go take up knitting or something.:|

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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