Spam Arrest... scam or not?

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Im selling a canopy in classifieds and got a few simple questions from someone. after responding i got a email back from something called spamarrest asks me to click a link and verify im human via some capcha code. I have not clicked the link as im worried it maybe some kinda malicious thing.

Anyone have experience with this spam arrest thing? Google shows it as some kinda anti spam service but ive never heard of it before.


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Spam Arrest is at least a "legitimate" subscription, anti-spam/spam preventative service. It has though, clearly - "mixed reviews" (as to both its effectiveness, and at times - their own practices).

That said - in of itself, no - it is not a "scam". However, the individual who reached out to you, via his e-mail that he/she already knows he/she has this "service" upon, should have at the very least, in advance - if they expected a response from you, either "whitelisted" you (in advance - so you would not have had to gone through this) - or informed you of it, to expect it. And allayed your, understandable, concerns.

The program, in theory (again how they effectively practice it, has been debated) is merely trying to assure you are a live, breathing, and able to manually respond individual, and are not yourself - a spambot. So you are being "pre-screened".

There are several programs and companies/services out there that do this. Spam Arrest is one of them. Sendio, just for example (in case you want to look any of these up, FFI) is another.

coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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