
Line twists video

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What is the SOP with regards to a flip through the risers as shown in that video? Haven't thought about this 'malfunction' yet.

If that would have happend to me I think I'd haved checked a.s.a.p. if the canopy would turn and flare like it should and would then have kept it if I were above my hard ceiling (2000 ft). Would have chopped though if I couldn't perform said checks if I were between 2000ft and 1000ft.

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If that would have happend to me I think I'd haved checked a.s.a.p. if the canopy would turn and flare like it should and would then have kept it if I were above my hard ceiling (2000 ft). Would have chopped though if I couldn't perform said checks if I were between 2000ft and 1000ft.

That's about right. A flip through is generally not cause for a cutaway, it's just a screaming clear sign that you, or your packer, don't do a line check and you're asking for a more serious problem in the near future.

But yeah, just do a control check, and then take it easy for the rest of the canopy ride. Be sure that your control check includes a full, deep, sustained flare, the same way you would do it for your actual landing.

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