
How old were you?

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quite different for Me...:)
my first SIX jumps, including gear, training, and lift tickets, cost me 96 dollars !!! :DB| no joke.. 50 bucks for # 1 then 10 dollars each for the next 4 SLs and SIX bucks for # 1 freefall.... it was 1972

Still active,,, and always have been... BUT todays economy might have easily discouraged me....

A 3914
D 12122

I was soo lucky that I started at the sport club at ft. campbell ky. in the early 80's $10 bucks a month club dues and all the huey jumps you could make. and with the old free packed strato cloud. that opened just like a box of chocoiate's but packed up in under 5 min. it wasn't nothing to rock every load. some times 9 ten 11 jumps a dayB|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|B|
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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Well if I counted the 9 jumps I did when I was 16 then I've been at this for 11 years, however I had a break and got back into it 2007 doing S/L on roundies :P then back into freefall 2009/2010. So really only 3 years of FF.


Compromise, A Few Seconds Of Pain, For A Life Time Of Shiny :D

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I will be turning 33 in about 2 weeks. I did a tandem jump for the first time 2/15 and fell in love with the feeling of freefall so I signed up for AFF and did my first student jump 3/16.. I've completed through level 4 and plan on completing 5 and 6 this weekend <--- excited, yes!! I'm just curious about how many others have started this sport past the 30 mark. :)

First tandem at 52.

Competed at nationals at 56, 57 and 62.

First wingsuit jump at 59

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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got a tandemjump as a birthday present on my 26th but didnt used it instead i upgraded that ticket into an AFF-course :P

for me the tandem was just to expensive and i wanted to jump on my own, i dont like the idea beeing stuck to someone in the air and dont have control on my own, the adrenalin rush i got on my level1 was the best i got EVER i was smiling for 3 days.

also had some nonjumping years cause i was living in the alps and set the priority to paragliding, im workin on more jumps ;)

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I'm flabbergasted! Skydivers actually waiting until they can afford to jump... What is the world coming to?


If I'd have waited for that - I'd STILL be waiting! :$

What was the currency when you started, sticks?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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While I had my 1st tandem at 14 and did my AFF while 16-17 I then dropped out of the sport. I did another handful of jumps through my 20's, but it wasn't until just recently at the age of 34 that I've felt the drive to really throw myself into the sport completely.

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I made my first jump when I was 29 . I have jumped in my twenties, my thirties, my forties, my fifties, my sixties and my seventies. My last jump was a couple of months before I turned 80. I think I have made the rounds, and dont expect to make anymore. A man's health can only take so much abuse, and I have had more than my share.

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Congrats on jumping and signing up! I started last year, and I am almost at the big Five-Oh mark. Sky diving is the greatest thing I have done in my life. I have never felt better. All the stretching I do now so I can be better at RW has made all of my back problems go away. I eat better now, try and get more sleep so I can be at me best on every jump. When I think of how I was before I started sky diving, and how much happier I am now, I fell very fortunate to have followed my dreams of flying and found this amazing way of being. I can't imagine not have sky diving in my life. I will jump as long as I can physically sky dive. In 15 years when I retire, I know I will be jumping every chance I get.
Best regards,


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Did a tandem 5/26/12 at 52. Faxed my "B" paperwork in 5/11/13 with 85 jumps. (Was to cold for water training before that) Just starting to get competent at understanding what the experienced jumpers are explaining so I can learn more about this sport and looking forward to many more jumps.
"You don't get many warnings in this sport before you get damaged"

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