
Tsunami Skydivers, Oceanside ,CA

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After an almost two year access battle, the Oceanside City Council agreed last night in a closed session hearing to grant Tsunami Skydivers Inc. a lease ageeement for the Oceanside Municipal Airport.

I think we should be open around the first part of July.

Can I get a him?

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> the Oceanside City Council agreed last night in a closed session hearing to grant Tsunami Skydivers Inc. a lease ageeement for the Oceanside Municipal Airport.

Good work!

I jumped at Oceanside from 1964 until it closed
due to flooding (on Google maps it looks like the
dropzone was just past where the golf course is

It was a wonderful place and a wonderful scene.

I hope you guys can add some good lines to its


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-I have secured a one year lease on a PAC 750.
-I am meeting with the airport management next week to secure our hangar lease.
-It looks like a mid June or very early July opening.
As of now the DZ will be a 200 jump, "C" license minimum requirement.
I am meeting with the Oceanside tourism stakeholders to secure hotel and travel deals for skydivers.
More info to follow in the coming weeks, including ticket prices and events.

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-I have secured a one year lease on a PAC 750.
-I am meeting with the airport management next week to secure our hangar lease.
-It looks like a mid June or very early July opening.
As of now the DZ will be a 200 jump, "C" license minimum requirement.
I am meeting with the Oceanside tourism stakeholders to secure hotel and travel deals for skydivers.
More info to follow in the coming weeks, including ticket prices and events.

What is it about this DZ that makes it a C license DZ?

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-I have secured a one year lease on a PAC 750.
-I am meeting with the airport management next week to secure our hangar lease.
-It looks like a mid June or very early July opening.
As of now the DZ will be a 200 jump, "C" license minimum requirement.
I am meeting with the Oceanside tourism stakeholders to secure hotel and travel deals for skydivers.
More info to follow in the coming weeks, including ticket prices and events.

What is it about this DZ that makes it a C license DZ?

It's a C-size landing area...

SCR-6933 / SCS-3463 / D-5533 / BASE 44 / CCS-37 / 82d Airborne (Ret.)

"The beginning of wisdom is to first call things by their right names."

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>What is it about this DZ that makes it a C license DZ?

It may be the open field or Level 1 field requirements. (intended for demos, but obviously if someone can do the demo they can land in a DZ field of the same size.) From USPA:

1. Open Field and Level 1, as defined by USPA and accepted by the FAA (all of the following):

a. USPA C license or higher

b. minimum 200 jumps

c. 50 jumps within the past 12 months

d. five jumps within the previous 60 days using the same model and size canopy

e. for tandem jumps, the above requirements do not apply to the tandem student

Open field:

1. A minimum-sized area that will accommodate a landing area no less than 500,000 square feet
2. Allows a jumper to drift over the spectators with sufficient altitude (250 feet) so as not to create a hazard to persons or property on the ground
3. Will accommodate landing no closer than 100 feet from the spectators

Level 1:

1. An area that will accommodate a landing area no smaller than at least 250,000 square feet up to 500,000 square feet
2. Or an area with the sum total that equals 250,000 square feet, up to 500,000 square feet) with a one-sided linear crowd line
3. Allows jumpers to drift over the spectators with sufficient altitude (250 feet) so as not to create a hazard to persons or property on the ground
4. Will accommodate landing no closer than 50 feet from the spectators
5. Many Open-Field athletic areas constitute a Level 1 area.

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The citizens in Oceanside sued the city to close the airport about 10 years ago. Without getting into the entire history of the FAA and city vs. a group of citizens, just know that the airport became an albatross around the city of Oceanside's neck, because they let it.
Whe I approached the city TWO years ago to conduct skydiving there, it was met with some very serious resistance.
After umpteen meetings with council members, city staffers, the city attorney, risk management, phone calls back and forth with the FAA Airport Compliance Division, endless guidance from USPA's Randy Ottinger and finally a giant legal bill from a tremendous land use attorney that crushed the city at their own game, I was finally awarded a city business license.B|
A private company manages the airport for the city. In our discussions regarding a lease, we both agree that it is better to start out slow, with more experienced jumpers, to ensure a long term relationship with the city.
The landing area is about 30 acres, it's huge, with not a lot of good outs for beginners surrounding it, as this truly will be skydiving in almost a downtown setting. (The LZ is just over 9 football fields, including end zones long and 2 football fields wide)
The airport is a mile and a half from the pier and harbor. The views in freefall will be stunning.

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Oceanside Municipal Airport
480 Airport Rd.
Oceanside, CA

PAC 750 to 13,000ft.
Landing at the airport (15 acre LZ)
C and D license holders only.
No wing suits, no low passes, no turns over 90 degrees.

I'll have all of the info up soon at www.tsunamiskydivers.com

Please remember as you read these rules, this has been a two year and four month access fight.

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