
Good For Her

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Another nice story.

Are you following Kim Knorr and her goal to hit 1,000 jumps and get her Gold Wings? She started jumping in 1959 and won gold in 4-way at the World Championships in 1962. Stopped jumping and restarted in 2003. She's traveling the country in her van making tandem jumps.

She was at our DZ earlier this year. Last I heard she was over 700 jumps. Amazing spry and energetic for 85-years old.

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2 hours ago, billeisele said:

Another nice story.

Are you following Kim Knorr and her goal to hit 1,000 jumps and get her Gold Wings? She started jumping in 1959 and won gold in 4-way at the World Championships in 1962. Stopped jumping and restarted in 2003. She's traveling the country in her van making tandem jumps.

She was at our DZ earlier this year. Last I heard she was over 700 jumps. Amazing spry and energetic for 85-years old.

Hi Bill,

I cannot say that I am 'following her.'  I have heard about her quest.

She goes back before me & did a lot in her day.

However, I question the concept of awarding Gold Wings when one is a passenger.  Would you support the Gold Wings award if someone made 1,000 rides up front ONLY?

Jerry Baumchen

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1 hour ago, JerryBaumchen said:

...However, I question the concept of awarding Gold Wings when one is a passenger.  Would you support the Gold Wings award if someone made 1,000 rides up front ONLY?

Jerry Baumchen

I believe there is a D-license requirement for Gold Wings (and also for other 'accomplishment' awards)

I'm not trying to debate if that is a good thing or not, just that it's part of the requirements.

If Kim is doing these jumps as tandems because she doesn't feel safe at her age, yet still holds a D, I don't have an issue with it.

I can see some folks 'splitting hairs' and saying that since she hasn't made a solo jump in a while, she doesn't have a current D, but I would argue that with her history and her place in the sport, she should get a pass on it.

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On 9/8/2024 at 1:39 PM, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Bill,

I cannot say that I am 'following her.'  I have heard about her quest.

She goes back before me & did a lot in her day.

However, I question the concept of awarding Gold Wings when one is a passenger.  Would you support the Gold Wings award if someone made 1,000 rides up front ONLY?

Jerry Baumchen

Hadn't thought about it. Agree with what is said above.

Looked up the award. It requires one to be a USPA member, have a C or D license and the jumps. There's no definition of how the jumps are done. She would also have the freefall time for the 12-hour award.

To your question, if one only had front rides they most likely wouldn't have the qualifications for a license and wouldn't meet the award criteria. But, if one really wanted it, it seems that they could do the formation skydives and accuracy requirements.  Fifty formation jumps, 10 with 4 or more people. Landing within 7' of a target on 100 jumps. I'd be OK if the award was given, it's not that big of a deal.

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