
Looking for Tips on the Best Techniques for Novice Skydivers

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Hello Everyone ^_^,

I recently finished my first few jumps as part of my AFF course, and I'm new to skydiving in this community. I'm looking for some guidance on a few important topics from seasoned skydivers as I get ready to step up my training and eventually start using more sophisticated tactics.

Equipment Maintenance: How should you maintain and check your equipment? I want to make sure that my equipment is kept in optimal shape and that I'm checking it on a regular basis to ward off any possible problems.

Safety Advice: Are there any particular safety procedures or routines that you believe are essential, particularly for a novice? Exist any typical errors I should be mindful of and steer clear of?

Instructional Materials: What other training materials or courses, in addition to the AFF course, would you suggest? Which teachers or courses in particular have you found to be very helpful?

Skydiving Community: What are some ways for me to get more active in the community? To get more experience and meet new people in the sport, I'd love to get in touch with other local jumpers and take part in power apps competitions or group jumps.

Thank you :thumbup: in advance.

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