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1. 69 jumps
2. 0 mals.

It's the day after Thanksgiving. I'm actually at work. Been here 1/2 hour and bored out of my skull. Totals so far are the following as of mrwrong's post #53.

1. 95728 jumps
2. 163 malfunctions (didn't count intentionals)
3. 1:587 ratio for 46 jumpers including my contribution of 63.

College Statistics flashback.... It's important to note that although these are real numbers, it may not be truly representative of the skydiving community because it's not a truly random sample. Average number of jumps is 2081 so it shows there's a tendency for those with higher jump numbers to answer. Only 5 are sub-100 jump wonders.

Absolutely, I definitely will be sure to include that.Thanks for the tip Andy

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Improperly handled line twists on jump #70. Borrowed gear with riser connectors, 3 full twists, released brakes before kicking out of twists, made a mess of the steering lines, seemed marginally controllable but was not comfortable with it because of jump #'s. No AAD, no RSL. Thought I'd get a good chewing out (did get just a little) but mostly was congratulated for maintaining cool and saving myself.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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1. 4000+
2. 4
3. Total at 150 jumps (Unfamaliar with the gear) Packing error (step through) at 250 jumps. Blew up main at 1400 jumps (line dump/bag strip) and lineover on tandem at 2400 jumps. 3 cutaways.
2 wrongs don't make a right - but 3 lefts do.

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Mostly old Para-plane ropes and rings plus Unit# 26
15 on tandems I didnt pack None on Rags {150} None on my Delta-11 {120} ! on PC's {1500}
longest time and # between cutaways 4968 and 19 years and 8 months Less the tandems
I cant count the times I swore at my Unit to open"It's to windy to land my 26 Lo-Po, it usually worked

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1. 2100
2. 6 cutaways, 4 totals :$
3. Cutaways were spinners of various kinds. Nearly all steering-line related. I don't remember some of the early ones (they were 25+ years ago). 2 totals were gear-experimenting related, 1 was a rig geometry thing (couldn't pull the pud) and 1 was a plain old jammed pilot chute.

Wendy P.

There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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1. 600

2. 1

3. line over- brake line pinched the side of my canopy, didnt go all the way over the nose. pitched at 2.8, was spinning pretty well, chop @ 1900. didnt figure out what the mal was til i reviewed the footage.

edit: also landed a step through on a 190 :)

So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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