
What falls closer: freebag or cutaway canopy?

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We are searching in the forest and found the freebag. Should we look for a cutaway canopy closer to where the cut away took place, or further?

In other words, does a cutaway canopy drift further (with the wind) than a freebag?

(He pulled the reserve two seconds after cutaway, just to add).

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The main canopy presents a larger surface area to the wind with less weight in comparison. The free bag has very little surface area and the pilot chute is relative heavy. Look for the main further down wind.

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If some of the cells on the main stayed inflated even for a short time, the main would drift further.

If someone had a eyeball on them as they descended, the main should be on the same line as the freebag.
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Hi skydiverek,


In other words, does a cutaway canopy drift further (with the wind) than a freebag?

Based upon my own droptesting experience, as my attorney son would say, "It depends."

I have had these happen:

1. The reserve pilot chute stays inflated and comes down much slower than the main.

2. The reserve pilot chute stays upside-down & below the free bag and comes down faster than the main.

3. The main stays 'somewhat' inflated and comes down slower than the reserve parts.

4. The mains folds up into a ball, spins, twists and comes down faster than the reserve parts.

Does that answer your question?



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Our best guy at recovering cutaways always marked the spot where the freebag landed, determined the windline and walked straight up and down the windline from that point. Im guessing he had a recovery rate of 96 percent plus (not including baglocks). Hop and pop might help but obviously better the sooner you could do it.

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