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When to Call it Quits

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Hi folks,

It seems to me that none of us really like to admit that we can no longer do something that we have always done quite easily.

Given that, any thoughts on this:  McConnell abruptly stops speaking at press conference : NPR

I can still remember how they would push Strom Thurmond, in his wheel chair, onto the Senate floor so he could have someone push his finger to vote.

And, let us not forget Dianne Feinstein.

Jerry Baumchen

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11 minutes ago, JerryBaumchen said:

Hi Robert,

Interesting.  If he is 'fine' then I have some ocean-front property in AZ for sale.

It will be interesting to see what they say in the next few days.

Jerry Baumchen

If he recovers, then I would suspect a transient ischemic attack.

If he does not recover, then an ordinary stroke.

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