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Failing its most fundamental job

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9 hours ago, billvon said:

Right.  And I don't want either one choosing.

What does that sentence even mean?

The whole rest of your post is arguing for healthcare to be outsourced, so you want healthcare to be provided by Walmart. Not sure why you won’t own that.

9 hours ago, billvon said:

If the most fundamental job for a government is providing healthcare - absolutely. 


You could have a system where the government employs all the doctors but you can choose which one you get. 

Why have you just said two polar opposite things as if they’re both true?

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29 minutes ago, kallend said:




Yet its never discussed in US media. This week the Sackler family won immunity for their personal share of over 500,000 dead Americas, re opioid crisis. At the height of the crisis 100,000 were dying every year. The family is worth $11 billion they agreed to pay $6 billion of which only $750 million will go to families of the victims.

All sounds very corrupt, very American. Well hold on, in some Muslim countries you can pay cash for causing the deaths of others. Then never see any punishment beyond that.

In Putin's Russia life expectancy is dropping like flies after the first frost. No talk about that on Russian TV.

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5 hours ago, JoeWeber said:

Red States and Counties are dying faster. I wonder why?

In Carl Sagan's book The Demon Haunted World he writes about the fall of the soviet empire and the subsequent rise of psuedoscience and quackery, a mistrust of actual science.  The life expectancy took a sharp turn downwards then too.

Saw this online awhile back, haven't fack checked it so take with a grain of salt.


Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 7.58.05 am.png

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4 minutes ago, tonyhays said:

In Carl Sagan's book The Demon Haunted World he writes about the fall of the soviet empire and the subsequent rise of psuedoscience and quackery, a mistrust of actual science.  The life expectancy took a sharp turn downwards then too.

Saw this online awhile back, haven't fack checked it so take with a grain of salt.


Screen Shot 2023-06-03 at 7.58.05 am.png

Interesting that Nye County, Nevada is a stand out area of early death. What might be going on there that causes the old to die early?

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4 hours ago, kallend said:

Right now I’m in Bar Harbor, ME. for a hiking vacation in Acadia NP. That is, until the plonkers in the House GOP ruined it. 

I rode the motorcycle through RMNP over Trail Ridge Road today. I hadn't even thought of the possibilty that might soon not be possible.

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4 hours ago, kallend said:

Right now I’m in Bar Harbor, ME. for a hiking vacation in Acadia NP. That is, until the plonkers in the House GOP ruined it. 

Relax. Bar Harbor Manhatten Style Clam Chowder is the best. Grab a few cans and some extra cans of minced clams and go to your Air B-n-B for a feast.

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13 hours ago, wmw999 said:

He’s out. But it’ll be a real shit show of dick-waving to replace him  

Wendy P. 

No law that says the Democrats can't support him. Especially, it it takes influence from the Lunatic Fringe.

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2 hours ago, ryoder said:

No law that says the Democrats can't support him. Especially, it it takes influence from the Lunatic Fringe.

Hi Robert,

It now seems as though the Dems now have him in their back pocket.  They might consider keeping him if that can work a deal.

One thing about fracture in the governing party is that it gives the non-governing party a lot more clout.

I have never had much time for McCarthy; but:  The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Jerry Baumchen

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