
Russia, a State Sponsor of Terrorism?

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European Parliament declares Russia to be a state sponsor of terrorism 23-11-2022

Russian Agents Suspected of Directing Far-Right Group to Mail Bombs in Spain  "American and European officials believe that Russian military intelligence officers directed associates of a white supremacist militant group based in Russia to carry out a recent letter bomb campaign in Spain whose most prominent targets were the prime minister, the defense minister and foreign diplomats, according to U.S. officials."

Is it time to quit pussy footing around about Putin and Russia? Don't forget Russia is the main suspect in the bombing of the NATO, EU Say Gas Pipeline Leaks Are 'Sabotage' But Stop Short Of Pointing Finger At Russia

Time to treat Russia the same way Hezbollah is treated? The way the IRGC is treated?

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Terror has always been a tactic in warfare.

The difference is that Russia openly uses terror to this day, while Western nations are more subtle in their use of terror. Russians still kill off most of the military age men and sell the remainder into slavery/Siberia, burn all the buildings, rape all the cattle, stampede the women and sell the children into slavery. I would like to know how many live Ukrainian soldiers surrendered in the rubble of Mariupol ... and how many will still be alive to return home after this war??????????

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