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Excuses for the FBI search

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2 hours ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

I called out the Ukraine war, before Putin even announced he was going in.

Um, you joined in May according to your user ID entry. It’s publicly accessible. It’s very easy to predict the past. Much harder to predict the future.

Wendy P. 

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15 minutes ago, olofscience said:

Looks like the loony institution just had a mass breakout...

Its difficult to understand the real parameters as to how nutty some of these theories-tribal identities


19 minutes ago, JoeWeber said:

Is it too soon to predict his future?

Soon, all caps Biden's son did "x", cannibalism, then off to the gun forums and Truth Social.

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3 hours ago, wmw999 said:

The rules of the forum include no jokes about pedophilia. None. There’s a very tight leash on that. They’ve been in place since the formation over 20 years ago. That wasn’t intended as a joke what you posted, but its level of credibility is equivalent.

Does open bigotry fall under personal attacks in the rules? Post 219 has the extremely well-known (and lazy tbh) anti-semitic "echoes" dog-whistle.

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43 minutes ago, mistercwood said:

Does open bigotry fall under personal attacks in the rules? Post 219 has the extremely well-known (and lazy tbh) anti-semitic "echoes" dog-whiste.

I'm afraid I wasn't familiar with that dog whistle, actually. But in looking it up (in Wikipedia, natch), it says that it's when highlighting something that could be considered a Jewish reference. Back when emoticons and usenet were a thing, repeated parentheses really were hugs, so since I remember those days, that's how I read it, albeit sarcastically.

Wendy P.

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1 hour ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

unhinged emotional wrecks

Certainly seeing a few of those around lately.

1 hour ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

The problem with these type of people, is they provide zero real content to the discussion, are grotesquely hypocritical, and only make themselves look like fools

There's so much irony here my compass took off like a helicopter.

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5 hours ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

And here they get to win an all out war in mere months, by sending dodgy officers and old equipment in.

Yup, like the flagship of the Black Sea fleet, they wanted to get rid of that anyway right?:rofl:

And if they were winning, why'd they retreat from the Kyiv region? Don't they have to take that to win? If not, why were they there in the first place?

Edited by olofscience

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2 hours ago, Slim King said:

Back to the billion dollars of payoffs in Hunter’s emails. 

Go on, show us.

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11 minutes ago, jakee said:

Back to the billion dollars of payoffs in Hunter’s emails. 

Go on, show us.

Slim King says he's read the emails.

But he's not going to post what he read here, because that would just prove he's lying.

But what he'll do is, "here, have a dozen more dodgy links and crappy videos instead!"

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6 minutes ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

So they put sitting duck old gear nose to tail, around Kiev, to draw the forces out of the donbass, and to take the Bioweapons laboratories.

But that convoy still got you pretty excited didn't it :rofl:

And yes, the usual 5D chess explanation. Draw forces to Kyiv, leave 1000+ burned russian vehicles and 10,000 russian corpses for an extremely successful "trap". /s


Anyway...is there anything actually new in loony land? You're just repeating the same old stuff.

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22 minutes ago, olofscience said:

And yes, the usual 5D chess explanation. Draw forces to Kyiv, leave 1000+ burned russian vehicles and 10,000 russian corpses for an extremely successful "trap". /s

It still frustrates me so much that we in the west tiptoed our way into the level of military support we’re giving to Ukraine. 20 or so Himars and MLRS plus the same number of drones with as many Hellfires and HARMs as we could ship while that convoy was bogged down and the war today would look very different IMO. It’s a shame that western resolve was only hardened by the atrocities discovered after the convoy retreated to safety. And to go back even further, armoured divisions in Eastern Europe should have been redeployed to Ukraine ‘on exercises’ as soon as Russian forces started massing on the border.

At least the long term the major lesson from this mess is that Putin is bluffing. He’s warned the west of major consequences so many times since rolling into the Donbas it’s lost all meaning. Whatever he tries in future will be opposed  more directly with far less trepidation than has been the case for the last decade.

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6 hours ago, Slim King said:

The main point of that article is that the FBI photo is a deliberate attempt to trick people because the block white redactions were photoshopped in afterwards. Umm, yeah. Duh. Who do you think is stupid enough not to know they did that? Are you claiming that you didn’t realise those big white blocks weren’t the actual covers of the document folders?

And what was the other point? Ah yes, how do we know the FBI agents specifically sent in to look for classified documents had the clearance needed to handle classified documents? How about because they’re not morons? That works for me, what do you think?

Edited by jakee

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2 hours ago, jakee said:

The main point of that article is that the FBI photo is a deliberate attempt to trick people because the block white redactions were photoshopped in afterwards. Umm, yeah. Duh. Who do you think is stupid enough not to know they did that. Are you claiming that you didn’t realise those big white blocks weren’t the actual covers of the document folders?

And what was the other point? Ah yes, how do we know the FBI agents specifically sent in to look for classified documents had they clearance needed to handle classified documents? How about because they’re not morons? That works for me, what do you think?

The Gateway Pundit's banner across the top of the page says "We report the truth - and leave the Russia-Collusion fairy tale to the Conspiracy media"

....so that's what we're dealing with here.  

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8 hours ago, mistercwood said:

Certainly seeing a few of those around lately.

There's so much irony here my compass took off like a helicopter.

That analogy isn't worth much to the trump, MAGA,  QAnon crowd. Because they don't have a moral compass, an intuitive compass, a logic compass and don't know what one looks like.

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25 minutes ago, Slim King said:

The US Congress spent $40,000,000.00 on the FBI investigation into Russian Collusion. Did you read the report or are you in total denial???? rotflmao They found NO COLLUSION...... yet the psychological effect  is continuing to work in your mind.

And how much was spent investigating Hillary? BTW, The “no collusion” was in part Barr’s interpretation of the report, which he asked the public originally to trust him on.

Wendy P. 

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40 minutes ago, Slim King said:

The US Congress spent $40,000,000.00 on the FBI investigation into Russian Collusion. Did you read the report or are you in total denial???? rotflmao They found NO COLLUSION...... yet the psychological effect  is continuing to work in your mind.

First off, the only reason I brought up Russia is that it's plastered across the top of the website you posted a link to.  That said, as Wendy pointed out the 'exoneration' the right loves to scream about is greatly exaggerated.  Per Mueller: "If We Had Confidence That the President Did Not Commit a Crime, We Would Have Said So"

Hand-wave that away as you will, likely with a link to some alternate-reality-based site or with a claim that you don't care about the topic that YOU started us down with the link.  

I fear the king won't be so slim with all the troll feeding I've been doing!

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30 minutes ago, Slim King said:

Unfortunately bringing in Clinton isn't very logical as a rebuttal. Mueller didn't spend any time or money investigating her private server containing top secret information hidden in her bathroom. He didn't investigate the Clinton body count or the Haiti Hoax.  He didn't investigate the reporter who broke the case of Bill Clinton meeting on the tarmac with the person who let Hillary off (DOJ) and is now DEAD. Mueller didn't investigate the $250,000.00 of material the Clintons had to return to the White House after they left. 

Exactly. A Trump appointee at the Trump led DoJ did not ask Mueller to investigate those things because there was no credible reason to do so.

A Trump appointee at the Trump led DoJ did ask Mueller to investigate Trump because there was a credible reason to investigate him. 

Thanks for bringing that up, it’s always worth clarifying.

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1 hour ago, wmw999 said:

And how much was spent investigating Hillary? BTW, The “no collusion” was in part Barr’s interpretation of the report, which he asked the public originally to trust him on.

Wendy P. 

Mueller himself said something to the effect of:

"If I had found there had been 'no collusion', I would have said that. There's a reason I didn't say that."


Regarding Hilary Clinton:

43 minutes ago, jakee said:

Exactly. A Trump appointee at the Trump led DoJ did not ask Mueller to investigate those things because there was no credible reason to do so.


Abso-fucking-lutely hilarious that Trump promised to "Lock Her UP!!!!!!", yet with 4 years to sic his own Attorney General on her, he did NOTHING.

Was Trump that incompetent?
Was Barr that incompetent?
Was Hilary innocent of all of Trump's accusations?

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40 minutes ago, Slim King said:

You forget ... I'm not a Republican .. I'm a liberal conservative.. 

You forget we all know you’re a conspiracy theorist Trump cult member.

40 minutes ago, Slim King said:

I don't care who appointed who. I just want honesty. 

Then be honest about the fact that it was Trump’s own administration who decided he needed to be investigated. If there had been any reason to investigate Clinton again they would have done that too. There wasn’t.

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2 hours ago, The Hundredth Monkey said:

It  comes down to perspective, when you provide any sort of dissenting material to a minority cult of narcissists that believe they represent a wider audience... of course they are going to see such dissent ass foolish.

I'm talking about the entire population.

You people are on record supporting genocide, the torture of children, neo fascists, etc etc.

So comparing one to others in such a state, is probably foolish in and of itself.

Is there even  one moderator on this website that has conservative values? Or something close to agnostic or middle ground?

I'd say they were weaned out when Trump was in office, if there were any?

There are plenty of malleable people in skydiving, especially since the advent of social media, before that time however, you can see more interesting conversation on this website, because one was allowed to have their own opinion at that point in time. These malleable people will swing conservative at the drop of a hat...

Make Diesel $1.00 Again, anyone?

It is interesting now though, where all the die hard Democrat fans, are trying to work out how they can distance themselves from he dumpster fire that they themselves created, while the MAGA 2024 train is nor even fueled up to leave the station.

I suggest pre-empting the fashion, and obtaining conservative moderation, because the pendulum always swings back. 

Imagine supporting climate lockdowns and a fuel crisis, when you are a skydiver and science has already rendered the AGW myth as pseudo science and political theatre.

You wouldn't want to be blamed for shutting down your own industry, unnecessarily, at the point when the oil starts pumping again...(MAGA 2024-2028), would you?
Don't say I didn't warn ya....

You stick with your clot shots, your pedo-pete, your crumbling infrastructure and endless wars... and you may not last that long anyways.

I'll stick with honesty, integrity and low resolution persecution, and watch you all destroy yourselves as you try to pretend you never believed any of it, then I'll watch my kids grow up in a world worth living in.

would you


So then, your position is that only your beliefs, unbacked by any facts are correct. And those who don’t believe in them are fools? Seems cool, I’ll get right on board that train and take it down to the end of the line like you are. Maybe. Send me a ticket. 

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On 9/3/2022 at 2:11 PM, lippy said:

Nobody on this forum is demanding a 'safe space' free of uncomfortable speech, but it gets pretty fucking tired when you and your ilk are running a 'flood the zone with shit' play.  Most of us have better things to do than refute the putrid BS you post from the most vile corners of the Net, while you go around baselessly accusing anybody you don't agree with of being a pedo.  

With Kiwi Farms going down, these guys have to go somewhere. 

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