
Old guys at the donut shop

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On 2/25/2022 at 10:46 AM, wmw999 said:

Remember going into donut shops to pick up donuts for the office? Those old guys around the side, sipping their coffee and talking?

That’s us, isn’t it…

Wendy P. 

I thought it was old guys sitting around the potbelly stove at the general store.

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Donut shop, General store, McD's, the good old "Barber Shop".

At the shooting range I'm part of, we have what I call the "ROD Club". Retired Old Dudes. They'd come down, shoot the guns a bit, drink coffee & shoot the breeze a lot more.

The main difference here is that it's a lot less homogenous. 
We have people of different backgrounds, different occupations, different educational levels, different political alignments*.

That gives a much wider spectrum of views and opinions than you'd see at the donut shop.

I find it both entertaining and educational.


* - Many of the hardcore conservatives have disappeared since Trump rose to prominence. I don't know if its embarrassment at supporting that idiot, the relentless attacks on Trump his idiocy or simply an unwillingness to engage in honest debate with those who oppose it. 
In any case, I see the loss of differing views as a minus, not a plus. 
I don't agree with everyone on here, but I do like to see viewpoints other than my own.

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4 hours ago, wolfriverjoe said:

Donut shop, General store, McD's, the good old "Barber Shop".

At the shooting range I'm part of, we have what I call the "ROD Club". Retired Old Dudes. They'd come down, shoot the guns a bit, drink coffee & shoot the breeze a lot more.

The main difference here is that it's a lot less homogenous. 
We have people of different backgrounds, different occupations, different educational levels, different political alignments*.

That gives a much wider spectrum of views and opinions than you'd see at the donut shop.

I find it both entertaining and educational.


* - Many of the hardcore conservatives have disappeared since Trump rose to prominence. I don't know if its embarrassment at supporting that idiot, the relentless attacks on Trump his idiocy or simply an unwillingness to engage in honest debate with those who oppose it. 
In any case, I see the loss of differing views as a minus, not a plus. 
I don't agree with everyone on here, but I do like to see viewpoints other than my own.

I’m still hanging in.  I’m a conservative leaning libertarian, and Trump is still an idiot.

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