
How many Dropzones still have a DC3?

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Have? or have one that's still flying? ;)

In the latter category: Skydive Arizona.

"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Have? or have one that's still flying? ;)

In the latter category: Skydive Arizona.

I was lucky enough to jump out of that DC-3 when I visited Skydive Arizona in this spring. Never saw so many skydivers packed into one plane. Wow...

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someone asked me the other day and I didn't have an answer....where is Mr. Douglas?

Anybody know?

Mr Douglas is sitting on the tarmac at tullahoma. It's sad to see it sitting there rotting away. I.have a number of jumps from it. I was on the last load of jumpers it ever flew.:|
i have on occasion been accused of pulling low . My response. Naw I wasn't low I'm just such a big guy I look closer than I really am .

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>Mr Douglas is sitting on the tarmac at tullahoma.

That's a bummer - sorry to hear that. We have two or three here in So Cal that used to fly occasionally but I'm not sure they do anymore. At Elsinore and at Hemet Airports. I'm sure it's expensive as hell to keep them airworthy and also the cost of operating them.

To the OP -- here's one that is putting out jumpers on a regular basis.


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Sorry, I don't do Facebook so couldn't follow the link.

But while you're here....

Best of luck with your next adventure! I've heard nothing but good things about your jump operation at Oceanside so I'm sure you'll do well.

Thanks. It's back to running exotic boogies and helping some folks get drop zones opened around the globe. It's been nice to watch football all day on a sunday. B|

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I would find it hard to beleive that Basler would spend time and money to get it flying,,,they would take it apart and truck it home. They basically strip down to zero and redo it,,,,impressive final product,wish their was a jumping version out there...
smile, be nice, enjoy life
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***Have? or have one that's still flying? ;)

In the latter category: Skydive Arizona.

I was lucky enough to jump out of that DC-3 when I visited Skydive Arizona in this spring. Never saw so many skydivers packed into one plane. Wow...

I jumped it nearly 10 years ago. Did it still take 30 min to get to altitude?

Everyone, does it really climb that slow (full) or was that likely deliberate at the time since there were two tailing Otters? Even the old engines say it climbs 1100 ft/min, which is not slow for a jump plane (unless that was empty and is 400-500 when full).

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I would find it hard to beleive that Basler would spend time and money to get it flying,,,they would take it apart and truck it home. They basically strip down to zero and redo it,,,,impressive final product,wish their was a jumping version out there...

There is one available. The price must be pretty steep though...
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I'll have to time it the next time I jump it, and since it usually makes an appearance during the fall/winter boogie season that should be sometime fairly soon; but from the several times I've taken that ride so far it doesn't seem to take any longer than the Skyvan to climb to 13k - just a lot more comfortable of a ride!

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