
bit by the bug noob

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So after 55 minutes of tunnel time, it became my therapeutic release, I finally got the chance to tandem today loved it so much I squeezed in another one before sunset, I would like to get my aff soon. I travel for a living and I can only dream of the dz's I may get to jump. My biggest hurdle is time off (most times I get 2.5-3 days here at home that are often consumed by military duty and seeing family), I've got a window open next week march 7-9 but funding will be limited during that window of availability. My next guaranteed window is in December way to close to Christmas. Is there any chance anyone on here might be willing to sponsor/loan this to me in the form of gift certificates? And I repaying over the next8-12weeks plus a reasonable %/ or paying for jumps.
Damn medics!

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Make sure he sends your enlargement pills while your at it, was just giving it a shot and would gladly do a contract on it

The real problem is:

a) there have been many people try to ask for money to do aff etc and while we are generally a very helpful community, most skydivers are broke, and we all rather use the money we have left, when we're not broke, to either found our own jumps, buy our own gear or help our own actual real friends that might have got hurt, need money etc. While some of these might be flat out scams, some others may not, but still it's kind of a big-bad-world out there.

b) even if you find someone willing to do it with a "contract", personally I'd think that the reward VS risk of helping "random nice guy on the internet" would make the interest rate huge, as in for me to even think of giving away my money like that, the return would be much more of what I'd get otherwise, to make it appealing to me.
So the hypothetical interest rate would be much higher than you'd otherwise get from an established institution giving you a short term loan, i.e. a bank, even without going the credit card route.

But most important:

c) Jumping season is about to start. Need all the extra money to jump.

Now I don't need to sound selfish, but that's just how the reality it is for most of us and I'm sure you'll understand.

That being said, good luck if you somehow find the founds for your AFF, it's totally worth it!

Consider, that, if you have the money, you could go through AFF in two days, potentially and if everything goes right, so if you have some time around xmas and you can go somewhere west (California, Arizona) with big DZ and a little luck, you might be able to pull that off.
Not guaranteed but not unheard of either.
I'm standing on the edge
With a vision in my head
My body screams release me
My dreams they must be fed... You're in flight.

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Im with tred. The 55 min. in the tunnel @approx. 245 bucks for 15 min @55 mins. and a tandem @ 200 hundo, is lil over a grand. That would have done your level 1-4. Get creative. Talk to the DZO/DZM. Before I was experienced enough to be an organizer(LO slot is comped) I would train tandems on a busy saturday and get 5 jumps on my books and turn around and jump on sunday, or I would ride the tractor with a hedge hog attachment and plow the weeds/grass in the landing area and get jumps that way. Ask the DZO/DZM if you can harness up tandems for a discounted price, or wash the plane at the end of the day for a discount, see where I am going with this. How bad do you want it, if you are legit.
And Dio has a valid point too.

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Im with tred. The 55 min. in the tunnel @approx. 245 bucks for 15 min @55 mins. and a tandem @ 200 hundo, is lil over a grand. That would have done your level 1-4. Get creative. Talk to the DZO/DZM. Before I was experienced enough to be an organizer(LO slot is comped) I would train tandems on a busy saturday and get 5 jumps on my books and turn around and jump on sunday, or I would ride the tractor with a hedge hog attachment and plow the weeds/grass in the landing area and get jumps that way. Ask the DZO/DZM if you can harness up tandems for a discounted price, or wash the plane at the end of the day for a discount, see where I am going with this. How bad do you want it, if you are legit.
And Dio has a valid point too.

have no way to figure out where the OP is located so using the prices above the tunnel time cost $898 and 2ea tandems at 200 per. so far you have put $1298 bucks into your qwest.

i used some numbers i found on the web breaking down the static line program by the jump (see attached .jpg file). for jumps 14-25 i figured 85 for jump ticket and gear rental.

the amount you have laid out would have got you to from first jump course through jump 12 and well over have way through the journey with $1047 yet to spend.

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So, there is another option. It might not fit in with your life, but who knows? It might.

Very occasionally, I have known broke-but-driven people to be taken on by kind dropzones as packers. Not often, but I can think of a few - people who have been taught to pack and put on as part-time packers and in return, worked their way through AFF.

This depends on having a compatible lifestyle, good timing (luck!) and a helpful DZO. But it's a thing.

[edit: this seems like it doesn't help, since you still don't get to do AFF right now. But the value of being part of the furniture at a DZ, especially as a new skydiver, cannot be overstated.]
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I want it bad lol, most of my tunnel time was standby when I had layovers in SF Bay $5.5x25 min . home base is in Atlanta GA. I plan on talking to the dzo today and seeing if he has any ideas/need for assistance. I'm also going to see what I can do to prepay for aff $100-$200 a week until I have enough banked to push through and I'll work on getting a few days off here
Damn medics!

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Good deal. Its there in front of you go get it. Just a thought from one of your latest post about building money weekly at the DZ on your account until you have a big chunk,not needed. I became unemployed on my level 5 for 3 months. You only need to make 1 skydive every 30 days to remain current. So I only had to come up with 150 bucks a month to make my 1 jump and stay current, and even unemployed(unenjoyment benefits) combined with side work at the DZ I was able to almost finish my AFF( got back to work at jump 20). As you get further along(solos/coach jumps) they get cheaper.Keep this in mind, dont look at the whole pizza, look at one piece.

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